Chapter 27 (The secret spot)

Liam- morning , sorry I'm late for the breakfast

-while the two is still confronting Liam and talking at the same time-

Rose Gray- that's alright , we had too much fun last night

Gloria Jia- what's wrong with this two?

Jacob- were just confronting Liam about his hick-

-and before he could finish his words , Liam put both his right and left arm on their mouth-

Phoebe- confronting what?

Liam- t-their confronting… me on… being late yeah *he stuttered*

-and Liam sat next to leone-

-and Leone eye contact Liam as if they were talking through eyes-

-and Liam's both hands on his shirt and show Leone and Leone put his head closer to his neck-

-and Leone's eyes got bigger-

Selena- Leo, are you alright?

Leone- yes, yes I'm fine don't mind me

-meanwhile in front od them the two is looking both Liam and leone suspiciously-

-in the afternoon in the Clifford company-

Seraphina Clifford- Vic can I talk to you?

Victoria- is that important?

Seraphina Clifford-well kind of , so as you know the Clifford and the Chen's partnership is getting along we want you to handle the young president Chen

Victoria- what do you mean by that?

Seraphina Clifford- as you know we can't just be around here me , your dad , you're uncles,aunties will probably going in another country to attend some businesses and we want you to handle our business with the Chen's and the others

Victoria- why me? *she said sarcastically*

Seraphina Clifford- duh… you're the only children we have

Victoria- fine

-in the evening-

*knock knock*

Liam- cmon in

-while his looking on his laptop-

PA- sir , Ms Victoria the CEO of the clifford company is here

Liam- let her in

*high heels tick tick tick*

Victoria- here's the sales report from the last 9 months and there's also the sample of pliers for our new investments

-and she handle him the folders-

Liam- thank you , but why are you here where's you're PA?

Victoria- well I'm now handleling this because my parents , uncles, aunties will be going to business trips etc. so I'll be responsible

Liam- oh alright

Victoria- I should leave now

Liam- let me go assist you

Victoria- you don't have to , I can do it myself

Liam- it's danger I'll go with you

-and he gets up and get his office jacket and get her hands to go outside-

-in the car-

Victoria- where are we going? *She's annoyed*

Liam- were going to eat and I'll taking you around

-while still looking at the road and his left hand on a steering wheel-

Victoria- you just said you're gonna assist me outside

Liam- don't complain too much *he said it calmly*

-and Liam grab her left hand and hold her tightly-

Victoria's perspective (is he crazy?!)

-while looking at him deeply and mesmerising his beauty-

Liam- if there's a contest on looking , you already won

*earth to Victoria*

-and Victoria look on another view while Liam is smiling secretly-

-a few minutes later-

Waitress- hi Sir, Maam

Liam- table for two , please

Waitress- that's great follow me please

Waiter- hi , can we get you're name please

Liam- Liam Chen

Waiter- oh my gosh… President Chen the heir and the CEO of the Chen enterprise

-Liam smiled awkwardly -

Waiter- oh I'm sorry for my behaviour I didn't mean to ac unprofessional

-and the waiter's eyes got widened -

Waiter- is this you're wife President Chen?

-and the two look each other-

Victoria- wer-

Waitress- holy shit, ar-are you Ms. Victoria Clifford ?

Victoria- yes I am

-and she stand up with a fierce and sharp looks-

-the two server got afraid-

Waitress- Ok sir m-ma'am can we take you're o-order please

Liam- everything on the menu

-and Liam pull Victoria's hand and she sat down-

Waiter's perspective (what? E-everything on the menu)

Waitress- yes sir

-and the two left-

Victoria- are you crazy who's gonna eat all of that? That's too much

Liam- that's alright , we're gonna finish it *he wink*

-a few minutes later-

-the food is all serve-

-and everyone is looking at their table-

Waiter- here's you're food President Chen and Ms. Clifford

Liam- thank you *he said with a deep voice*

-and the two server left-

Liam- well I guess we shoul-

-and Liam suddenly stop and look on Victoria with a shock look-

Liam's person (I think I should order more)

-Victoria eat half of the food that's why Liam got shock and-

Liam- ok… sunshine let's not rush slow down

-and Liam get the napkin and wipe Victoria's mouth-

Liam- looks like we need more food, have you eaten this whole day? You looks like you've never eaten for years

Victoria- sorry I didn't eat the whole day

-Liam smirk-

-after the whole dinner while walking outside to go to Liam's car-

Victoria- I am so full I can't walk Anymore

-and Liam sudden carried Victoria-

Victoria- what are you doing? Put me down I'm wearing a dress you perv.

Liam- you're dress is a fitted dress and I got you don't worrry no one will see you're sunflower

Victoria- you jerk

Liam- and stop complaining too much

-in the car-

Victoria- where are we going now?

Liam- it's a secret

-meanwhile In the secret destination -

Victoria- whoa this is so cool

Liam- this is my secret spot everytime I don't feel good

-the place is a hidden Forrest full and covered of colourful green leaves with a flowers beside of it, there's a beautiful waterfalls and there's a bridge between the waterfalls with a beautiful night sky with a beautiful garden with a bungalow-

Victoria- so… you don't feel good right now?

Liam- it's not that I have the best day

Liam's perspective (when I'm with you)

Victoria- let's go around

Liam- I'll give you a tour

-as they walk around the place-

Victoria- this is amazing , I've never seen this in a years

Liam- now you did

-and Victoria looks on Liam-

-and they kiss each other in the middle of the bridge with a waterfalls behind them-

-a few days later-

Sylvester Clifford- alright vid we're going to Germany for a business trip I'll let you handle this

Victoria- have a safe trip dad, mom , auntie, uncles

-and they left the house-

To be continue….