Chapter 30 (Partner to partner in the mall)

Jacob- hey ladies

Darcy- what a bad day we have * she whisper*

Andrew- what are you guys doing here?

Maureen- what do you think we're doing here? *she mocking him*

Andrew- buying some stuff?

Elijah- are you guys here to buy gifts for Madam Bao's 80th Birthday?

Naomi- Yes

Troy- Great, we all should buy together

Phoebe- hell no

-and Troy grab her and went to look a gifts-

-and they pair each other-

-a few minutes later-

Troy- we found a gifts already , what about y'all

Elijah- looks like we are all carrying some gifts bags

-the boys are carrying a luxury bags-

Andrew- let's go upstairs

-and they start walking and decide to use an elevator-

-As they walked in the elevator a lot of people came in as the elevator became full and crowded. Victoria is in front of Liam and the others are in a different positions and Victoria is being pushed against Liam as the two of them are now sticking together and Victoria is trying to hold her not to stick with Liam-

Victoria's perspective (this damn people i swear. Now i'm being push against him and my butt is literally sticking into his private part fucking hell)

Liam's perspective (Fuck… i can literally feel the tension and heat between us)

-while Liam is sweating and his cheeks and nose are super red and his controlling himself while his left arm are covering his half face-

*elevator ring*

-and the people are leaving-

Elijah- *sigh* damn…

Andrew- no-now wh-what is going on?

Darcy- people are coming in again!

Maureen- not again

-Victoria is now truly push and can't escape this time and she's being out of balance as people is moving around-

Victoria- ouch *she whisper*

-then Liam suddenly move her to his left side and hold her waist pushing against him and protecting her-

-Victoria looks at him shockley-

Jacob- look at them *he whisper*

Naomi- they really look like a Mafia Partner *she whisper*

Andrew- Your leader has a good chemistry with my brother huh? *he whisper*

Darcy- tss…

Andrew- what's with that attitude?

Darcy- don't get comfortable with it , this won't last

Andrew- what do you mean by that?

Darcy- there's a lot more secrets you don't know about Vic and us. So if there's more time and still early we should separate them while their still not being close to each other

-while he looks confused-

-the next day in Victoria's mansion-

Victoria's people- Falcon! abbiamo delle novità (translation: we have a news)

Victoria- che cosa (translation: what?)

Victoria's people- Gli uomini di seconda mano di Bing Wen sono venuti in Italia qualche giorno fa e ha detto che Bing Wen vuole mandarti un messaggio per te e per il signor Clifford (translation:Bing Wen's second hand men came to Italy a few days ago and he said Bing Wen wants to send you a message for you and Mr. Clifford)

Victoria- cosa ha detto? (translation: what he said?)

Victoria's people- Ha detto che Bing Wen vuole che tu e il signor Clifford vi arrenderete a lui e rinunciare ai clan mafiosi oppure… (Translation: He said Bing Wen wants you and Mr. Clifford to surrender to him and give up the Mafia Clans or else…)

Victoria- Prende di mira tutte le persone che ci circondano e le farà soffrire (Translation: He'll targeting every people who surrounds us and make them suffer)

Victoria's people- giusto (Translation: right)

Victoria- L'hai detto a mio padre? (Translation:Did you tell this to my Dad?)

Victoria's people- No, not yet we want you to know first

Victoria- Alright I'm gonna have to call my Dad and let him know this. For now if they came back tell them to wait for me and I'll deal with them

Victoria's people- Si, Falcon (Translation: Yes, Falcon)

-and they left-

-Victoria reach her phone to call Sylvester-

Victoria- Hey, Dad are you free for a minute?

Sylvester Clifford- What's up? Did something come up?

Victoria- Unfortunately Yes! My people just got here a few seconds ago and told me that Bing Wen's second hand men came to Italy and asked us to surrender to them. We both know this guy. He's gonna find everyone who's closest to us and they're gonna target them. Dad, WE NEED TO GO BACK TO SICILY

Sylvester Clifford- damn! This guy I've been holding my patience for a long time…Alright tomorrow i'll be in Italy i'll see you there!

Victoria- Don't let Mom knows about this

Sylvester Clifford- I won't

-and they hang up-

Victoria- Butler Lee…

Butler Lee- Yes, Ms. Vic?

Victoria- tell the servant's to arrange my things right now , I'm gonna leave the city tonight to go back to Italy. After i got back from the Company i'll leave , it's urgent so i;m gonna leave the house to your hands

Butler Lee- I will , Ms. Vic Don't worry i'll take care everything while your gone

Victoria- I'm going to the Company now

-and she left the Mansion-

-Meanwhile in the Company-

Victoria- I called you all in the conference room for an urgent meeting… I want to inform you all that I will be gone for a few days or so. There's an urgent problem that came from Italy and I have to fix that. While I'm gone I will leave the lead to my assistant and you all will still continue working , understood?!

Everyone- Will do Ms. Clifford


Everyone- you can trust us Ms. Clifford

Victoria- good, now go back to work

-and they all stand up and left the room-

PA- Ms. Clifford , do you want me to have a meeting for every board member to let them know you're gone for a few days so they'll be aware?

Victoria- no need for that , But if they insist and complaining and keep asking a lot of questions about me being gone… close all the deals and partnerships etc. from them and fire them all and take them down and their company

PA- yes Ms. Clifford

-and Victoria left-

-a few hours later in the meeting room-

Rose Gray- i guess everyone is here and were all ready

PA- ok everyone let's start our meeting (while she's standing in front)

Elijah- wait wait , where's Ms. Clifford?

PA- Ms. Clifford is gonna be gone for a few days and I'll be the one handling the Company while she's gone to Italy

Some Board Member- gone to Italy? What is she doing there? Doesn't she know how important these meetings are?

PA- there's some urgent happened in Italy so Ms. Clifford have to leave Beijing and deal with that problem

Some Board Member- if she's gonna be gone this meeting will only be useless and there's no point of having meetings when the headboard's are not complete!!

PA- I don't have to explain every details to all of you but one thing for sure, Ms. Clifford hand me a message that if you all insist and keep complaining and keep asking a lot of questions that aren't related to our topic I WILL BE CLOSING ALL THE DEALS AND SHARES WE MAKE FOR OUR PARTNERSHIPS AND I WILL FIRED YOU ALL AND I WILL TAKE YOU ALL DOWN AND SO IS YOUR COMPANY!! So if I were you I would be cooperative just for a few days… *while she smile and holding her anger*

-and everyone in the meeting room the Board member's got speechless and unable to move while they became shock and nervous and sweating about what she said-

PA- any more questions?

Troy- Damn… Liam, yo girl is really straight forward *he whisper*

-Liam scoff-

Liam's perspective ( she really is a badass CEO, but what could have happened to Italy?)

-and the four girls look each other-

Board Member- n-no we don't have anymore questions let's proceed

-and the meeting continued-

-back in Victoria's Mansion-

Butler Lee- Ms. Vic everything is ready

Victoria- good , now it's time for me to leave

-and Victoria is facing the front big tall doors in her mansion with her fierce and dangerous aura with a black all badass outfit-

Victoria's perspective ( now let's deal with this guy , wait till i get to Italy and we'll definitely gonna make you our pet)

To be continued…