A well done memory.

She was out of breath not from running but from worries. "What happened to him?" "Who are you?" "What did 'you' do to him?" her mind was tangled while she cried for him.

"I didn't do anything to him, he just passed out that's all." Sakura replied.

But she was not happy with the response; a women smoking without any care in the world next to a child in bed unconscious. She went to touch him but that's when she understood what happened.

"Hi-his magic...it's-it's alarmingly low! If he loses his magic energy, then he can-can't live a normal life! What HAVE YOU DONE TO HIM?"

Hearing this, she puts her cigar down and replies nonchalantly "He can't have a normal life? You must be joking! The kid will probably live life to the fullest if he doesn't have magic... And what that guy said... You should keep your emotions in check, you don't know what happened when you were asleep and now you've barged in here and spouting non sense about him like he's your husband who got robbed because he was drunk!"

She was furious by what the women said and throws her cigar from her hand and says to her "Tell ME what happened! And what is about this 'that guy?'. He is the only reason I am alive right now and I can't even thank him for that!... Just please, tell me what happened to him?"

And she sat down on the bed near to Ritsume and looked at Sakura.

And she explains to Miku what had happened. Hearing this Miku was shocked and almost couldn't believe it but after Sakura showed her a wound she got while trying to attack that mystery man, she believed it.

That wound was after Ritsume fell unconscious and it was horrifying! A large cut on her back that did not bleed and was unhealable! It was wide open showing her skeletons and muscles inside. It could not be reverted back to normal !

But then Sakura said "There is one way but I don't think we will ever reach to that point..."

"What is that point?" Miku asked

"He said if I was ever able to inflict a small scratch upon him, I would heal and even get stronger but... After saying that, he showed me a small amount of power that he had! Just releasing it destroyed the surroundings and his power to control gravity is the only reason I am here"

Miku was terrified! "Gravity magic? That's impossible! And the wound Sakura had was also from a weapon of ancient times! But how?", She thought.

"Wait!", ehe screamed, "If he is that strong, why did he let the 2 of you alive?"

"Beats me", Sakura explained, reaching out for a new cigar.

"Well, because you are lying!", she said.

"Huh?", Sakura said after stopping her from chanting time magic.

"COULD YOU JUST STOP FIGHTING?", cried the attendant.

"Arguing over him?, HIM?. Who are you?" *pointing at Miku" "His girlfriend?"

"And you! His Sister? NO WAIT! He has no sisters. Then you are his mother? Umm, you do look a bit like him. OH YEAH! He has no real parents alive! Then you must be a pervert!"

Miku and Sakura stare at each other.

Miku then laughs, "His girlfriend?"

Sakura is just wonderstruck by the attendant.

Was she living under a rock? Does she have Amnesia?

Attendent then says, "Then you are also a perv, eh?"

Sakura replies, "Do you know that the person you are speaking to is a sister to a regional threat and I am one of the highest ranking officers in the entire En-Nasin Guild?"

The attendant then replies, "Don't make me laugh!"

The nurse who came for her regular check up came and cried, "Miss Sakura! What a surprise! Oh and what's that wound? Don't worry we shall fix it for you! OH! THE PATIENT IS AWAKEN! Miss Sakura, we are truly sorry for not increasing our check up times."

The attendant, "Miss Sakura!?"

Then Sakura tells to the nurse that she has no reason to be nervous and sorry.

The nurse then leaves with the attendant, who is still shaking.

Miku, then asks "When are you gonna leave?"

Sakura was surprised!

She then asks jokingly, "For what, do you want me to leave? To kiss your boyfriend?"

Miku then cries, "He is not my boyfriend!"

Then Sakura again jokes, "That's what they say."

Miku and Sakura then get into another argument, before quickly becoming the closest friends you could ever imagine as both loved Riceballs!

Sakura then leaves.

Miku, then looks at Ritsume with downcast eyes.

It was easy to say that she was sad, but was there something else in that eyes?

Maybe a bit of hatred towards herself as she couldn't help Ritsume.

Miku then says with tears nearly at her eyes, "Thanks Ritsume" and she kissed his forehead.


Mitsuru, who had awoke just a teeny bit ago, was angry.

Ritsume, hearing the shout, woke up.

He was startled by seeing Miku near him, but he also saw Mitsuru using earth magic to break the glass

He quickly came out and tried to understand what was going around, but it was too much.


Ritsume then was wondering what was the "Stone-Blood Ring" Mitsuru was talking about, but he had no time as Mitsuru broke the glass and charged towards him.

Ritsume then exclaimed, "Berserker Arts, World twister Slam"

He then picked up Mitsuru and tossed him. But Mitsuru, on the other hand, just smiled and said, "You weakling also know of that? I know that it is something a amateur can achieve, but you?"

He then continues, "Never Mind, Earth Magic GeoSurge!"

Ritsume was stunned at hearing that, he had never thought that Mitsuru knew one of the strongest earth magics .

Mitsuru then summons spikes around him and rotates them, before launching against the foe.

No matter how far the foe was, it was guaranteed to hit! And the fact that it can do ridiculous amount of damage, wasn't helping him either.

Ritsume, then exclaimed, "Blood Magic Spontaneous Explosions"

"AGH", went Mitsuru, " You figured that if I hurt you, your blood can just explode which means that any spikes aimed at you, will explode at the tiniest contact with your blood"

Mitsuru, then smiles and says, "No wait, this is perfect!"

And then Ritsume knew what Mitsuru thought and knew that he messed up.

(Authors Note: This is a small chapter as the next one is the one to contain the fight and also a few other minor details. So please bear this with me.)