Chapter 16 ( “A war to never forget”)

Sylvester Clifford- C'mon

-they walk near to go to the girls-

Don Luciano- Bella's how was the trainings? (Bella means beautiful in Spanish)

Phoebe- sigue siendo el mismo, como esperamos (translation: remains the same, as we expect)

Troy- Ahhh… are they speaking another language?

Norman Klein- Spanish, Ellos hablan español

Troy- uhh whaa-

Don Luciano- uhh I see…

Victoria- (in Italian) ma abbiamo un problema, Niko Torricelli non si fermerà se non gli diamo la guerra che vuole (translation: but we have a problem, Niko Torricelli won't stop if we don't give him the war he wants)

Don Luciano- (in Italian) questo bastardo, se è questo che vuole allora. gli daremo la guerra che vuole (translation: this bastard, if that's what he wants then. we will give him the war he wants)

Victoria- (in Italian) ecco perché, tutti i nostri uomini si stanno preparando per questo. faremo una grande guerra questa volta (translation: that's why, all our men are preparing for it. we're going to have a big war this time)

-Don Luciano grunt with fist-

Sylvester Clifford- father… what's wrong? Why are you mad

Don Luciano- Niko Torricelli is planning to have a war with us…

Declan Romanov- He really not gonna stop this time, he can't accept their defeat last fight we had with them

Elijah- who is Niko Torricelli? If you don't mind me asking. And what war?!

Mallory Barclay- Our long time enemy… and this war means everything " A War to never forget"

Mary Li- We've never fight with a Mafian people before

Seraphina Clifford- Were not gonna let you all involve in our war. I guess you guys need to leave before we have a war cause this definitely gonna be a bloody war

Leone- We can help with you if you guys want, we've fight our enemies before

Victoria- Sorry to interrupt your chats , but Dad me and the girls need to leave New York we have to seperate I have to go back to Sicily Italy

Troy- Go back? To Sicily Italy? I heard that Sicily is the most dangerous crime city in Italy, Sicily's associations with crime taint their preconceptions of the island Shrouded by secrecy, protected by blood-oaths, murders and bribery, the Mafia.

Victoria- Were a mobster you know (mobster- a member of a group of violent criminals; a gangster.)

Sylvester Clifford- Were on it , we're coming back with you-

Victoria- no need dad , we can handle this I can handle this!!

Don Luciano- You really are my Granddaughter

Darcy- Vic!! Laia called she said our shipments with the Egyptian didn't arrived

Victoria- What!! Niko probably attack our shipments… dad ,uncles ,aunts ,Baba (Don Luciano) we really need to leave

Liam- Why don't we go with you… Elijah will come with Maureen , Troy with Phoebe , Jacob with Naomi , Andrew with Darcy , Me and You. Then the rest will stay together in case something is off

Andrew- Wait what!?

Leone- I'll stay with Selena…

-everyone looks at him-

Leone- w-with the family of course in case they need me

Victoria- We don't need anyone , I don't need anyone

Don Luciano- Coco (Coco is Don Luciano's nickname for Victoria) , I know your not gonna like this but I kinda agree with this man the more the merrier. Maybe you all can do this with partners , the more you guys strong the more you guys will succeed

Seraphina Clifford- Remember the •Code• Vic (the code of being an heir of a Mafian's , they all have that just only for their family a Secret Code)

Victoria- Fine!! But let me tell you all this , if something happens to them it's not gonna be MY fault. You all chose this you all agreed, and you all know the consequences and if something happens don't blame me for this sh*t

-Victoria left , and the girls just leave with Victoria-

Oliver Wang- Well I guess this settled , just take care of each other's , called us if you need something we're gonna prepared. Update us on what's going on with you while you guys are away

Jacob- Sure will do…

-The boys left to go after the girls-

Vilma Wan- Let's hope we don't regret this decision

-the next day-

Leone- Selena , are you coming with us to go back in Beijing? Or you're gonna stay here with you father?

Steven Lung- Were coming back to Beijing , I want to make sure that Selena is going to be fine

Sylvester Clifford- Well I guess we'll see you next time… until we meet again Steven Lung & Nessa

Leone's perspective (Nessa?)

Selena- Nessa is my real name *whisper*

Steven Lung- until we meet again Sylvester, until next time fam… called me if you need help with "our" enemies outside the country

Marcellus Barclay- Will do

Selena- Thank you so much , and nice meeting you Sir ,Ma'am!!

-And they left New York , and went back to Beijing together-

-Meanwhile in Darcy's private plane-

Andrew- So where are we going? You didn't tell me before we left New York

Darcy- Were going to Brasilia Brazil 🇧🇷

Andrew- Wanna tell me what we're going to do in there

Darcy- Didn't you wanna come with us right? Wellprepare yourself because after we land in My country it's time to face everything!!

Andrew- (gulp) I'll do it , it's not that I haven't face something worst in my life

-On the second hand, in Maureen's Private plane-

-Maureen on a phone call-

Elijah- So this is what we suppose to be doing , this is what I like

-Maureen end the call-

Maureen- Heyy you… We still have 7Hours and 10 minutes before we land to Paris. Before we take off the plane , wear this

-Maureen handed him this black Bullet proof vest-

Elijah- Why do I need Bullet proof vest?

