Chapter 26: Two Alphas, One Omega (7)


"I-Is it that bad?" Paragon asked in worry.

Skylar choked on a sob but managed to get his words through. "N-no, it's just that *sniff* I've been having a terrible day. And you *sniff* just did this and-"

Paragon took a sniff and like she thought, the entire room had been soaked in the fragile scent of Omega sadness that tugged at her heart. As an Alpha, she felt the instincts to protect him, to hold him tight and whisper sweet nothings to him so that he could feel secure in her presence which in totality, made her confused.

All of these feelings running amok in her head - worry, anxiety, mild panic and the others she couldn't identify - served to prove her theory about Skylar right again. Everything she was feeling right now gave her a sense of elation and freedom, helping her believe that with him, she could be and feel like the ordinary citizens she protected.


Her heart dropped when she touched his cheeks and felt them wet with his tears. Amongst all the new emotions sprouting in her chest, the most dominant one was the need to hold him tight. And that was what she did.

Wrapping her arms gently around him, she pitied that such a small, little thing had to suffer whatever it was that was causing him to cry right now. "Shh. . .It'll be okay, little Omega. I'm here now. Noone will hurt you anymore."

Surprisingly, her words were working as the cloud of grief plaguing his mind started to clear, giving way to the warm light of security blooming in his heart. His sobs gradually decreased before he felt sleepy all of a sudden. His fatigued body stilled in Paragon's arms as she carried him to the bed.

"I can-"

"Shush now," Paragon gently settled him down onto the cool, soft bed as she tuckered him in his blanket. "We can talk about whatever you want to when you wake up."

She gave him the same smile that he had fallen in love with. The smile that told him everything was going to be alright. "For now, sleep."

And just like that, he fell asleep, dreaming of all things rainbow and sunflowers. The smell of a happy Omega pervaded the air, infecting Paragon as well. She secretly puffed her chest in pride at how good of a job she did. Looking at him closer, she could see that he was nothing short of a beauty, with facial features that were more cute than hot but that was exactly what she liked.

Paragon took out a piece of paper and wrote her number down, along with a rescheduling of their date before putting it beside his bed. She took one good look at his adorable sleeping face before flying away.


Skylar woke up in the evening with heavy eyes and a brain that was somewhat disgruntled but felt 10lbs lighter. He rubbed his eyes, staring dumbly into his room. When he realized his room looked completely different, he nearly freaked out but his brain reminded him of today's morning events.

"Ugh. . .my head," He groaned, holding his throbbing head. He checked his phone and saw that it was already four in the evening, with multiple missed calls and messages from Breaona.

"Crap!" He inwardly cursed, quickly opening the chat log and read the missed messages.

(Breona) Wake up already, loser. [5 AM]

Breona sends an attachment

(Breona) Hehe, monke [5:10 AM]

He saw that the cool, new thing she had bought was nothing more than a pair of flashy basketball shoes. He rolled his eyes. How could he forget her sneakerhead hobby?

(Breona) Yo, you excited for the date? Or, super nervous? Lol, just don't piss your pants when you meet her. [6 AM]

(Breona) Ay, you need my help with anything? [6:30]

(Breona) Are you seriously ignoring me right now? Kids these days. . .[6:40]

Then, the following messages entered what could only be described as the panic territory. From here onwards, all of the messages were asking him if he was okay and gradually growing to a 'I'm coming over and I'm breaking the doors open. Should arrive by 8." Immediately, he broke out in cold sweat. He checked the time and saw that it was already 5 minutes past eight.


He didn't even have enough time to stand up before the doorbell rang. No need to guess who was behind the door. . .since she had already opened it by kicking it open, destroying the door that Paragon had just bought and fixed for him. Cold, dark brown eyes scanned the place, myriad of emotions briefly passing past, until they settled on the Omega calmly sitting on the bed.

"Okay, what the actual fuck?" Breona narrowed her eyes at the sheepish looking boy. She snapped her fingers and circled them around the new, way cleaner room before folding her arms. "Explain."

Skylar sighed, knowing that his plans of having a calm, relaxing morning had gone down the gutter. He sat her down and explained everything that had happened in the past day and night. How Eve had stumbled into his room and forcefully, prematurely brought out his heat before taking him with a dubious amount of consent from him. Everyone knew that an Omega couldn't call rape when one was in heat. Then, he told her about the fiery confrontation between him and Eve that caused his entire room to burn down, nearly causing him to fully submit to her as well.

He calmed Breona down quickly with a gentle rub of her knuckles before continuing on with his story. Next, Skylar had told her about how Paragon herself came to him, glorious cape and all before she hugged him, and all the other things that made him blush as he recounted his memories. Finally, he ended the story by telling her that Paragon was the one who had saved him again. . . .and his room.

Breona slumped in her seat with a groan. There was just too much going through her head right now after she listened to his story. Guilt was the first thing prevalent as it clutched at her heart, telling her that she should have been there for him and whatnot but she ignored it, telling herself that she had long since relinquished that position to his new Alpha and hearing him, Paragon didn't disappoint.

"So, she just came by, said hi, gave your room a do-over, tucked you in before leaving?" Breona asked, massaging her eyebrows.

"Uh. . .pretty much," Skylar said.

"So you just woke up now?" Breona asked.

"Yup, like 5 minutes before you arrived," Skylar replied.

Breona stood up and walked back to the hall before coming back into his room, this time with an order of Dominique's Pizzas in hand. Suddenly, Skylar's stomach growled at the delicious smell of pineapple, bacon and cheese.