The Assassin’s Anger

Vipers member: "Boss! We found two other people! They were quite tough. One is a warrior and one is a knight! We've decided to bring them back!"

Shane: "Good! Don't bring them to the base. Bring them to me. I'm at the local bar."

Vipers member: "Right, boss!"

Alen: (A warrior and a knight? No, it can't be!)

Ned: *Whispers* "Alen! Are the players they're talking about-"

Alen: "We don't know yet, plus, those guys are strong."

Shane: "Right, so, where were we? Right. I was going to end both of you."

Vipers member: "Boss!"

Shane: "Perfect timing!"

Alen: *Shcoked*

Ned: "Hey, hold on! Isn't that-?"

Alen: (Aiden? Rico? Lost to those brats? What did they do?)

Rico: *Woke up* *look at Alen* "A-Alen?"

Shane: *Hits Rico* "Shut up!" *looked at Alen* Hm? Oh I see! You both know these two eh? If you want to save these two so bad... come and get it."

Ned: "Tsk! Release them!"

Shane: "What? You dare order me?"

Ned: "I said release them... or... I will kil-"

Alen: "You brats!"

Ned: *Shocked* *looked at Alen*

Alen: "Ned! Stay out of this! This one's mine. I swear I'm gonna kill you, Shane! You should be ashamed, that's why you're called Shane"

Ned: "Alen, we better go back now! Safety comes first. We can deal with him next time!"

Alen: "Next time? There is no next time... for you... Shane!" *Sprints as fast as winds towards Rico and Aiden* *grabs Rico and Aiden* *goes back to original position*

Shane: *Shocked* (I know the assassins fast but, not this fast!)

Alen: "You've killed too many innocent people! Even Ned's kill count isn't as much as you!"

Ned: (Come to think of it, how did he know my kill count and his? I've never even told him my kill count. Neither do he.)

Shane: "How could you know? I've never even told you anything about my kills."

Alen: "Are you some sort of moron. Us assassins could collect knowledge about someone or something. That also means your profile. Kill counts, clans, everything! I just need to touch you to know your status. Although it didn't tell me how many skills you unlocked but, the rest is enough."

Shane: (What? When did he touc-) *shocked* (You sneaky brat!) *laugh* "You little assassin! Well, if you think you can kill me then, bring it!"