Chapter 19 (engagement: Fiancée , fiancé)

-2 month later-

-in the Wang's Corporation-

Selena- Hey, how's work?

Leone- It's going pretty good , it's been a month

Selena- I know right. I wonder what happen to them?

Leone- Hey don't be sad. I can't let my fiancée to be sad

Narrator- let's flashback, it's been a whole month and the two is already getting cozy to each other and that time they starting to fell inlove to each other. Then they dated and Leone propose to Selena after a year have passed (I know you all don't like the plot , it's hard to explain but you'll get use to it ;))

Selena- oh my future husband (Selena touched Leone's face) in the future we will have our own family

Leone- Why don't we do it right now (Leone wink at Selena)

(Then you all know what happen 😉)

Meanwhile on the other side, in the Villa of the boys

Leone- so… how's everything going with Liam?

Andrew- you know same old , same old

Jacob- he's been working hard since he got back from Italy

Troy- in short….. for the pass 2 and a half months now

*Leone sigh*

Elijah- I wonder what happened to them?

Leone- I've sent all my people to investigate everything

*Troy suddenly kneel down*

Troy- oh my I miss my sugarplum

*Leone , Elijah, Jacob, & Andrew looks Troy with a disgusted looks*

Troy- What?

Jacob- that was over dramatic and lamelies nickname ver

Andrew- For short cringe ass fuck

Troy- Hey! Don't make fun of it , I know and you all know that you too are gonna have a nickname for you're future wifey's

Andrew- Pffts

Elijah- wait Do you think our fathers know where they are? Do they know what happen? I mean they were all business partners

Jacob- or maybe Mrs. Gray knows?

Leone- they don't know either. And the Mafian clan has been searching all over Italy, they found some of their mens but not them

Andrew- so your saying they leave some tracks but their still missing?

*Liam open the door and enter the room*

Leone- Hey Liam where did you go?

Liam- I was working on my contract

Leone- Contract? What contract?

Liam- the Contract of the Heir of the Chen's

Author ( this boys are the heir of their families legacy, the contract are made by their ancestors that pass by their fathers and this contracts is a rule of being the heir and responsibilities or duty they have to take care of)

Jacob- Bro, are you sure about that?

Liam- Why not? After all I'm the heir to the Chen's

Troy- bro we all know this contracts once we sign this there's no backing up and once you've become the leader of the Chen, you're gonna be very busy you're gonna handle everything , you're not gonna be around all the time, plus… y-you

Leone- You can't be married until you fulfill everything

Andrew- think about it Liam

Liam- I already made my decision , tomorrow I'm gonna held a party at 8:00 pm be there

*Liam left the room*

Elijah- oh boy… he's not thinking clearly

Leone- He's back from the beginning

-Leone with a worried face-

-The next day in the Wang's Corporation-

-in the conference room-

Oliver Wang- Good morning gentlem- Oum… doesn't look good , something wrong?

-Leone suddenly look his father , with a tired looks-

Oliver Wang- Damn sons you all look like a walking dead zombie, you all need a spa look at your eyes their all dark

Leone- We didn't get a sleep father , alright. We stayed up all night until now and we haven't had a sleep yet.

Justin Li- and why's is that?

Andrew- Well maybe because our great brother Liam Noah fucking Chen gave us a hard time

Justin Li- what do you mean? Did you guys have a fight?

Jacob- He decided to handled everything in the Chen's and he said he's gonna sign the Contract of the ruled Chen's heir

Oliver Wang- Isn't that a good idea for him , you know so he can't be in his lone bedside anymore

*Leone suddenly gets up in he's chair*

Leone- Father you know the rules about this , this is not gonna be easy for him it's not that I'm controlling him but… we know Liam

Justin Li- He's right , this is just a quick decision it's not by plan

Elijah- We tried everything but we still fail

Troy- He said he's gonna held a party for his "signing contract" at 8:00 pm , we don't have a choice but to go and support him so be there

-8:00 pm in the grand hotel and private villa-

Regina Chen- Son , I know this is gonna take a lot but don't worry I know you can do it

-While Regina is fixing Liam's tie-

Liam- I'm not thinking about that mom

Regina Chen- alright to then, let's go down our friends and family is here

-Meanwhile downstairs in the grand center-

Jacob- There's Liam

Leone- He already made his choice , all we can do now is support him as for our brother

-the boys walk toward to Liam-

Andrew- So… you ready?

*andrew with a hesitation voice*

Troy- oh c'mon don't tryna ruin the moment

*Jacob suddenly look in he's right side*

Jacob- is it just me or does Mrs. Gray is here too?

Regina Chen- we invited her , but the thing is she's not the only one I invited

Leone- what do you mean auntie?

Victor Chen- We also invited the Mafian's clan, but i guess their not here

Rose Gray- good evening , thank you for inviting me here

*Rose Gray smiled*

Regina Chen- it's our pleasure , it's for our son

*Rose Gray suddenly look to Liam with a worried eyes*

Liam's perspective (why is she looking at me like that)

Leone's perspective (oh no something is not right)

Rose Gray- R-right it's for the young Chen

Marina Wang- Mrs Gray are the Mafian's coming?

*rose gulp*

Rose Gray- uhm there not coming , as you all know their not here even Steven is not here too is because t-there's an emergency so they have to leave

Elijah- I beg you're pardon , but May I ask where they went and what happen?

*Rose Gray looks down and look to Liam*

Rose Gray- ahh t-they went to UK

Andrew- UK?

Rose Gray- Yes *sigh* they found them

*everyone with a shock reaction*

Troy- so you mean that they found them already, but why are they in UK? Aren't they supposed to be in Italy?

