Chapter 32 (Secret exposed)

-back in Beijing-

Phoebe- any news with the Falcon? *while she's on her phone*

Her spy- Yeah… a big one

Phoebe- what do you mean "a big one"?

Her spy- well as you know the Falcon has been gone for 1 week now , the thing is she's not only alone here in Italy

Phoebe- is someone with her?!

Her spy- yes, Mr. Sylvester Clifford is here too… with all their mens

Phoebe- i thought uncle Sylvester is out of the country? Why is he there now?

Her spy- i think i know the reason why the Father and the Daughter came in Italy is because they robbed a weaponry shipments and a pack of group that lead by name Bing Wen went to the very Mansion of the Cliffords 2 days ago…

Phoebe- WHAT!?

Maureen- hey what's going on? *she whisper*

Phoebe- you can't be serious? Why would they rob that shipment full of weapons?

-and the 3 looks at each other not knowing what is going on-

Her spy- they rob that weapons is because this guy Bing Wen is gonna use it to kill the Falcon and the Boss (Sylvester) so they plan every single one to rob it and send it to Brazil

Phoebe- who even is this Bing Wen fucking guy?!! *and she's starting to get mad and mad*

Her spy - but don't worry this guy is dead on the grave already, Falcon killed him

Phoebe- alright , let me know what else is going on in there

-and she hang up-

Naomi- Who is Bing Wen you talking about on the phone? And what robbery are you talking about?

Phoebe- *sigh* Uncle Sylvester came to Italy with Victoria and they robbed this shipment full of weapons and my spy said that this gun is supposed to be used for Victoria and Uncle Sylvester to kill both of them..

Darcy- you've got to be kidding me! We need to go to Italy now

Phoebe- no , were not going back… we need to find out who is this "Bing Wen" guy is and why the Falcon didn't let us know about this

Naomi- we can ask uncle Lung about this in the party

-meanwhile in the Gray's House-

-inside the house , full of people etc.-

Troy- the girls is here

Jacob- they be looking really goldie goldie in this dresessess , worth the night

-and the 4 walk down from the stairs to accompany the girls-

-as they reach the ground floor Elijah lends a hand to Maureen asking her to dance with him and so is Andrew to Darcy and Jacob to Naomi and Troy to Phoebe… as the slow and romantic music played they start to have a romantic dance each pair in the center of the house-

Elijah- You look very gorgeous and breathtaking tonight *he compliments her*

-as they all dancing-

Maureen- not so bad of yourself either *she smirking*

Elijah- you should smile more , i prefer you smiling a lot *he flirts*

Maureen- oh yeah, but that's not my thing either *she wink and walk to the other side to get a drink*

-and Elijah followed her on the side-

Troy- you look very sexy today

Phoebe- so you're saying that i'm not sexy everyday?

Troy- no! No that's not what i meant-

Phoebe- chill out i'm just messing around

-and they smiled to each other-

Jacob- i've never seen you all this active to others

Naomi- do you want us to leave? That's fine we'll le-

-Jacob come closer to her face that only inches away to each other-

Jacob- i can see your starting to get sweaty

Naomi's perspective (oh so you wanna play huh)

Naomi- and i can hear your heart beating too fast *she wink*

-and she place both her hands on his neck , teasing him more seductively… a few seconds later she came closer to his ear and said-

Naomi- if you wanna seduce me , just ask *she whisper*

-and Naomi left while smirking-

Jacob's perspective ( well that was hot)

Andrew- you all came?

Darcy- why? You thought we were gonna miss the party?

Andrew- well , it seems like it

Darcy- Pfft…

Andrew- your absolutely shining tonight , nobody can ever replace your beauty

Darcy- is that a compliment?

Andrew- just telling the truth *he smiled*

-and they both laugh very cuteness overload-

-Meanwhile on the other side of the house-

Steven Lung- Hey!

Darcy- Goodeve. Uncle

Steven Lung- what's up?

Phoebe- can we ask about something?

Steven Lung- sure…

Phoebe- Who is this "Bing Wen" guy?

-Steven Lung suddenly stop from drinking-

Steven Lung- Why'd you ask about this guy all of a sudden?

Maureen- so you know him?

