
Kairos turned his attention towards the werewolf for a moment, it was still being held in place by Jeff. While he was thinking of coming over to help, Sara had swooped down after a sidelong glance.

As she dive-bombed, her body suddenly became ink black, condensing into a sharp point, as though it had become a spear. The werewolf tensed up, seemingly noticing the imminent danger that it was in. Unfortunately, there was little to nothing it could do to dodge it.

The werewolf lowered its head before the skin on the back of his head hardened, becoming a dull gray color. However, it wasn't going in that direction. Instead of going straight for the werewolf, the mass of black spear she had become went for Jeff's arms, the ones holding the target in place.

And then, it went straight through.

There was no mark left of Jeff's golem-like body. Yet, the werewolf spasmed, coughing up large amounts of black blood as it similarly began leaking out from a new wound in the middle of its body.