Fourth day since game started
05:28 p.m.
Razor (Vipers member): "Boss! We have killed seven people today! Of course we wouldn't have all the fun so we brought three extra people to the basement. Those would be yours. D-don't worry! The boys are keeping watch." *giggled* "Um, boss?"
??? Viper's leader ???: "Reaper! I swear I'm gonna kill you!"
Razor (Vipers member): *Scared* *shaking*
??? Vipers leader ???: "Razor!"
Razor (Vipers member): "Y-yes boss!"
??? Vipers leader ???: Tell the boys that we're going to find that Reaper guy! We're going to finish him!"
Razor (Vipers member): "O-okay boss!" *quickly run*
??? Vipers leader ???: (Reaper! How dare you embarrass me! Do you know who I am! I'm going to make you pay!)
Fifth day since game started
10:28 p.m.
Alen and Alice are training in the backyard. Seeing them practice, Stella decided to help them both. Rico and Aiden are also practicing. While Ned is preparing food for them. He is the house owner.
Rico: "Fist of Fury!"
Aiden: "Glorious Defense!"
Rico: "Oo, that's a hard shield"
Aiden: *Smiled* "With my Glorious Defense skill, my shield is hard as steel. Your skill won't do anything against it!"
Rico: "Ok then, how about this. Flame Kick!" *kicks Aiden*
Aiden: *Block with his shield* "Haha, told you it does nothing!"
Rico: "What? Aw man! Well, nothing that I expect from a tanker."
Ned: "Guys! Food is ready!"
Rico: "Alright! Time for some food!"
The team started eating.
Rico: "Wow! It's so good!"
Stella: "Wow! You do know how to cook!"
The team was full and then, they started to head out, all of them. They split into groups of three. Alen with Ned, Alice with Stella and Aiden with Rico. Each group have different task. One group is in charge of gathering resources. One is to scout the area either for safety or rescue or if they could meet someone that could help them, they recruit them. And one more is in charge scouting further and more areas. Could be for lookout of other teams or base or other things. Alen and Ned is in charge on the far scouting. Stella and Alice are in charge in near scouting. Aiden and Rico are in charge in gathering resources. Each of them can also communicate through telepathy even if their far apart.
Meanwhile in Alen's group.
Alen: "Found anything there?"
Ned: "Not yet." *sees a group of guys* *gets on the high ground* "Alen, I just found something. Come to me! Make sure you're on the high ground!"
Alen: "Got it!"
Alen quickly parkour his way to Ned.
Ned: "Alen! Over here!"
Alen: *Jump nest to Ned* "What is it that you see?"
Ned: "Look at that bar on the left! I think those are Vipers."
Alen: "Is that they're boss?"
Ned: "Now that you mention it, yeah, I think the boss is with them."
Alen: "What are they doing there?"
Ned: "Probably trying to find people to kill."
Alen: "Wanna kill them?"
Ned: "Do they deserve it?"
Alen: "I did told you before that they deserve to get killed."
Ned: "But how?"
Alen: "I'll sneak and kill one or two of them. I'll kidnaptwi and you kill both of those I kidnapped."
Ned: "What about the other two?"
Alen: "We'll show ourselves and kill those two. That would leave the boss."
Ned: "Sounds like a good plan."
Alen: "Alright! Let's do it!" *preparing to proceed plan* "Silent Step!"
Alen began his operation by getting down from the roof. He throws a piece of trash to attract the members of the group. He then uses camouflage to blend in with the wall near him. He quickly assassinate both of the distracted members. Ned helped Alen by distracting the rest of the team to the other way so that they won't find the corpse. Alen quickly grabs another two of the members and bring them near Ned. Ned quickly kills them. That just leaves two other members and the Vipers leader. Alen and Ned showed themselves to the rest of the group of Vipers.
Alen: "Hello Vipers!"
Ned: "Your team won't be seeing you guys anymore. We've sent them to a better place.
??? Vipers leader ???: "Reaper! We meet again! And this time, you brought a friend huh? *look at Alen* *smiled* "Hey, I know you! You're one of the top known pro player! Alen Kristoff."
Alen: "Wow! I didn't know I'm that popular."
??? Vipers leader ???: "You're quite the bluffer. Oh how rude am I. You're someone special. I should've introduced myself first. Hello! My name is Shane! I'm The clan leader of Viper!"
Alen: "I'm Alen the clan leader of The Elite Royale. Isn't it easier and faster that way."
Shane: *Laughed* "I like that attitude of yours. But sadly, you both have to die. You two! Kill them!"
Vipers members: "Right, boss!"
The Vipers members attacked both Alen and Ned. But, they were no match for both Alen and Ned.
Shane: "Tsk! Useless team! Well, it's not like I didn't expected it to happen. So that means I have double the fun."