Chapter 17 (The attack from Italy)

-Meanwhile in Sicily Italy-

Victoria- Is everyone ready?

Victoria's men's- Yes boss , I send more people around the place where Niko's at

Victoria- Great , now I want you all to be aware of this this is not gonna be a normal fight!!

Victoria's Men's- yes Falcon

Victoria- Are you ready?

Liam- Never been ready my whole life

-Victoria reach her phone and called the Fatal Pack-

Victoria- Maureen is your people ready?

Maureen- *on the phone* yes we are , we're on a position all the snipers are ready And on guard

Victoria- Phoebe did you deundevices their cctv around the places?

Phoebe- *on the phone* yes I did , so it's good now you guys can go wherever you want in that place

Victoria- great. Naomi did you prepare the guns in case something happens

Naomi- *on the phone* yes everything is ready

Victoria- Darcy-

Darcy-*on the phone* yes Falcon I'm on it , we're going to attack Niko's drug shipment in Brazil

Victoria- *sigh* (in Italian) occuparsi ragazze (translation: take care girls)

-Victoria hangs up the phone-

Victoria- We're leaving , know you're places be SMARTER than them don't be a fool!!

-Liam handed this bracelet to Victoria-

Narrator- this bracelet is a black and gold color and in the middle of the bracelet there's a two head dragons and a Moon. Around the bracelet there's a mix letters

Victoria- what's this for?

Liam- My great grandmother give this to my mother then my mother gave this to me , she said this is a lucky bracelet

Victoria- Why don't you use it, it's your great grandmother's heritage

Liam's perspective (Because you're Special to me and…)

*Liam Cough*

Liam- just take it

-Liam left and went to the car-

-Meanwhile in Catania ancient port city in Sicily-

Victoria- Now where are they *with a low voice*

-Victoria's eyes are looking around and wondering-

-then suddenly a guys jump out of nowhere-

Victoria- everyone in position

-Victoria and Liam and the others starting to fight the peoples, and the others are firing guns *bam* *fire guns*-

Victoria- where is Niko Torricelli!!

-Victoria while her arm is crossed around the guys arms-

Niko's Men- I'm not going to tell you!!!!

-Then *boom still fighting*-

-The people who jumps out of nowhere was knock down by them-

Victoria- They want to play a games huh… fine I'll give them the game they want

-Victoria walks fast towards the entrance and Liam and the others follow her-

Victoria- Niko!!!! *Victoria scream* Get your f*cking ass out here… I want you to be my opponent not you're f*cking stupid men's!!!!

Victoria- FACE ME…!!!!!! You coward!!!

-Suddenly more peoples keep appearing, then Victoria starting to fight them-

Niko- *claps his hands* well well well what do we have here Falcon (Niko with a smirk)

-Victoria looks up where Niko's at-

Victoria- Scared to fight me? Why don't you go down so we can discussed this better!!

Niko- Oh I will (Niko with a change expression to angry)

-Meanwhile in the hallways of the Catania Ancient port -

Liam- D*mn it! Where did Victoria go!

-Then Liam and the other people fights Niko's people-

Victoria- We all know why I went back to Sicily!!

Niko- because I destroy and attack your shipments to the Egyptian

Victoria- why don't we end this right now!!

-Niko suddenly starting to attack Victoria to have a fight-

Victoria- you could have do better than that, Torricelli!! (Victoria with an annoying face)

-Niko grunt , and tried to attack Victoria again and still loose-


-while Niko is on the ground-


-Niko suddenly gets up-

Niko- Don't you dare say my father's name

-Niko punch Victoria-

Victoria- Why, don't you wanna hear your father's name because your only gonna remember the day you guys were defeat by US!!

Niko- You b*tch…

-Their fighting again and again-

-then Liam appeared on the left and at the same time with Niko's assistant on the right a Girl-

Niko- oh you bought a partner HAHAHAHA

Victoria- Why you're scared? are you the only one who has the right to have a partner…

Niko- Victoria's mine

Huan- and he's mine!

Liam- tssk…Boss to boss , partner to partner. Let's start the fight

-while their slowly moving and circling around in the middle of the Catania ancient port-

Victoria- *whisper* She likes to target Solar Plexus strike to knock down her opponent so be aware of it

Narrator- solar plexus strike is a solar plexus or celiac plexus is nerve bundle , When hit by sufficient force (a punch), causes the nerves to fire [activate], sending impulses to nearby organs.

Liam- *whisper* are you worried that I would knock down by her?

