Chapter 18 (facing the enemy)

-back in Beijing , in Wang's Corporation-

Selena- Sir Leone, I bought you some food that I cook

Leone- Oh thank you, you can just put it on my table

-Selena place the bag of food-

Selena- So how was you're new assistant , Sir Leone? (Selena with a smirk face and wink)

Leone-Psshh, she's as flirt as Yunei

Author- oh I forgot to tell you guys that there's two Yune in this story The Yune is Leone's personal bodyguard and the other Yunei with an i is the girl . I'm sorry if I forgot to put an I on the other chapters

-Selena chuckles-

-Let's all flashback-

Selena- Sir I want to talk to you about something…

Leone- what is it?

Selena- as you know that I already found my real father and he's a retired person , I kinda thought about it to l-leave the Wang's Company, but don't get me wrong Sir I love working in the Wang's Corporation it's just…. I want to spend more time and take care of my Father, you know I can't do that while I'm working in Wang's Corporation. I wanna know him more

Leone- I understand

Selena- But don't worry Sir , I'm still going to visit the Company and I will bring you food (Selena wink on Leone)

-Leone looks at Selena, and they look at each other-

Leone- your such a happy and positive girl

Selena- S-si-sir?

-Leone reach Selena's lips and kiss it-

Selena's perspective (oh my gosh… what is happening) while Selena is shock

Leone- (chuckle) you should control yourself, your blushing too much

-Leone left the balcony-

Selena- What!? (Selena with a shock reaction) I am -am I blushing (Selena Tap her face)

-back to present-

Selena- atleast she's still doing her job right?

Leone- Oh yeah… after she flirt with me (Leone with an annoying face)

-Selena laugh-

Selena- Anyways sir I have to go , I promise father that I'm gonna accompany him to the restaurant

-Leone grabs Selena's hand and kiss her-

Leone- You should accompany me too sometimes

-Selena push Leone a little-

Selena- I uhm.. I gotta go bye

-Selena hurry to leave Leone's office-

-Leone smile-

Leone's perspective (this girl is gonna be the death of me)

*phone rings*

Leone- what's up?

Troy- *on the group call* what's up f*ckers , I just did a Mafian mission with my girl

Jacob- *on the group call* pssshh… she's not your girl. Before you lay a hands on her you're gonna be a dead ass man

-Liam and the other boys laugh-

Troy- hey you remember this I'm gonna be hers one day , just see

Elijah- *on the group call* Alright bet…

Leone- How was the "trip" with the Mafia girl?

Elijah- Menn.. she's f*cking crazy imagine we're in the middle of Paris in Eiffel Tower in 1,063 feet high while looking in our snipers and looking for our target and she gave me the f*cking loudest sniper in the world!

-Leone laugh-

Leone- aren't you the "bEsT"??

Elijah- bruhh

Andrew- Boy… my whole body hurts tho being with an assassin isn't easy (Andrew grunt in pain)

Troy- Hahahaha… I'm lucky that my partner is just a hacker

Andrew- b*tch

Leone- what about you Liam? How was Italy? How was being with the leader of the "Fatal pack"?

Liam- we did good I guess, I face to face with Niko Torricelli

Jacob- Wait what!?? You face the Mafian's opponent? (Jacob with a surprise voice)

Leone- So what happen?

Liam- He's really not good , I fight with he's assistant and Vic fight Niko. Now we have Huan as our hostage

Troy- ooohhh… since when did you two become close? Huh are You and "Vic" a thing? (Troy with a tease voice)

Leone's perspective (hmm… he found he's match)

Liam- nothings going on with us!! So stop asking random things!

Andrew- what ever you say Liam Noah Chen

Leone- So how was it? You guys didn't inform us or called us for almost 3 days

Liam- Vic was shot , after the day we face Niko Torricelli she don't even care if she was shot and didn't take care of it

Elijah- hold up, she was shot?

Liam- Yes she was but she's fine now. I'm still waiting for her next decision

Leone- Uhh I see…

Jacob- So let's go back to you, how was the fam? How was Selena?

Leone- *cough* The Family their all fine Aiguo Kông didn't show up for a few days now. Selena is with her father now and she quit in Wang's Company

Troy- What!?? She quit why?

