Hit Once

"Dodge the person shooting at us!"

Kairos shouted that as he twisted his torso to avoid a small red ball shooting towards him. Because of all the dodging he had to do, he was naturally unable to close the distance.

On the other hand, both Sam and Chase were now next to them.

Sam started it off, swinging with one of his sharpened bones towards the guy with white hair. Unfortunately, like every other time, his target dodged with a confident smile plastered across his face.

Sam quickly followed up with another swing, but missed once more. As that happened, the red ball began ignoring Kairos entirely, shooting towards Sam instead.

Naturally, Kairos warned him.


Sam looked over his shoulder and twisted his body out of the way. Kairos wanted to use this moment of reprieve to step forth, but felt a fresh pain rip through his leg in his future vision.