The Portal: Part 2

Before Levi could grip the mask, the man grabbed his arm and held it in place. Blood stopped dripping out and the wound healed rapidly. Levi tried to break free, but the man's grip was too strong. The Energy was no longer imbued on the sword and dagger. Eventually, he broke free and grabbed his sword. The man stood up and began to laugh.

"Hahaha! It took a while for my body to absorb the radiation." The man said

"What are you? That would have killed any man or Titan." Levi said

"I am no Titan," The man said, lowering his mask, "I am Silvanus."

"Run away!" Levi yelled to the adventurers.

Silvanus' eyes glowed bright gold. Fear shot through Levi's body. The god walked closer to him. Levi got into an offensive stance. With great speed, he dashed at the god. Silvanus dodged his attack and immediately swung his sword. Levi blocked it with his own sword. A loud clang rang out. His strength was increasing. The swings had more power to them.

With the added strength, Silvanus was able to push Levi backwards. He landed hard on the ground. Silvanus charged at him and swung his sword down towards him. Levi stepped back and raised his sword above his head. The blades clashed once again. Silvanus' blade was brighter than before. Levi felt like his strength was draining away.

"Why... are you... here?" Levi asked

"I came to visit my son." Silvanus said

Silvanus kicked Levi back and waited for him to stand back up.

"I don't feel his presence." Silvanus said

"I have bad news for you. I killed him!" Levi shouted

"What?" Silvanus said in disbelief

Silvanus' tone changed. He seemed more sinister than before. His facial expression was full of rage. He lunged forward with his sword. Levi jumped back and slashed at his stomach. The blade did not penetrate Silvanus' skin. Instead, it shattered like a glass bottle being smashed against a stone. Levi looked down at his broken sword. Silvanus had a grim grin on his face.

Levi realized he was outmatched. Levi had no idea how to deal with this opponent. He could not defeat the god. He was far too powerful. He picked up his sword and ran at Silvanus. He was swinging wildly and trying to land any blow on his opponent. Silvanus was dodging the strikes by jumping back and moving around the battlefield. Levi saw his chance and charged at him.

Silvanus moved out of the way and made a leap towards Levi. Levi quickly turned around and stabbed the god's leg. The blade sunk into his flesh and drew red blood. Silvanus yelped and cringed from the pain. The second Levi pulled out his broken sword from his leg, the god already healed.

Levi couldn't believe what he was seeing. Silvanus was immune to everything he threw at him. Even without his sword, he could still destroy Levi with his bare hands. Levi could sense that Silvanus was using ten percent of his power.

The god prepared a swing and began to strike at Levi's neck. Levi was too slow to dodge and he felt hopeless. The blade inched closer to his neck, before he could make contact Levi was pushed out of the way. He fell to the ground and heard a loud clash of steel.

He looked up to see his savior. The person who was standing before the god was Veritas, Lavernius' brother. Silvanus had a fearful look in his eyes and stepped back.

"Levi!" Lavernius shouted

"Run Lavernius! I can handle him." Levi responded

"No, we can handle him." Lavernius said

Levi and Lavernius stood side by side in front of Silvanus. They both dashed at the god and timed their attacks perfectly. They inflicted so much damage in a second that he could not regenerate fast enough. The evil god became a hundred times stronger and faster. He was using one hundred percent of his power. His muscles were bulging and his veins were popping out. Suddenly, Silvanus screamed and swung violently at his enemies. He kept them at a distance long enough for him to regenerate.

"You won't get away with this!" Silvanus shouted

His face was contorted with anger. It was as if he was possessed. Silvanus' voice was deeper and louder than ever before.

Lavernius and Levi dodged the swings and rushed back to Silvanus. Silvanus was about to take another leap but stopped himself. Instead, he sent his arms out and began to chant something. Levi and Lavernius backed away. The air became warmer and he seemed to have cracks in his skin. A bright white light was shining through the cracks. He yelled in pain as he attacked them. The closer he got the warmer it was.

"Don't get hit by his sword and don't touch him!" Levi shouted

"Why?" Lavernius shouted back

"That's cosmic Energy!" He pointed out

"Oh, crap." Lavernius said

The pure radiation was destroying his body slowly. He couldn't control it. They both knew he would crumble in time, so they just focused on getting away. Silvanus' strength was growing and his body was changing. His skin was turning black and he was beginning to glow. The mad god was getting closer and more random. There wasn't a good place to take cover. All they could do was to avoid the radiation. His sword was bright and extremely hot, like molten lava.

"We have to do something! This heat is becoming too much!" Lavernius said

"I'm thinking!" Levi shouted

"AHAHAHA! This power feels so GOOD!" Silvanus shouted

Silvanus charged at Lavernius. Levi moved in front of him and blocked the attack. Silvanus grabbed Levi by the throat and lifted him off the ground. He held him over his head. Levi screamed in pain as his skin burned and turned to dust. Silvanus squeezed his neck and painfully killed him.

"LEVI!!!" Lavernius shouted at the top of his lungs.

Lavernius ran at the radiated god, but before he could do anything Silvanus began to crumble. His body fell apart and turned to ash. The cosmic Energy was too much for Silvanus' body. Lavernis grabbed Levi's decaying body. He screamed and cried and tightly grasped him. Levi's body slowly disintegrated like Silvanus' body. All that was left was his clothes and sword.

"No, please! NO! NO! Don't leave me!" Lavernius cried out, "This is HIS fault! The gods will pay! You hear me! I'll KILL ALL OF YOU! EVERY LAST ONE! I SWEAR!"

He turned to the portal and unleashed every ounce of Energy that he had. Seconds later the portal melted and was destroyed. He switched out his sword for his brothers and sprinkled his ashes in the wind. Tears fell from his as he watched them glide away.