
"why is it important to have friends?"

friends are important as they help you in tough times, comforts you on your darkest days and is always there for you when you cry." Said the woman holding the child.

"but won't there be bad friends?" the girl asked

The woman replied with a smile

"no, friends are always good. Bad friends are to not be considered friends at all. People who brings harm to others are not friends; but of course there can be fights among friends but you should always say the magic word 'sorry' and smile together!" the woman replied.


"A dream? What happened to me?" Miku said after waking up. She looked around to see what had happened. But all she saw was rubble and debris everywhere. She panicked but couldn't move around much as she was trapped under pieces of wood and stone; she could hear screams that came from outside but was unable to see as dust clouded her eyes.

"ahh! It's irritating! My eye!' she screamed as blood started to clot from her eyes and nose.

All she could do was move her right arm a bit but that didn't help, and as she was about to run out of breath, the debris she was under had all shattered. She couldn't see but she could hear and feel around her, and to her surprise, it wasn't just the debris that was gone, she was being thrown! but not even a second passed but she hit a wall with so much force that her spinal cord shattered.

The last thought she had was "huh? What's happening?" because her spinal cord broke, she lost all connection to her brain and was unable of thought. Bizarre but she could still hear what was happening.

It was Ritsume, he was sent flying by Mitsuru's attack. She could hear him scream in pain, even the blood that was coming from his wounds could be heard by her; she couldn't think so she was unable to do anything. She suffered as she heard every little detail that happened,

Ritsume's limbs being torn off, regenerating, being torn off again. It seemed as though the cycle would not stop, and his screams of agony got worse and worse.

Mitsuru laughing in joy as he sliced Ritsume's limbs as they regenerated and Ritsume slowly giving up…. This is what she suffered. Each second became longer and longer…. Until then. His screams disappeared. Mitsuru's laugh stopped. All she heard was Ritsume's words in the silence-

"please… come out! I give up. You can- t-take control now. I-I- DON'T WANT TO DIE!!!" even in that sorry state he screamed.

In anger of this, Mitsuru started to slash him faster and faster with his earth magic. "why don't you scream?!!!! Who's gonna come out huh? Give up? No! I'll make you suffer for what you did! I'll make you suffer for my lost eye!!!"

And as he went on rampaging over Ritsume's body, he noticed his body changing. Ritsume's body started to turn black, his eyes were engulfed in a blue flame. His body changed into something not human, not a devil, not a demon nor even a god. A being so terrifying emerged from within him that KI who was inside Mitsuru's body trembled in fear… Mitsuru stood strong, or he thought as he sensed his body trembling in fear, he wanted to run but his legs were so heavy he couldn't lift it. What he saw was indeed a truly horrendous scene!

Eyes which burned, hands which were devoid of skin; legs so thin and a body that showed ribs which pierced the skin, and the body was black! Pure black that light couldn't go pass it. Parts of his body started to turn blue as well.

Two rings of blue on the neck, eight rings of blue on his left arm and a blue dragon tattoo on the right. His legs started to have blue veins form. There was no nose or ears present, there was only a mouth with two saber like teeth jutting out and some dog like smaller teeth as well as long black hair with a gradient of red at the bottom.

'IT' glanced at Mitsuru and disappeared. Scared for his life, Mitsuru panics. IT then appeared in front of him and looked down, and showed Mitsuru two arms; He looked down to his arms and it was missing! They had been severed from the shoulder. In pain, he screams profusely until the being grabbed him by his neck and said

"y-you wa-want me t-to su-suffer? Ha ha me? tell me!"

Mitsuru replied without any remorse "no, no, no, I never wanted to do anything to you! I was just-"

"ju-just wh-what?" the being asked with an even deeper voice.

"revenge on Ritsume! just that! I never even had the thought of hurting you!" Mitsuru replied while bowing his head down to the being's legs. His head was so low that it touched the ground; But the being was furious after seeing this.

"And you expect me to look down so low to talk to you?" the beings mouth started to burn while it said this as well as red flame on the end of it's long hair.