Naomi- Who is he? Can you tell more about him

Steven Lung- He is Bing Wen , he's one of the best drug dealers and manipulators in Milan. He controls people and convinces them to join his army… 25 years ago he gathered a lot of people to assassin Sylvester he thinks that he can beat him by assassinating him with his people but didn't he knows that Sylvester is already the new Boss of the Clifford and have all the power already and Don Luciano just got retired from being the leader that time. And that time Sylvester turned him down and Bing Wen couldn't accept that, from that day a lot of people tried their best to take down the new Boss (Sylvester) but a lot of them failed… Bing Wen disappeared for the last 19 years and he came back when Victoria was born, and that day he keeps spying every move of them and told them that he will killed the only heir to the Clifford family

Darcy- so you mean, this Bing Wen guy is a threat to both Uncle Vester and Victoria?

Steven Lung- definitely yes

Maureen- shit! Don't tell me he threatened the Falcon and Uncle that's why they came to Italy? And Victoria didnt let us know about this?!

Phoebe- *she sigh* this is a mess

-Rose Gray suddenly appeared from upstairs-

Rose Gray- good evening everyone, thank you all for coming tonight for our Madam Bao's 80th Birthday we appreciate you all… in just a minute we're gonna start singing a happy birthday for our birthday celebrant and give our birthday gifts , so enjoy everyone…

-meanwhile on the other side-

Leone- you're not enjoying yourself?

Liam- i do , i'm just watching everyone *while holding a glass of champagne*

Leone- i'm sure she'll reach you out soon

Liam- i hope so

-Selena came to get Leone-

Selena- hey

-and they kissed each other-

Leone- are you having fun? Are you tired?

Selena- i'm fine , i like this party *she smiled*

Leone- let me know if you wanna go home

Selena- oh c'mon don't be such a killjoy let's have some fun

Leone- as you wish wifey

Liam's perspective ( gosh, couple…)

Narrator: Liam being a third wheel ;)

Selena- what is she doing here?

-and Leone suddenly look where Selena is looking-

Leone- oh c'mon , can we just have a peaceful moment just for today

Liam- guess we have to deal with this "cHiLdHoOd FrIeNd" of us tonight

Leone- Selena , go with the girls (the Fatal Group) for a moment . i don't want you to be hurt

-as she leave and go with the girls Nara saw the boys-

Nara- Fancy meeting you here , Brothers

Troy- Gross meeting you here *sarcastic*

Leone- what are you doing here Nara?

Nara- i've been invited just like you all

Elijah- invited? Or trespassing?

Nara- oh please , let's not argue tonight

-and Madam Bao and Rose Gray suddenly appeared-

-as the people start to clap and greet her a happy birthday-

Rose Gray- everyone please join us to sing a very happy Birthday to our Madam Bao

-and they start to sing happy birthday , and clapping , etc.-

Rose Gray- Madam Bao, please blow your candles

Note: she's talking with a mic

-and Madam Bao blew the candles and they clap and start to walk towards her-

Madam Bao- thank you everyone for this evening can't help myself from tearing up

Rose Gray- we wish you the best Madam, we hope you like our birthday present for you

Madam Bao- i do , i do like this a lot

Rose Gray- ok everyone , it's time to give our birthday gifts

-as the people approach Madam Bao to give a birthday presents-

Jacob- oh wow… their giving a gifts pair pair

(what he mean about that is couple, each couple giving a gift as one)

Andrew- i guess i have to get my girl to give our present

Darcy- no need for you to get me , let's go give our present to Madam Bao

-and Darcy hold Andrew's right arm and his holding their presents on his left arm-

Elijah- i guess i have to do the same

-and the boys left-

Leone- do you want to go with us to give the present?

Liam- it's fine , I'll just go by myself

Leone- alright then

-and Leone and Selena left to go to Madam Bao-

Nara- aww… where is your "girl"? Is she not here?

Liam- …..

Nara- were the same , i'm alone too Liam

Nara- you know what, why don't we go together and give the birthday present so we don't have to be lonely

-a high heels approach-

Victoria- No need to go with my MAN… i'm here

-and Liam and Nara look on their left side-

Victoria- shall we give our gifts? *she teases and smirk*

To be continued….