Chapter 29 (best actress)

Nara- i just came to say sorry t-to Ms. Victoria

Naomi- oh puh-lease… stop with the act *she roll her eyes*

Nara- Ms. Clifford im so sorry , i didn't mean to crash your car please forgive me

Nara's perspective ( gosh! This is the first time i beg someone's forgiveness)

-while Victoria is getting up from the bed and Liam is beside her-

- and Victoria pretend to fall and Liam catch her-

Liam- hey , hey don't push yourself from getting up you don't have much energy yet. C'mon just lay down for a minute

-while Victoria is acting hurt and teasing and annoying Nara-

Nara's perspective ( you bitch , your doing this to make me way more angry) *while she's looking at her fiercely with a fist*

*Victoria grunt*

Victoria- i'm just a little bit dizzy *while holding Liam*

-she looks at Nara and smirking and annoying her-

Victoria's perspective ( that's right… you fake lying little brat you act so kind right now but when you went to my office you act so tough. Huh, you think I don't know that you're pretending , you. Are. so fake! Well let's see who's the best actress)

Liam- do you want me to call a Doctor?

Victoria- No, no it's not necessary . i just want to go home

Liam- alright , i'll take you home then

Victoria- i- i can't walk Liam , can you please help me

Liam- alright , alright don't force yourself

-and Liam pick her up and walk away-

- the four is smirking and smiling-

Nara's perspective ( i know that trick)

Darcy's perspective ( Victoria really know what she's doing)

Naomi's perspective ( i can literally see this hoe's being jealous)

-and they followed the two , Nara still in the room-

Nara's perspective ( you take advantage of me you piece of shit) *she scream* aaaaahhhhhhhh!!

-meanwhile in the middle of the road in Liam's car and the four is behind them-

Liam- are you alright? Are You Feeling ill? Ddo you want me to return and call a doctor

Victoria- chill out amore mio i'm fine

-while she's sitting with a blanket on her lap while she's on a sideways looking at him and her right

hand are touching his right hand-

Liam- you naughty little sunshine, alright take a rest i'll woke you up when we get there

-and Victoria close her eyes-

Liam's perspective ( amore mio…) *he smirk*

-bac in Leone's car-

Troy- is it just me or Liam and Victoria are getting closer to each other?

Leone- you bet they are *he laugh*

Troy- since when? Bro why nobody inform

Leone- it's literally obvious , didn't you notice you dummy

Troy- i kinda did

Leone- i just hope they end up together happily i wish them the best i'm giving my blessings to them

Troy- they have my blessings too, im happy to see Liam with her they both change each other i can see that… even their chemistry is strong as a rock

Leone- i hope nothings will go wrong , that's the only thing i'm worried about

*Troy sigh*

-a few days later-

Victor Chen- how's everything?

Elijah - it's all doing good , we present our slides to everyone

Regina Chen- that's great

Vilma Wan- wait a minute, where is Leo?

Andrew- they took a break , you know to enjoy their spouse moment

-meanwhile on the vacation of the two-

Selena- aren't… you *she's panting* tired? My waist ack..

Leone- i'm just getting started * he smirk*

-Selena laugh-

Selena- controlled yourself , loverboy

-Leone bite his lower lip-

Leone- you're making me naughty * he growl*

-and he kiss her neck passionately , he kiss her slowly while moving down , touching her smooth skin… and Selena starting to moan-

Selena- can y-you be gent-le

-as she controlled her whimper-

-the next day , while they were walking in the beach and holding hands each other-

Selena- look at the ocean it's so pretty

Leone- just like you

-and they stop walking and they face each other-

Selena- I'm thankful that god gave me you to me until forever your my soulmate

Leone- I'm the one who should be thankful that he gave me the love of my life, the woman I adore the most . You're my Queen

Selena- thank you for being you , i promise that i will do my duty as a wife serve you as much as i can till death i will do my part

-and Leone kiss Selena-

Leone- Let's go i have a surprise for you

-meanwhile back in Beijing-

Maid- Ms. there's an invitation for all of you

Maureen- who is it from?

Maid- it says it's from the Gray residence

-and the maid handle it to Victoria-

Victoria- alright thank you

-and Victoria open the invitation-

Victoria- "We are inviting you all for our Madam Bao's 80th Birthday Celebration in the Gray's Mansion at 5:30 pm. We have a theme for our special Birthday celebrant. Our theme for this is a long dress and a suit. For our ladies we have to have a gold long dress and for our gentlemans a black suit. We are hoping you all will come and enjoy it with us… see you there; Note: bring some special gifts ;)"

Darcy- well i guess will have a party to attend

Phoebe- let's go out today , let's go the mall look for a birthday gift

Naomi- looks like our schedule for today is empty so were free

-while she check her phone-

Victoria- ok

Maureen- But… we're going on different cars. I want to use my Aston Martini Valhalla the color ash gray blue.

Phoebe- that's a good idea, i'm gonna use my Blue McLaren 7200s

Naomi- HAHAHAHA , i'm gonna use my Red Velvet Chevrolet Corvette ZO6

Darcy- fine , i'm gonna use my Ferrari

Naomi- what color? *she smirk*

-Darcy roll her eyes-

Darcy- White

Phoebe- what about you Victoria?

-Victoria walk outside and scoffs-

Maureen- were on our way then

-meanwhile on the road while their car is in formation the two is in the left side and the other two is in the right side while Victoria is in the Middle-

Naomi- seriously?! She uses her Black Sky Blue Lamborghini Aventador?

*while she's on the speaker with the girls*

Maureen- Victoria being Victoria *tongue click*

Naomi- you know i'm wondering if i'm a normal person i would robbed Victoria especially her cars

Victoria- you know that i can hear you all , right?

Naomi- oh- oh shit

-and they all laugh-

-30 minutes later in the mall-

Victoria- Fucking hell , it's too fucking crowded

Phoebe- c'mon y'all let's go over there

-and they walk there and went inside-

Dacry- let's look around

-while they were walking around , they approach-

Troy- look what do we have here? *he smirk*

To be continue....