Chapter 31 (The attack in the Clifford Mansion)

- 1 week later in the Fatal Pack's Mansion-

Maureen- Damn! This Falcon… It's been 1 week since she left and she hasn't even called us!

Phoebe- She can't even inform us, fuck this shit

-and Phoebe contact her spy in Italy-

Phoebe- Hey! I want you to watch Falcon , I want you to inform me of every single detail you'll understand?!

-and she hang up aggressively-

Naomi- isn't it weird that the Falcon didn't let us know? *while her arms are in crossed and thinking*

Darcy- it's not her thing , even though it's urgent she'll inform us no matter what… unless this thing is really a matter and don't want us to let know what is going on with her

-meanwhile in villa of the boys-

Leone- are you still thinking about her?

Liam- yeah, it's been 1 week and we still have no contact with her. I wonder what urgently happened in Italy?

-Sicily Italy in the very Mansion of the Clifford-

Victoria- Dad! What is some news?

Sylvester Clifford- here is the map of Bing Wen's weapon shipments

-while the map is place in the table-

Victoria- are you thinking what i think you're thinking? *she smirk*

Sylvester Clifford- *he smiled* Yes! His weaponry shipments will coming tonight and we'll robbed this guns and sent them in Brazil

Victoria- that's what i like to do * she mock and deadly smile*

-in the evening-

Victoria- is everybody in position?

Their people- Yes! Falcon…

Victoria- get the snipers ready, were all gonna have some fun tonight

-as they get in positions and attack the shipments , fight the people around them and they got all the guns-

Sylvester Clifford- that's all , now we have their guns… time to go back and discuss our next tactics

-meanwhile in Bing Wen's place-

Men- Boss! Boss we have a problem, the Clifford stole our weaponry as our shipments arrive they suddenly appeared out of nowhere and i can't do anything about it they were all prepared they even have a snipers around

Bing Wen- are they really testing my patience? Huh , fine, we'll give them a visit. Gather all my people and bring along all the strong guns with you all!

Men- Yes Boss

- Back in the Clifford Mansion-

-the Clifford Mansion are surrounded by people with guns guarding the place in case there's an enemy nearby and a Black German Shepherds , Doberman Pinscher, Rottweilers, and Bull Mastiffs and a secret snipers around-

*gun shots, cars approach, footsteps*

Head Leader of the Clifford Group- inform the inside *while holding a walkie talkie*

Head Leader of the Clifford Group- Get ready boys…

-inside the Mansion-

Men- there here!

-back outside the Mansion-

Bing Wen- kill everyone you see and get in our way!

-and gunshots start to fire-

*bang bang bang*

Men- Boss, a lot of our people died

-while Bing Wen is furious-

Bing Wen- get your Boss in here right now if you don't wanna die! *he shout*

Sylvester Clifford- don't have to , we already come out for you

Bing Wen- been a while since we talk, Sylvester

Sylvester Clifford- Pfft…

Sylvester Clifford- WHAT DO YOU WANT BING WEN?!!

Bing Wen- you know exactly what we came here for, SYLVESTER CLIFFORD!

Victoria- you mean this?

-and Victoria kick a big armory box-

Victoria- this is what you want right? Your weapons? *she wink*

- and Victoria pulled out one of Bing Wen's gun from her hand-

Victoria- I wonder how powerful these guns are?

-and she raise her hand pointing a gun to Bing Wen's people and fire it into his head-


Victoria- oooh… would you look at that , one bullet and brain out of his skull. HAHAHAHA *she said sarcastically*

-Bing Wen is being mad mad-

Bing Wen- You! Kill Everyone!! *he shout*

-and before they could run into them a gunfire-

*Bang Bang*

Bing Wen- what is that?

Sylvester Clifford- Our Snipers *he smiled mockingly*

-and Bing Wen looks at them with a afraid reaction-

Sylvester Clifford- you think we don't know that you're coming, HAHAHAHA well you're not smart enough not to figure that out. Thanks to your stupid men (and he looks on the men he's talking about *it's the guy who told Bing Wen the cliffords stole their armory*)

-and Bing Wen scream of anger-

-as he screams of anger his people run to attack them with a gun , and the Cliffords and their people stay where they are and stand straight with their hands raised with guns and shoot Bing Wen's people with just one bullet. As they start to lose a lot of people-

Sylvester Clifford- well i guess your by yourself now Bing Wen

(Narrator: pretend that the viewed is bloody and a lot of people is laying on the ground full of blood)

-while Bing Wen is still standing where he is with a wide eyes and shock and a gun pointing on them-

Victoria- you dare threaten us with your "words" and dare oppose us! *while she's looking at him deadly and serious deep voice*

(Narrator: she's back from being a Falcon the deadly straight cold etc. person)


-and she pull the trigger and shoot him in the head-

Sylvester Clifford- that was a good shot *he smirk*

Victoria- just as what you taught me

To be continued….