Chapter 20 (Comatose)

-Meanwhile in UK-

Maximus- so how is she?

Darcy- still the same ,she haven't woken up yet. But don't worry she's getting better and better

*maximus nod* & sigh

Darcy- did you inform our clan?

Maximus- I did, auntie's and uncles are coming so I'm gonna wait for them. They'll be landing here in a few minutes

Darcy- what did they say? How did they react?

Maximus- they seem to be normal , they didn't even have reaction nor a expression especially auntie Seraphina and uncle Vester

Darcy- shit this isn't good they maybe acting normal but this is dangerous

Maximus- what do you mean? Oh men… it's been a while since I saw them

-Maximus pat his forehead-

*helicopters approach*

-Darcy open the big window of the room where Victoria is lying on bed-

Darcy- holy shit , I told you this isn't good

Maximus- 10 fucking helicopters, 15 roll royce with guards… didn't see that coming

Darcy- get ready this is gonna be a long day, we need to go down they must be bursting into anger especially auntie and uncle Clifford

-downstairs of the big palace-

Phoebe- dad mom auntie's uncles , been a while

Serena Livingstone- how is everyone? How's Vic?

Naomi- she's getting better she's still recovering

Maureen- come on inside , Victoria is in upstairs

-they went in to go inside in a hurry-

Darcy- you're all here

Seraphina Clifford- Max? You're here too Aren't you supposed to be in NASA?

Maximus p- nice to see you again auntie , I came here because Vic needs my help and I set aside my work for a while

Sylvester Clifford- where is she?

Darcy- she's inside

-Sylvester hurry to go inside and suddenly rush to see Victoria-

-while the others are outside looking at them-

-a few minutes later the others went to living room of the palace. And Seraphina and Maximus was left outside the door of Victoria while looking at them (Sylvester and Victoria)

Maximus- she really is a daddy's girl

-Maximus smile-

Seraphina Clifford- she is , she really is. You can't even break their bond at all and sometimes I feel like I'm not part of them *Seraphina chuckle*

Maximus- Uncle Vester is really a caring father , I remember back in Italy when when we were playing outside Dove saw her dad outside and someone approach and suddenly held tightly uncle's jacket it's like their about to fight each other , then Victoria run as fast as she could to go there and help uncle vester and she even punch the "guy" with her little small hands and saying "get you're hands of off my daddy or I'm gonna knock you down"

-Seraphina laugh-

Seraphina Clifford- but in the end the "guy" she was punching is her uncle *she laugh*

Seraphina Clifford- then her dad pick her up and said he's you're uncle he just got back from states that's why we don't see him often and her uncle said

Michael Clifford- my niece is really a badass *he fist bump Victoria*

Seraphina Clifford - if only I could go back to that time the moment we were still happy

Maximus- soon auntie , everything will go back the way we were before. But for now we need to stay strong for Victoria

Seraphina Clifford - you're right max we have to be positive always

Mary Li- heyy… come on down let's go eat some food and take a rest I know this is frustrating for all of us but we're all going to fight

Maximus- let's go auntie

-and they left the room, while Sylvester is still there-

Sylvester Clifford- oh my sweet pumpkin… I know you can hear me please stay strong for us stay strong for me we know, I KNOW you're not gonna give up; you have to come back to us *he said with a light voice*

-while Sylvester is holding Victoria's arm-

Sylvester Clifford- I promise you that I will avenge the one who hurt you , WE WILL AVENGE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US

-the next day , infront of the palace-

*HAHH!! HAAAHHHH!!! HAHHH!* *hard footsteps on the ground*

-everyone's marching-

Declan Romanov- One moreee!!! *he screams*

Narrator ( it's the mafian's men's)

-suddenly the family walk straight toward them-

Norman Klein- is everyone here?

Declan Romanov- they are everyone's been training since 5 am and some of them are in the underground training and some of them are in the training field… this guys infront of us right now are my people and yours's peoples

Sylvester Clifford- good , because after were done where going to finish the Torricélli's once and for all!! Their gonna pay big this time

Stanley Livingstone- great I'll lead the underground training

-Stanley left and went to UT-

Marcellus Barclay- And I'll lead the Training field…

-and Marcellus left and went to TF-

-meanwhile on the other side- (Beijing)

Leone- you sure you do-

Troy- I'm ready to go , let's go

-he smiled with a excitement expression-

Jacob- excuse you , where you going? You're not Liam

-Jacob said with a sassy attitude-

Troy- why, do I have to be Liam to go to UK?

Leone- alright you two needs to stop

Elijah- right , childish

Liam- I don't know if I can see her like that

Leone- calm down , come on you're jet us here

*a sudden run from the hallway*

Andrew - we have a situation *he panting*

Jacob- oh come on what now *he said with a little shout*

Andrew- our gReAtEeeEee LiTtLe "fRiEnD" is blocking our way to leave the city *he said with a mocking voice*

Liam- let me guess , Nara *he said with an irritating voice*

Andrew- right , she even bring some men's to guard our airport

Elijah- What!!? *he shout and shock reaction*

Elijah- first of all how did Nara found out that we're leaving the city?

