We have been in this village for two days. Because this village previously did not have a name, Princess Aurellia finally named this village Adonia.

The name is similar to the flower's name in my old life, Adonis. But I think it fits the characteristics of this village. Just as Aphrodite and Persephone fought over Adonis in ancient Greek mythology, nobles and merchants often fought over this village. Yeah, even if it's just for exploitation anyway.

When I asked the princess about the name, she was playing dumb by saying that it crossed her mind and immediately gave it the name. Haishhh, this woman.

If the princess is happy with it, there is no problem at all.

Besides randomly wandering around, today, Saturday, I took the princess to the lake behind the village. It was the same lake as that time, after getting hot and then swimming in the clear and cold water. It is the best! Not to mention there is Fan Service from the princess.