Chapter 28 (the b*tch)

-meanwhile in the afternoon-

PA- Ms. Clifford here's the files you need

Victoria- put in there

-and she place the folders on her table and left-


Nara- you bitch!!

(She's on a rush and mad)

-Victoria raise her eyebrows and looks at her fiercely-

Victoria- and who the hell are you , and dare to barge in in my Company!?

Nara- I'm the only Nara Jin the one and only girl of Liam and the boys

Victoria- Pfft… girl? Of Liam and the boys? HAHAHAHA last time I know the boys are single and so is Liam

-and Victoria stand up-

Nara- I'm telling you , you better leave Liam alone , he's only mine

Victoria- Your the one who should leave them alone

-while Victoria is walking out of her table to face Nara-

Victoria- your like a dog who walks chase the cat whose so innocent and running away from you

Nara- are you insulting me? You don't know what I'm capable

-Victoria come near to Nara's face-

Victoria- Your the one who should be scared of, because you don't know me AT ALL , I'm telling you you don't wanna mess with me you don't know what IM CAPABLE OFF!!

-while Nara is being terrified and stepping back-

(NOTE: Victoria is taller than Nara)

Victoria- security! *she shout* get this dirty little shit out of my company. And also bring a lot of disinfectant

-and Victoria left, at the same time they've arrived-

Nara- I underestimated you

- night time 8:30 pm-

-Victoria's getting her car key-

-as Victoria is driving her Roll Royce a SUV car appeared out of nowhere speed up behind her-

Victoria- who the hell is that? Is this car following me

- and Victoria speed up and roll her car to mess with the car behind her-

- but the a woman and her child is crossing the road and Victoria tried to avoid it and she tried to slow down but the car behind her slam into her car and Victoria hit her head on the steering wheel and a lot of blood are coming out of her head and she pass out and the car in-front of her stop-

Nara's perspective (that's what you get you bitch, no one can have Liam except me)

-and she left-

-meanwhile 15 minutes later in the company of the boys-

PA- Sir! Sir Liam *she's rushing*

Liam- What? What's going on?

Troy- can't you see we're in the middle of something!

PA- i received a call from Ms. Clifford's PA and said that the CEO Ms. Clifford got into an accident

Liam- what did you say?

-he stand up quickly with a worried face-

PA- they said that some SUV car slam into Ms. Victoria's roll royce and her car is very badly damage

and it's a lot of smoke coming out while Ms. Clifford is still inside

-and Liam left in a rush-

Leone- Andrew , Elijah look at all the footage where Victoria's car and that SUV car slam each other and find out whose car that is. Jacob, inform the girls. Troy and i will come after Liam

-and they left-

-meanwhile in the car scene , there's an ambulance-

Liam- where is Victoria?!

People- she's right there

-and he saw her laying in a cot-

-as he run as fast as he can to go near Victoria , he touch her little cheeks while there's a lot of blood coming out-

Paramedic- President Chen, can you please move aside we need a space for Ms. Clifford if you want you can just come with us to go to the hospital and wait there

-and they put Victoria in the ambulance-

-Leone and Troy arrive-

Leone- Liam, how is she?

Liam- i have to go to the hospital

Troy- ok ok ok calm down you don't need to panic she's gonna be alright

Loene- don't worry , Andrew and Elijah is already checking all the footages we'll find out who's behind this

-meanwhile in the surveillance room-

Andrew- ok… lets see who is this piece of shit

*while typing and looking at the computer*

-And Andrew's face expression change quickly with a weird look-

Andrew- i must be seeing things

Elijah- what? What are you trying to say, did you find out who it is?

Andrew- Y-yes

Elijah- who is it? Tell me , who's the culprit

-meanwhile in the hospital Liam is standing outside looking at Victoria in a window glass while Leone and Troy is on the corner-

*phone rings*

Leone- Hello, Elijah

Elijah- we have a news

Leone- did you guys find out?

Elijah- yes , but first is Liam next to you?