Troy- men… she's out of her mind

Leone- well I guess we have to go to the airport

*a few minutes later*

Some people's in airport - wow look at this hot guys

More people's gossiping - I'm gonna marry one of this guys and have their babies

Random girl- shush they might heard us , don't you know them? Their the CEO's and the heir to the Wang's , Chen's, Li's, Wan's, Jia's, and Liang's for short they owned this airport

*the people gossiping are shocked*

Jacob- oh damn, she's like a mega phone I can hear her voice from miles away

Nara- No one can leave this city!! *she scream everyone*

Nara- everything's under control by me

Liam- oh really? *he said with a sarcastic attitude*

Nara- brothers you're here

-Nara run into them and hug them tightly-

Troy- ugh! * he said with a disgusting voice*

Nara- I know you all will come here to see me

Elijah - don't flattered yourself Nara, we came here because Liam needs to leave and you're blocking he's way and we don't have time

-Nara step back-

Nara- No! You can't leave , where are you even going? *she desperately said while crying*

Leone- what is wrong with you? You're not even like this before

Nara- please don't leave or just let me come with you

Liam- enough!! *he shout* this is not the right time to play with you're games Nara

-Liam walk pass by Nara and the boys walk through-

Nara-don't you see the reason why I'm like this? Huh

Andrew- why don't you remind us what's the "reason" why YOU like this

Nara- ever since I saw you all back in Taiwan in the palace , you're all training a horse back riding

And I went there to say hi and I watched you all and you guys were so attractive and that's when we all became childhood friends we even see each other often

Troy- first of all when you came by that day we didn't even pay attention to you at all because we don't have time for some "girls"

Jacob- and correction, we're not even gonna be "childhood friends" if it weren't for our parents. If our parents and you're parents aren't a business partners we're not even gonna talk to you

Nara- but don't you see that I like you all

Andrew- whaaaa- *HES shock*

Liam- you've gone crazy Nara

Nara- I'm not , you're the only guys I want in my life why can't you guys just be with me

Andrew- sorry I don't like you Nara

Troy- me either

Elijah- especially not me

Leone- Nara listen , we all considered you as a little sister but that's it it's not gonna go too far plus you're too young for us you still have a future my boys and I can do whatever we want now but for you you still have more to face you still have more to achieve , we all have a different ways.

-Leone with a serious voice-

Elijah- you're just 21 and we're 28 to 29

Troy- no offense but we have a high standard

Nara- age doesn't matter , as long as I'm with you all *she cried*

Liam- for us it DOES MATTER , Nara. you can call us whatever the fuck you want but we're not gonna be with a younger girls alright we want the one like us same age or 1 year gap the one who's ready , the one who can stay by our side the one who's gonna support us on everything the one who we'll gonna marry and the one who will carry our next heir in line

Nara- but I'm already ready for you all , I'm ready to be married I'm ready to carry you're child

Liam- can you do business? Can you handle everything ? Can you face the worst and the better situation? Can you help with the company's ? Can you even do what a wife is supposed to do? CAN YOU BE A GOOD WIFE?

Nara- am I not enough? I can try to be a better wife for you

Liam- it's not about to try it's about a responsibility Nara… being a wife is a hard challenge , being with a marriage life will change you're destiny. If you think you can still do what you can do right now when you're married ; you're wrong it's gonna change EVERYTHING

Jacob- you still have college to attend Nara you can still have a good future

Nara- it's fine I already drop out college so I can be with you all

Nara- can't you just understand that I love you

Troy- Look Nara, there's still a lot of guys who will love you were not the only guys in you're life

Nara- no one can replace you all

Leone- Nara , the boys are already into someone , just please stop bothering us we can still be friends but if you try to stop us by doing what we want then we're gonna have a problem

Nara- no that's not true , you guys only have me you can't be in love with someone else

Andrew- sucks for you if you still don't get it , we already have someone in our hearts and we're loyal to them Elijah is seeing someone , Jacob is seeing someone , Troy is seeing someone, I'm seeing someone , Liam is about to leave the city to go see his love of his life , and Leone is already engaged and their about to be married

Nara- no! No no no!!! Please tell me you're joking

Leone- I'm not it's all true I'm getting married soon

Nara- is it Selena?! Huh is it her you're going to marry that low life poor bitch

Leone- don't you dare talk to my future wife like that!! *Leone point his finger into Nara, and he's angry* if you can't accept the facts that I'm getting married to the woman I adore then leave mind you're own business

Leone- if you try something bad to Selena I will come after you and I won't rest until I killed you with my own hands do you hear me?! *he said with a deep voice and serious face*

Leone- don't try to mess with us and you'll see what's gonna happen to you. We're really hard to resist I don't care if you're the daughter of our business family but I won't let you ruin everything for us

- Leone with a deep death stares-

-Leone left and walk towards the jet-

Liam- you really are gonna ruin yourself , Nara. We can't help you with that if you're not gonna help yourself

Nara- don't you love me? Did you even treat me as you're friend when we were all together back then?

-Liam left and went to his jet , and the boys left also. While Nara is sitting on the ground and crying-

Nara's perspective ( if I can't have you all , then no one can have you. I will destroy everyone who tries to steal what's mine) *Nara raise her head and look at them with a death stares*

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