Maureen- Were gonna have to be in a position to our target , I'm sure their gonna surrounding the Building

Elijah's perspective (building? What building)

Maureen- Can you fire a Sniper?

Elijah- I can use it , any kind of guns I'm use to it. We even fight some people in Beijing before

Maureen- Great , I'll give you the Barrett M82 to kill our target

Elijah's perspective (f*ck , the loudest and dangerous sniper all over the world)

-meanwhile in Naomi's private plane-

Naomi- this gun is the one you're gonna use

-Naomi handed the gun to Jacob-

Jacob- this gun is a Magnum Research Desert Eagle , 50 Action Express

Naomi- Yes , it is this is just a back up back up handgun , thats not the one you're going to use

-Naomi handed another Gun to Jacob-

Naomi- This one is you're going to use

Jacob- Oh sh*t this is AK-47 , huh this is gonna be fun

Naomi- don't get too excited , we're gonna attack the biggest casino in Mexico , a Mafian and very trained people!!

-meanwhile again in Phoebe's private plane-

Troy- so tell me Ms. Phoebe Levingstone, where we going and what's this plan of yours?

Phoebe- shut the f*ck up

Troy- oh c'mon tell me atleast where we going and what are you doing?

-Phoebe looks Troy with a death stare and stop what's her doing-

Phoebe- Fine , wanna know where and what I'm going to do? Where going to Madrid Spain and what am I doing? I'm doing this To hack their devices so if we go in , their they won't know . I'm breaking their computer systems of all the places and I'm gonna destroy their important informations so they can't have any more proofs.

Troy's perspective (oh I forgot that she's the hacker of their group)

Troy- I can help you , I've learned something when I was in California

Phoebe's perspective ( hmm.. not bad he's useful at all)

Phoebe - help me with this

-Phoebe shows the computer to Troy-

Troy- I know this , this is the Operation Shady RAT

Phoebe- great I want you work that until we arrived in our destination

-next to , Victoria's private jet-

-Victoria on the phone talking to her people's in Sicily-

Victoria- F*ck!!! We're on our way , just keep them busy and prepare our stocks don't let them destroy our shipments were gonna do something with that after I land in Sicily

-Victoria hang up the phone, then Victoria calls Naomi-

Victoria- (in Spanish) Naomi prepara todas nuestras armas, elige todas las armas poderosas. Una vez que termine aquí en Sicilia, volveré a Rusia. Sé que Nico va a tener una guerra ahí (translation: Naomi prepare all our weapons, choose all powerful weapons. Once I finish here in Sicily, I will go back to Russia. I know Niko is going to have a war there)

Naomi- *on the phone* Seguro que lo haré (translation: sure I will)

-Victoria hangs up the phone-

Victoria- once we land in Sicily , I want you to go with me , we're gonna fight every single one in Niko's mens

Narrator- Victoria has a serious, cold, deadliest fierceexpression every time she talk so imagine she's not that type of person who's normal

Liam- Been a long time since I fight someone , this time is probably the right moment to move my body

Narrator- and Liam has a serious face every time just pretend that he's like a tiger when he's hungry and looking for someone to eat!!

Victoria- I'm just gonna warn you , this people they all well trained they know what their doing , every move they have. You have to be quicker and smarter than them…. All of us Mafian went to an Academy to be trained to be fully Mobsters. You need to be aware of them!!

Liam- I will. Tell me about this Niko Torricelli the enemy of your families

Victoria- Niko Torricelli they were once our ally . When we have a war 20 years ago with the Chiu clan , Niko's mother died of the hand of Chiu he's mother was assassinated by Chiu. Then Niko and he's father can't accept the death of Leah Torricelli. Then he's father Gregory Torricelli was furious and blame our family and it turn out they curse and betray us. Then 3 years ago we had a war with the Torricelli people , once again we defeat them my dad killed Gregory Torricelli infront of Niko , and that was the time when Niko become more angry to us and starting targeting every single of us… until now he's not stoping until he killed the Clifford Clan, then he announce that we're gonna have a war , A War to never Forget

Liam- Being part of a Mafia is a challenge in your whole life , if their scared to loose one of their love then why did they become part of it??!

Victoria- My grandfather and Niko's grandfather was once had an angreement My grandfather is the first Mafia man he's the Don , leader of the mafia gang he ruled any countries. Then Niko's Grandfather came to my Grandfather and beg to be part of the Mafia , my grandfather trained him to be he's Associate (Associate is a member of a criminal organization or crime family who often works in their rackets or carries out jobs, illegal in nature, for the Boss or other members.) but with a condition , my grandfather's condition was Old Torricelli's son which is Gregory will replace him once he died and he can't refuse to it or my grandfather will kill he's family. Then Niko's grandfather agreed to it….

Liam- It's not you're bloodlines fault , they know that they have an agreement with the Don Luciano…

Victoria- well it's doesn't matter anymore, Niko's anger is killing him.

-meanwhile back in Beijing-

Selena- Sir Leone, do you think that this is gonna be a good moment to be happy?

Leone- I don't know , who knows what's gonna happen in the future. Let's just hope nothing will happen

Selena- Are you worried? Are you scared to die?

Leone- never been scared , I'm all prepared for death. I'm more afraid is to loose my family you know family first

Selena- You're right…