Leone- no , why?

Elijah- good, well Andrew tract the plate number of the SUV and the person

Leone- who?

Elijah- well… uhm… you know this person , We know this person

Leone- what do you mean?

Andrew- The plate number of the SUV car is AFO2066 gold SUV

-and Leone's eyes got bigger-

Leones's perspective ( oh shit)

Leone- let me guess… that's Nara's plate number and that's her car?

Andrew- bingo…

Leone- shit this is bad, Liam's definitely gonna explode of anger

Elijah- just tell him calmly don't rush it directly

Leone- i will

-and they hang up-

-Troy walk closer to Leone-

Troy- Leo, who's that?

Leone- we found out who slam Victoria's car

Troy- who is it?

Leone- it was Nara

Troy- What!!?

-Leone nod, and Leone suddenly walk to Liam-

Leone- ahem… Liam

-Liam looks at him-

Liam- hmm

Leone- Elijah and Andrew just called and said… that

Troy- it was Nara who caused the accident * he shout*

-and suddenly realize what he said and cover his mouth-

Leone- Troy!! You bastard

Liam- what did you say? It was Nara?!

*he growl*

Troy's perspective ( oh no , why did i even spoil it like that)

Troy- she's gone really crazy , she even cause an accident

-Liam sigh-

-Naomi and Darcy appeared-

Darcy- where is she?!

Naomi- What the hell happened?!

Troy- Ladies calm down , Victoria is fine now

Darcy- Jesus christ, she just got out of the comma and now she's back in the hospital

Naomi- who did this!!

Liam- it was Nara

Darcy- Nara?

Leone- the girl you encounter during the banquet

Naomi- that little hoe

Liam- I'll handle her don't worry leave this to me

-and Liam left-

Leone- Troy stay with them , i'll go with Liam

-a few minutes later in the Jin house-

*hard knock*

Nara- Brother… *she hug him*

Nara- what are you guys doing here?

-Liam suddenly push Nara hard and she fell down-

Leone- Liam!

Liam- why do you have to do that to her?! Huh *he shout aggressively with a deep voice and fierce look*

Nara- what are you talking about?

Liam- You know exactly what I meant! And how do you even know Victoria

Nara- Brother it was her who hurt me i just defend myself

Liam- Defend yourself!? By crashing into her car that caused an accident!

Nara- you k-

-Liam grab her and push her to the wall and hold both her hands tightly-

Liam- this is your last warning , Nara leaves. Victoria. Alone do you hear me? Or I will be the one dealing with you , I'm sure you don't wanna be my enemy?!

Nara- ouch , your hurting me Liam

-and Leone grab Liam to separate them-

Leone- that's enough… we don't hurt women let's just leave

-and they left-

Nara- this is the first time you laid your hands on me Liam… is she really that important to you? To hurt me that much , you gave me no choice Liam i won't leave her in peace i won't let you all be in piece

-and she's irritate in anger-

-back in the hospital-

Liam- how is she?

Troy- they went inside and Victoria is awake

-and Naomi walk outside and open the door-

Naomi- c'mon inside

-and they walk in , Darcy suddenly stand up from sitting and they step back and give the two a space-

Liam- hey * he said slightly*

Victoria- why are you here? *she teases him*

Liam- i uhm- * his being speechless*

Leone- my-my driver called and said that you had an accident so he told us

Victoria- i see

Naomi- and why is your driver have information with Vic *while her arms are in crossed*

Darcy- and why does your driver have to inform you on what is going on with Victoria?

Naomi- and wh-

Troy- dang , ladies chill out

Leone- ahem… were gonna wait outside , lets just go

-and they walk outside-

Liam- how are you feeling

Victoria- little dizzy to be honest and this bandage on my head irritates me so freaking much

-Liam chuckles-

Liam- take a rest we'll talk tomorrow

-in the morning-

Naomi- are you ready Falcon?

Victoria- you bet

*high heels ticking*

Darcy- what are you doing here?

To be continue...