Without hesitation, Mitsuru lifted his head all the way up while also bowing down. He sat in a pathetic way looking up to the being and for him it felt like standing on the edge of life and death just barely hanging on to the little he had. He did not even feel angry as he knew right now, his life is more important than anger"

Laughing histericaly, the beings goes past Mitsuru and heads for Miku who couldn't move or even think. Looking down at her pathetic self, it grabs her head, lifts it up and says

"so you're the girl with time magic power eh? Although you are not suited for it! Lack of combat experience, lack of guts and a lack of self control!" The hand which it had been holding Miku started to burn. It spread into her, it went inside her through the various wounds and started to change her.

Mitsuru felt something changing inside her, not her physical body, not her way of thinking nor her soul, and that's when it hit him! Her wounds were closing and the blood that oozed out were returning back into her; Her veins were re attached, her broken bones were not broken anymore, and her whole spine lifted. It had been re-attached and she was able to think! Her eyes stopped bleeding and her hearing was also normal.

"can't let something like you die! You're too valuable of a substance." Saying these words, it let go of her hold and walked towards Mitsuru but the being started to wobble; its legs were not stable and its eyes started to close until finally it fell unconscious in front of Mitsuru.

"huh? What?" was all that Mitsuru could think as the being reverted back to Ritume. Even though he was going back to normal, his body could not handle the sudden transformation and he was devoid of skin and muscles were all there was.

And the scent of burnt skin was too much for Mitsuru which made him fall unconscious.


"What are they??" a soldier screamed as he was being slashed.

Out of the ten thousand soldiers who were dispatched, six thousand were killed in just two hours after the battle had started. Screams and cries of knights could be heard everywhere, it wasn't even a battle nor an attack, it was a Massacre! Just two people had been killing knights left to right and the army stood no chance against them except a few skilled knights who were able to scratch them.

"Aaahhhh! DIE!" Arthur screamed as he was attacking Sarah. It did not effect her much as Arthur were unable to use magic. With a histerical smile, she said "weak!" she was enjoying the fight and did not take it seriously even a bit.

Then, from Arthurs left a knight screams "THE VISE GENERAL IS DEAD! GENERAL ARTHUR, PLEASE GIVE US THE ORDER TO RETREAT!" And those words destroyed even the tiny bit of hope the knights had left. The second strongest of the army had been killed along with countless others! All hope was lost for the knights s they started to have thoughts like

"I should have said goodbye to my family!" "why did I come here? I could have refused!" "GOD! Please save us!"


With confidence, he said to Sarah "This is our strength! We knights aren't cowards! Look at our army!" After hearing this, both Sarah and Karasu starts laughing like crazy! And Sarah says to Arthur "THIS IS YOUR ARMY? Look at those cowards run! Karasu, look at these wimps the kingdom sent!"

Arthur could not understand what she was saying until he looked behind him; All the knights had thrown their swords away and were running for their life, even the commanders who could run were running like cowards screaming and crying.

He was confused and all he thought was "Huh? What's happening?" He asked one of the knights who were running "Why are you running? We have to figh-" but got cut off "SHUIT UP! WE HAVE FAMILIES WE WANT TO SEE! WE DON'T WANT TO DIE!'"

Arthur falls down to his knees in despair after he understood what was going on; He thought "how could I have not noticed this? Their lives… their lives are also on the line here! I forgot about my life after that incident and now…"

He looks up to Sarah and says "what have I done?" to himself while reminiscing about his past.


"Momma!" said a young boy while running towards his mother, he looked happy and had a big smile in his face.


A boy wearing rags looks at a distant burmed down village while standing on top of a hill near a grave.

He sees travelers pulling carts filled with fruits down a winding path towards the open field as his tummy rumbles at the sight of delicious food.

He runs down the hill to the cart and takes some of the fruits from it; but the cart puller sees this and angrily chases him shouting "thief! Thief!" The boy could not run much as he was extremly hungry and was caught by a by stander who ran up to him and pinned him down.

After the yale village incident, even small amounts of goods are considered valuable as most traders got their income from Yale as it was a very busy trading town; everyone who lived near Yale went bankrupt and the people were never happy after this… To the extent that they would not mind a child's death as long as it was "One less mouth to feed"

The boy looked up to the trader and cried as he swung his whip.