As I promised the princess, I took her to the village where Aunt Mervouw lived. But since taking the princess was a bit of a hassle, we set off quietly without anyone knowing. I mean, well, when a royal family travels, there are a lot of protocols to follow. Whether it's control, supervision, and others.

A few days before leaving, I wrote to Aunt Mervouw. She was happy because I was going back there. I didn't say I would take my sister as I promised before, but I did tell her that I would bring a friend from the academy. Thank goodness aunt did not mind.

We decided to leave Friday afternoon. I rented two horses to save time—one for me and one for Princess Aurellia.

Princess Aurellia did a very good job. as soon as we agreed, She went straight to the Palace the next day (secretly, of course. She's pretty good at stealth) and immediately spoke to the king about her intentions.