Leone- She said she needs time to spend with her father which is I understand

Andrew- that's understandable

Liam- sorry to interrupt, but I gotta go Victoria is calling everyone

Elijah- alright imma leave too , till next time boys

-Everyone hangs up the phone-

-Liam went down to the meeting room-

Victoria- You all did good fighting Niko's men , I'm great full for that.

Victoria's peoples- *clap* this is just a beginning

Victoria- We have Niko's assistant Huan she's in the dungeon , I know Niko won't do anything to us for a while he knows if he did I will definitely kill his love straight through her head. But don't get too comfortable this is just a temporary, I know his gonna do something and I want you all to be ready anytime

Victoria's peoples- You can count on us Falcon

-Victoria notice Liam standing next to the door looking at her-

Victoria- now let's take a break

-Victoria walks toward Liam-

Victoria- what you doing here in the dark?

Liam- Just looking at your little speech , you really nailed it

Victoria- Thanks, that's what I do every d*mn time fighting ,killing.

Liam- How was your wound?

Victoria- it's healing good. Before I forgot I'm not gonna be here tonight I have to do something then after that I Have to go somewhere

Liam- Can I come?

Victoria- Basically I want you to look after the Clan (Victoria's peoples the Mafia gang) and Huan , in case Niko showed up

Liam- That'll do , you can count on me

-Victoria smile a little bit and leave the room-

-Liam sigh-

-after the whole day , 10:00 pm outside Victoria's Mansion-

Victoria- So that's settled then… thanks to you

-While inside the mansion Liam was walking by and suddenly saw Victoria-

Unknown Person- We've been fighting together before , no need to thank me Dove

Leone's perspective( who the h*ll is that?)

Leone's perspective (wait , Why am I so curious. We're not even a thing. But i felt angry as if she is mine and I'm hers) *Liam suddenly tighten his fist*

Victoria- I'll see you later

-Liam notice that Victoria is coming inside, then Liam left-

-but… he suddenly grab her hand , and kiss her cheeks-

Victoria- What was that for?

Unknown person- I just miss you Dove

-Victoria smile a little bit-

Victoria- Well now you don't have to, we're gonna be working again after a long year away from Italy (Victoria wink at him , and he smiled)

-the next day-

Victoria- everyone , tomorrow were leaving to go to Moscow Russia , we all know that Niko we'll definitely attack our main country so I'll be there.

Liam's perspective (what the… she's going to Russia?)

Victoria's people- were ready to fight… We're born to be a Mafian

Victoria- I'll bring Huan with me , we need her for this war against Niko

-after the meeting, Liam approached Victoria-

Liam- What do you mean the war is gonna be in Russia?

Victoria- The Clifford clan ruled The Russia , I ruled Russia -Italy- and New York…

Liam's perspective (w-what?) Liam with a shock reaction

Victoria- The Klein clan ruled Germany- Brazil- and San Francisco

Victoria- then the Livingstone clan ruled Spain- Sweden- and Las Vegas

Victoria- and the Romanov ruled Mexico- Argentina- and Los Angeles

Victoria- and of course the Barclay clan ruled France- El Salvador - and Florida

Victoria- all of us ruled some countries and I know my main country which is Russia will be the source of this war of Niko and the Mafian's

Liam- I'm not gonna leave , I'm going with you all to Russia

Victoria- No! I want you to comeback to Beijing, if you think this War will be easy for you all , Well sorry to buzz but no!! (Victoria with a little bit angry and high voice)

Liam- I told everyone that I'm coming with you here in Italy to help you and the boys are with your friends. We're here to help you , I don't care if something happens to me I'm willing to take a risk and help you… (Liam is angry and arguing with Victoria)

Victoria- You don't care what the others will feel about if something happens to you huh??!!!

Victoria- We can handle this , we… I… have my mens my friends my family, everyone-

Liam- Yeah, your friends… and YOUR BOYFRIEND!!! You don't want my help because you have him right?!! (Liam scream and arguing with Victoria)

-Victoria is shock-

Victoria- W-what are you talking about? (Victoria with a low voice )

Liam- I saw you last night , you said your Gonna do something that's why you didn't let me go with you is because of him…. You're meeting him , you called that "your gonna do something"!!

