Even More Complicated

Kairos looked at Tiana strangely.

"Alright. Well, it was just an offer."

In response, Tiana pouted.

"Why did you offer to be a friend to me of all people?"

Kairos rolled his eyes.

"Well, for starters, I don't think you're a bad person. And second, I kinda felt you were isolated. I don't know, maybe you just wanted someone to talk to."

Tiana paused.

"Well, I feel insulted."

Kairos let out a small sigh.

"My bad then."

Tiana pressed her lips together.

"Well, I guess I can kinda take your offer."

Kairos blinked a few times.

"What in the world is that supposed to mean?"

Tiana tilted her head to the side.

"Like... half friends. How does that sound?"

Kairos stared at her blankly.

"I have no idea what that's supposed to mean, but if that's what you want, sure."

Tiana smiled after hearing that.

"It's not that complicated! Like just think of friends, but then half of that."

Kairos rolled his eyes.

"You only made me more confused."

Tiana clicked her tongue.