
The memories Kairos experienced worked in strange ways. Some of them were short, perhaps a few minutes at most. However, some of them were incredibly long, lasting days and on rare occasions months.

While Kairos had only been outside of his room for a few minutes, the countless images he had experienced had nearly added up to a lifetime.

In other words, he had experienced other people's lives more than his own.

The whole time Azami was trying to shake the two in reality, however, the few minutes that she had been yelling at them could not match the years that they were experiencing in their minds.

Despite knowing logically that it wasn't him, it was hard to keep on that rationale. The only thing that was barely helping him retain his individuality was the fact that the visions did not reproduce physical sensations.

Though he was also starting to forget that real life even had physical sensations in the first place.