Victoria's perspective (w-what?) Victoria with a startle reaction and a little bit of teary eyes

Victoria- No , you-

Liam- Stop! I know what you gonna say you don't have to explain

-then Liam once left Victoria in the hallway, and Liam's thinking-

Liam's perspective (I don't know why am I acting this way she's not mine , but i felt… jealous at the same time angry that she's with that guy)

-Victoria is still standing there while with a little bit of teary eyes-

Victoria's perspective (he misunderstood me with him, I'm just meeting him because he can help us by distracting Niko while we're preparing our groups) -Victoria looks down and sigh , then she left and walk outside the gate with her fierce and death looks)

Victoria's 2 people- oh no, I think something is going on


Leone- What's up?

Liam- Are you doing something?

Leone- Not really, why?

Liam- Do you know that the "War to never forget" will gonna be in Russia?

Leone- WHAT? , what you mean it's gonna be in Russia? Isn't it supposed to be in Italy that's why you guys flew in there?

Liam- Well it turns out that it's gonna be in Russia , I even had a fight with Victoria

Leone- Hmm.. you had a fight? What for?

Liam- As she announce that the war is gonna be in Russia , she wants me to go back in Beijing and while their fighting this B*stard

Leone- You guys are supposed to be team right? And why does she pushing you away? Does she not want you to fight with them? I mean we're gonna help them and what's wrong with it?

Liam- She said it's not gonna be easy for us to fight the "Mafian's" and she even said that they can… SHE…can handle it. And I got angry because I feel like she don't trust me. I know she don't want me to fight with them when the war start , it's because she already have someone by her side fighting with them!!

Leone's perspective (he got angry because Victoria is already fighting with someone and Liam is jealous of this "guy" or is it he really wants to fight with them?? Hmm)

Leone- Maybe she has a reason that's why she wouldn't allow you to fight with them?

Liam- What's her reason!? Huh she don't want me to interrupt them?! (Liam with a deep voice and aggressive voice)

Leone's perspective (he's definitely jealous)

Leone- Maybe she-

Liam- Nevermind , if she don't want me to be there then dont , i won't force her if that's what she wants me to do fine let it be

-Liam hangs up the phone-

Leone's perspective (she's changing him piece by piece) Leone's with a smirk face

-After a day 8:30 pm-

Liam- Where is your Boss? (Liam with a calm voice)

Victoria's peoples- The Falcon is not here yet , she left this morning and she hasn't come back yet

-Liam nod-

Liam's perspective (where could she be?)

-meanwhile on the other side , Victoria's in her Lamborghini-

Victoria's perspective (how could he think of me that way as if he knows me well!!) Victoria with a angry facial expression and tighten her hands on the steering wheel of her Lamborghini

Victoria- F*ckkkkkkkk (Victoria screams)

-11:45 pm-

-Liam in the living room-

Liam's perspective (where the h*ll is she? It's already f*cking late)

-Victoria's car approach and stop-

-Victoria enter the front door, and walk inside and go upstairs-

Liam's perspective (she don't look happy)

-while Liam is standing on the side and dark place , and Victoria didn't notice him standing there because it's dark-

-next morning , everyone outside the mansion in the training ground-

Victoria- Gather up!! (Victoria scream)

-Victoria is walking toward the middle and passed Liam by-

Victoria- Today I'm gonna leave Italy and go back to Russia with this b*tch (Huan is beside her and she's tied up and full of bruises and wounds and cover her mouth with a handkerchief-

Victoria- I'm gonna trust you all to protect my land , my country!! Do you hear me?!! (Victoria with a mad and aggressive tone)

Victoria's peoples- (in Italian) Sí Falcon! (They scream) (translation: Yes, Falcon)

Victoria- Prepare the car!

-Victoria drag Huan with her-

Liam- I-

Victoria- I already ask my people to prepare the jet to go back in Beijing , no need to worry about!!

(Then Victoria left without looking at Liam)

-Liam sigh-

Liam's perspective (she really don't want me to be there)

-Liam left and go back to his room to pack he's belongings-

-3 hours and 27 minutes later , in Moscow Russia's airport -

Unknown Person- Falcon you finally arrive

Victoria- You're here huh (Victoria Smirk)

Darcy- So are we (Darcy smile)

Naomi- what's up Maximus? (Naomi wink and fist bom him)

Victoria- It's good to have you back Maxi (Victoria smiled with a flirty)

Maximus- Nice to work with you all again Fatal Pack

Phoebe- Oh Vic you said you have someone with you? Who is it?