Victoria- *whisper* shut the h*ll up, if you got knock down I have to worry bout you and if I have to fight the two of them I'm still gonna have to keep you safe or you'll be dead

Liam- *whisper* alright, now I know what I'm going to do (Liam with a smirk)

Victoria- Huan really can't leave you huh… how many times you two having sex


Huan- you have a problem with my name!?

Liam- yes I do , it doesn't suit you. Huan means happiness , your the opposite one your the unhappiness HAHAHAHA

-Huan is piss off and attack Liam , and that's the start of their fight-

-Meanhwile in Paris , Eiffel Tower-

Maureen- There he is (while looking at her scope

Elijah's perspective ( what kind of life I'm in right now, seriously we're up in Eiffel Tower!)

Elijah- care to tell me what we doing up here in the Eiffel Tower? We're literally 1,063 feet high

Maureen- it's easy to see our target from that building

Elijah- But we can jus-

Maureen- Look on your sniper , here they are we need to shoot

Elijah- fine whatever

-meanwhile in Brasilia Brazil-

Darcy- you know what you guys gonna do next

Darcy's people- Yes Raven

Darcy- Were gonna take those shipments and we're gonna burn them…

Andrew- This is gonna be lit

-Darcy silently walking behind the guards, and Darcy suddenly-

*crack* thud the body

Andrew- what the… you just twist hes neck

Darcy- don't ask too much questions , do whatever you want we have to do this quickly

-Back in Catania Ancient Port-

Victoria- Huh… getting my strategies I see…

-While Victoria's left arm is around Huan's neck and Victoria's right arm is lock by her left arm and Huan is choking-

Niko- I'm still getting use to it…

-while Niko is pointing a gun at Liam's heart and Liam is just natural expression-

Niko- Let her go!

Victoria- why should I (Victoria smile)

Niko- If you didn't let her go , I'm going to pull this trigger and put this bullet inside his heart

Victoria- who you scaring Torricelli (Victoria raise her eyebrows)

-Huan is choking to death-

Niko- (with angry expression) let her go now!! (He screams)

-then suddenly Liam snatch the gun quickly and point it on Niko's Head -

-Victoria laugh-

Victoria- I told you… he's not useless as your assistant (She wink)

Victoria- time to kill this wh*re

-Victoria tighten more his arms around Huan's neck , and Huan is turning into white-

Liam- *low voice* I know you're straight forward but we can use her against him

Victoria- I don't give a f*ck about them

Liam- *with low voice* just think about it , I know you don't like the idea and want to kill her right here right now but look the way he cared about her

Victoria- Fine but I ain't gonna promise that I won't torture her to death

Victoria- well I guess I'm gonna take her with me!! (Victoria with an annoying face)

-Victoria and Liam left with Huan and she passed out-

-Niko scream so loud- AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!

Niko's Perspective (this is not the end Falcon, wait until the War begins!)

-the next day in Victoria's villa-

Liam- so where did you put the hostage?

Victoria- in the dungeon, I'm gonna deal with her later

-Liam suddenly notice a bandage on Victoria's left chest -

Liam- Were you shot?

Victoria- it's fine , I've been shot many times no need to worry

*knock knock*

Maid 1- Ms. Victoria, Doctor Kenji said he can't go today to do your wound he said he have an emergency in the Hospital

Victoria- yeah it's fine

Maid 1 - but Ms. Victoria you have to change your bandage and take care of your wound or it will get an infection

Liam- get all the first aid kits and I'll do it

Maid 1- y-yes sir

-Victoria looks at Liam-

Victoria- you don't have to , you know I can do it myself

Liam- Just sit down

-Maid 1 give the first aid kit to Liam-

Liam- come closer

Victoria- why would I follow what you say!!?

Liam's perspective ( you stubborn witch)

-Liam went to come closer to Victoria-

Liam- let me see your wound

Victoria- no!

Liam- I'm gonna count to 3 , 1… 2… 3…

Victoria- Fine , you wanna see my wound alright

-Victoria removed her top-

Liam's perspective (sh*t s-she remove her top clothes)

Victoria- why you being froze out now

Liam- just let me take a look

-Liam is removing the bandage-

Liam's perspective (f*ck this is a deep wound)

-a few minutes later, afte get clean the wound hes about to put the bandage-

-Liam and Victoria suddenly look each other while Liam is rounding the bandage on Victoria-

Narrator- their face is very close to each other 😉

Narrator- and pretend that the point of view is in the middle of the scene of Victoria and Liam while looking at each other and pretend that it is very sweet scene

Liam's perspective (what am I doing? Why am I so close to her)

Victoria's perspective ( our lips is only inches away )

-then suddenly a knock on the door-

Maid 2- Ms. Victoria the food is read-

-Liam and Victoria look at the maid-

Maid 2- oh sorry , I'll just come back later