Rose Gray- I really don't know the details to that they just hurry and leave to go to UK

*Leone looks Liam*

Leone's perspective ( shit this is not good)

Liam- excuse me , I don't suddenly feel good I'm going upstairs

*Liam turn around and walk upstairs, while thinking-*

Liam's perspective (why do I feel shit sudden often)

Leone- excuse us too, we'll go after him

*the boys run to go after Liam*

-meanwhile in the room-

Leone- hey Liam wait

Leone- are you alright? Is something off?

Liam- I just got a headache that's all

Jacob- a headache? Or is it because of Victoria?

*Jacob raise his eyebrows*

Liam- pfft why would it be Victoria

Troy- C'mon men , we've been best friends since childhood we know you , I KNOW YOU. You can't hide anything from us

Elijah- let's go inside , have a drink

-inside the room , while their drinking alcohol-

Liam- I don't know what's gotten into me, it's not just me being caring. This is weird

Leone- it's because you don't know how you feel about right? especially Victoria , ever since they showed up I saw you , WE saw you how you look at her

Andrew- that's true I saw a heart in your eyes , even tho you still denied it

*andrew rolled his eyes*

Troy- you don't have to hide you're feelings Liam , everyone has their fate everyone has their own life . You have to choose you're life too we're always here for you remember our 'bro code'? for better for worse , for richer to poorer , In sickness an-

*Andrew hit Troy's head*

Troy- Ouch!!

Andrew- You dumbass bitch what are you talking about? That's not even our bro code , that's a fucking wedding vows

Troy- I was just joking! *while his touching his head*

*everyone laugh gently*

Troy- "if a bro ask another bro to keep a secret , he shall be take that secret to his grave."

*Liam smiled*

Leone- "when asked, do you need some help? A bro shall automatically respond , I got it , whether or not he's actually got it"

Elijah- oh I really love that one

Jacob- "Zero formalities, Borrowed accessories, creepiest love ideas , random abusive talks , and craziest brother from another Mother! "

Andrew- But I like this one better *andrew wink*

Liam- yup I still remember that , I would never ever gonna forget that . This bro code is what make us brothers no matter what

Troy- I feel like I don't remember the last bro code *while his still touching his head* I don't think that's our last bro code all I remember is "to have and to hold from this day forward , to love and to cheri-

Andrew- Troy you better shut youre mouth if you don't wanna hit again

Troy- ok ok I will. So are you feeling better now ?

Liam- I am thanks to you all

*Everyone raise a toast , but before Liam's got to drink his liquor he heard someone*

-Meanwhile outside the door in the hallway, two girls walking-

Girl 1- if I were her I would definitely go hide from my enemy

Girl 2- but their part of… some kind of gangster organizations , Ofcourse they can't just hide. That's not how it works

Girl 1- hmm , I would definitely not gonna get involved to that I still need to find a sugar daddy

*while Liam heard them talking*

Leone- Heyy.. what's up?

*Leone heard the girls talking too*

Girl 1- but i heard they went to another country

Girl 2- I heard that too , that someone bought her to other country and the others go along with them . I think it's a guy who brought her to another country

*cracked* -Liam broke the glass his holding-

Leone- hey calm down don't just jump into conclusion

*Liam suddenly gets up from his chair and walk outside the door to go down*

Liam- let's go down

*Liam opens the door and the girls run away*

-meanwhile downstairs-

Larry Wan- So you're saying that she got-

Rose Gray- yes she is

-Rose gray notice the boys going their direction-

Rose Gray- Ahem… their here

Troy- what's up guys

Liam- Something you wanna tell me?

Regina Chen- oh nothing , I-it's nothing

Gloria Jia- Regina we don't have to lie to them especially to Liam they have to know too

Liam - know what?

Victor Chen- the reason they went to UK is because... they have to bring Victoria to the safe place to save her life without any dangerous

Troy- wait wait wait wait , what? Can you repeat that words again Uncle?

Victor Chen- Victoria is in coma , the day their fight with Niko Torricelli that night Victoria end Torricelli's life but in the end Victoria got a Tarumatic head Injury and ends up being into coma

-Liam with a devastated and speechless reaction-

Leone's perspective (crap!)

Elijah- But what about the others? Did they make it?

Levi Jia- Yes , they accompanied Victoria. But they'll be back soon

Larry Wan- But for now , they need to be unbothered

Liam- I-I uhmm… I c-can't sign this contract yet *while being stuttered*

-then Liam suddenly left the Grand Hotel in a hurry , and remove his suit navy blue jacket-

Regina Chen- Liam! Come back where are you going?

-Leone run after him without saying anything-

Andrew- well take care of him auntie

-and they left to go after the boys-

-meanwhile outside the hotel-

Leone- Liam wait up! *while walking down the stairs*

Leone- What is going on with you?

Liam- I don't know either , I just seems to be in a rush.

Leone- you need to calm yourself bro, this is not how it works . This isn't you stop panicking

-Liam look away and put his arms on top of his car and rest his head in there-

Leone- I know this reaction , this happen before

Troy- Brothers, seriously what is going on *while his panting*

Troy- everything is fucked up

Elijah- hey she'll be fine , she's a badass remember?

Andrew- not just a badass , she's a baddie she's a tiger

Troy- oh I remember that word , tiger when we were outside and we chase after them *he said those words fast*

-Liam faced the boys-

Liam- she really is someone

Jacob- she is and we can see that *he wink*

Leone- so? Where are you going? You left your party

Liam- UK , im going to UK

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