Chapter 33 (the end of the Friendship)

Nara- Ms…. Clifford y-your here , your late *while she fake smile*

Victoria- Of course why wouldn't I be here… i just got into traffic that's why i'm late

Nara- oh i see

Victoria- So Mr. Chen, shall we go and give our birthday present that we bought TOGETHER for Madam Bao?

Liam- with pleasure

-and he lend his arm for her to hold him and they walk toward Madam Bao's way-

-and Nara turn on their right way to look at them-

Nara's perspective ( what!! They went together to get gifts for her! Aaaahhhhh just wait Victoria were not done yet)

-as the two walk to the center of the house they start to dance romantically , as Victoria's left is in Liam's shoulder and her right hands are touching Liam's left arm and His right hands are touching Victoria's waist-

Victoria- you seems a bit astounded , Amore Mio *she smirk*

Liam- what do you mean about "soon we'll give you the wedding that everyone's expecting"?

Victoria- don't you want to be my future husband in the future?

-and Victoria lean closer on his face as their lips are 1 inches apart-

Liam- are you sure about that , sunshine? I'll give you the huge wedding if you'd allowed me to put a ring on your finger

Victoria- oh don't flattered me amore mio , i'll sure be waiting for that

-and they both chuckles and dance-

-meanwhile on the other side-

Andrew- well well well , looks like our brother didn't get ditch after all *while they all holding a glass of beer*

Elijah- they seems to have a perfect chemistry

Jacob- not just perfect , but a STRONG chemistry

-while they looking at them-

Nara- would you mind if i take Liam away from you for a bit, to dance with him

Victoria- Yes, i would definitely mind *she annoyingly reponds*

-and she step in front of Liam as she claimed him as her man-

-back in the boys side-

Troy- oooh looks like we're having trouble here

-back in three-

Nara- oh alright, enjoy

-as she turns around , a waiter with a tray full of liquor is about to pass by them. Nara purposely tripped the waiter's foot , the tray full of liquor he was holding was thrown at Liam and Victoria and Liam suddenly covered Victoria-

Nara- oh my god , Liam are you ok… can't you be more careful! Look what you did to Mr. Chen

Nara's perspective (this supposed to be for Victoria)

Victoria- it's not the waiter's fault , you purposely tripped him

Nara- that's not true, why are you accusing me *she begging eyes them*

Liam- are you alright? Are you hurt?

Victoria- i'm fine , but you you're wet from the liquor that was thrown into you

-while she's touching him and looking at him worriedly-

-and the boys run into their way-

Leone- Liam , go change your clothes upstairs I'll let some maids bring you some clothes

Jacob- get up waiter and clean this up

Waiter- i'm so sorry President Chen, Ms, Clifford

-and the waiter left-

Elijah- you should change your dress too Ms. Clifford you've got wet too

Rose Gray- come on Liam, Vic lets go upstairs to change your clothes i'll have our maids to arrange it

-and Rose Gray assist them upstairs , as everyone is looking at them-

Andrew- damn it , now everyone is looking at us… this is so embarrassing

Leone- come with us in the hallway , Nara!!

-and they left and angry-

-meanwhile in the hallway-

Nara- I didn't do anything about that Leo

Leone- really? You didn't do anything? WE WERE WATCHING YOU , WE SAW EVERYTHING so don't lie anymore

Nara- but i really didn't do anything , it's the waiter's fault from tripping they should fired him from being careless

Leone- he's not gonna be trippin if you didn't tripped his foot and fell down on the ground!! *he said angrily while controlling himself from shouting*

Troy- and don't you dare blame the waiter here , Nara!!

Nara- why can't you all believe me *while she starts crying* am i really that bad in your eyes

Jacob- look, Nara we've been holding our patient towards you because your our childhood best friend and we don't wanna hurt you at all , but if you keep doing this; if you keep messing everyone around us we're not gonna have a choice but to leave you behind *he said calmly*

Leone- we're trying our best not to hurt you because you're a woman and we respect you because we all have a friendship that we used to have when we were all kids…. And i think it's time for all of us to end this thoroughly

Andrew- and we hope that you accept that , because we're only gonna hurt each other if we keep doing this over and over again, this is too much for us to bear

Troy- we've had a wonderful friendship all those many years, when we still knew the Nara we've spent years before. But now that Nara is gone, hatred and envy have consumed her…

Nara- what do you mean? Brothers

Elijah- We've decided that… it's best to end this friendship

-and Nara suddenly kneel down and cry-

Nara- please brothers don't do this to me i'm begging you all

Leone- Goodbye Nara

-and Leone left , and the others followed him too-

To be continued….