-Victoria snap her fingers-

-Then the guards bring Huan-

Maureen- Now what the f*ck! Why is she here!

Victoria- She's my prisoner (Victoria wink and left)

Maximus- She really is a badass

Darcy- Indeed

-10 hours and 37 minutes layer, in Beijing in the Wang's residents-

Marina Wang- Liam… your back too?

Liam- What do you mean by "too" Aunt?

Troy- How you doing brother?

Jacob- So?

Liam- Aren't you all supposed to be with the girls?

Andrew- They want us to comeback to Beijing. They said the mission is done and their going back to their country

Liam- psshh… "the mission" is not done. I'm back here in Beijing because the leader of the Fatal pack didn't let me want to come with their "WAR"

-Everybody in the room is shock-

Leone- Wait , so your saying she sent you back here because she don't want you be a part of their war?

Elijah- So they tricked us?

Troy- You bet, but where the attack will held?

Liam- Victoria said , Niko will probably attack her country which is Russia

Oliver Wang- Oh boy… something is going to happen

Victor Chen- We should go to Russia we can help them-

Don Luciano- You guys will not gonna leave Beijing

-Everyone turn around-

Troy- What the… how did he come here so sudden I didn't even saw him enter the main door

Jacob- And as far as I know he's in New York

Leone- Don Luciano what are you doing here?

Don Luciano- You guys are not going to Russia, you guys are gonna stay here in Beijing.

Elijah- But Don Luciano it's not gonna be fair if we just stay here and-

Don Luciano- this is not your war nor your fight, they can handle it. I'm sure they will defeat Niko Torricelli…

Liam- and why not!! (Liam screams)

Leone- Hey hey hey, chill out man… what's going on with you today?

-Leone approach Liam and stoping him-

Liam- Let me guess , it's because Victoria already have someone right? Someone who's gonna help them?

Elijah's perspective (why is he so angry? This is not him)

Don Luciano- Victoria don't like when someone is bragging into her business especially without HER PERMISSION

Regina Chen- Son c'mon , your probably just tired c'mon

-Regina hold Liam's arm and they walk to the guest room-

Troy- So Don Luciano why-

Troy- ok… that's not creepy (Troy with a sarcastic voice)

-Don Luciano is gone-

Jacob- This man is really a good invisibility camouflage

-meanwhile back to Moscow Russia-

Victoria- everyone gear up (Victoria screams)

Maximus- you heard the Falcon (in Italian) mettersi in posizione!! (Translation: get into position)

Victoria- You too Max

Maximus- never been ready Falcon

Maureen- ooh this is gonna be fun….

Victoria- Here goes the b*tch

Niko- Where is she!? (Niko's mad voice)

-Victoria point a gun on Huan's head and drag her by her right side-

Niko- You b*tch what did you do to her?? (Niko with a shock and angry reaction)

Victoria- I said I won't kill her… yet , but I didn't promise that I won't torture her to death (Victoria raise her eyebrows and deep tone)

-Niko scream -

Niko- Kill everyone in here right now!!! Don't let anyone escape and make sure no one survives tonight!! (Niko scream)

-Everyone starts to fight and shooting and killing-

Victoria- Seems you don't like your plan huh (Victoria with a annoying face )

Niko- Oh I will and I'm going to kill you right here right now and after that I will flag your head all over Russia to see who the real King is…

Victoria- Let's see who the real Mafian here

-Victoria and Niko start fighting and shooting each other-

-after a few mens have died-

Phoebe- Let's start by killing these h*e

Maximus- I guess I'll leave it to you girls

-Maximus left and help the others-

Darcy- Falcon!

Victoria- Now it's time for me to end this wh*re's life

-While Niko is getting up from the ground and suddenly look on Victoria's side-

Victoria- Say goodbye to your beloved love one (Victoria with a sarcastic voice)

-Then Victoria cuts Huan's Throat, then Niko scream-

Niko- I'm gonna kill you!!!! (then Niko attacks Victoria)

*bam, boom , bam* *more gunshots*

Narrator- Pretend that that scene is already black pitched

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