Two Alphas, One Omega (8)


"So, she just came by, said hi, gave your room a do-over, tucked you in before leaving?" Breona asked, massaging her eyebrows.

"Uh. . .pretty much," Skylar said.

"So you just woke up now?" Breona asked.

"Yup, like 5 minutes before you arrived," Skylar replied.

Breona stood up and walked back to the hall before coming back into his room, this time with an order of Dominique's Pizzas in hand. Suddenly, Skylar's stomach growled at the delicious smell of pineapple, bacon and cheese.


"Good thing I bought enough pizza for your breakfast, lunch AND dinner," Breona told him, placing the warm cardboard onto his lap. She took a look at Skylar and saw he was practically salivating already. Adorable. "Go ahead. Eat."

"How about y-"

"I already ate," Breona lied. Truthfully, she had bought for the both of them but she decided to be a good, best friend and take care of his dumbass again.

Skylar only nodded before ripping the poor package apart. He didn't even take the time to appreciate the beautiful sight of his favorite pizza before tearing into it. Stuffing his cheeks with the greatest food known to Earth, he took a quick look at Breaona and saw that she had an amused smile on her face. "What?"

"Nothing. You still eat like a chipmunk, smurf," Max teased. She stood at a respectable 6'3 which was heads and shoulders above the boy's height. You had to keep in mind that she was a Beta, not an Alpha.

Skylar scoffed but focused on finishing the pizza. After gulping it down, he looked at Breona and then saw something right behind her. "What's that?" He continued to bite onto another piece. "This would go great with some coke to be honest."

"Here," Just like a magician, Breona somehow took out a can of coke and gave it to him. "Anyway, what's what?"

Skylar opened the can of coke with a pop, relishing in the fizzy smell and drank it with a satisfied smile. "That paper behind you."

"What paper?"

"Right there, where your arm's resting on. On the table."

With a raise of her eyebrow, Breona turned around and indeed, saw a paper, more specifically, an envelope that had been hiding underneath her elbow. Picking it up, she read the contents of the letter as her features changed from disinterest to shock to amusement.

"So, what's it say?" Skylar asked nonchalantly. "Who's it from? Please don't tell me it's from her."

"Unless the 'her' you're referring to is a 6'6 Alpha Cape who goes by the name of Paragon, then totalllly not,' ' Breona teased, then saw how quick Skylar dropped his pizza and coke before snatching the letter from her hands.

The letter read out,

Dear Skye,

If you're reading this right now, I just want you to know that I'm sorry for having to cut our meeting so short but I'd rather you to be safe than to satisfy my own cravings. And as for our date that had been so rudely interrupted (I'm sorry), I'd like to tell you that I'll be flying in tomorrow at an early 7 in the morning. All you have to do is stay as cute as you are, and I'll carry the both of us around the city.

P.S, your sleeping face is extremely adorable.



A blush spread across his cheeks. He crumpled the paper in his shaky hands, telling Breona all she had to know about how he was feeling right now.

She snorted. "Stop bragging, you muffin."

"Sorry, I'm just so, I can't, I"

"Okay, calm down. You're going to pass out at this rate," Breona jokes, going over to give the little Omega a gentle hug. She felt him calm down in her arms. "You good?"

Skylar weakly held onto an arm. "Yeah, yeah. I'm okay now. Phew. . " He took a deep breath and regained his composure, finally noticing the spot of pizza that had fallen and tarnished his brand new carpet. He was going to have to clean that tomorrow.


Skylar re-read the letter and saw the time for their date. "7 in the morning?!" He checked the time and it was already 10 into the night. That meant he only had around. . .9 hours to prepare but then he still needed to sleep early so that he looked the best he could for tomorrow. But then, THAT would mean that he had less time to choose his outfit, practice his speech with Breona and everything else he had to do for a date with his literal FIRST CRUSH.

"Ouch!" Skylar rubbed his forehead, glaring at the offender.

Breona just shook her head. "You're having a panic attack again. Jeezus, you'd think this was your first, teenage date with the way you're acting."

"I can't help it, Breona!" Skylar whined. "She's Paragon! How many times have I told you about how she literally saved me? About her perfect hair, her perfect smile or. . ."

"Please spare me the details," Breona groaned. If she'd known she'd have to listen to Skylar's teenage love talks, she'd never have come over. Nah, that didn't matter since he'd just call her up and ramble on and on about Paragon. This boy, why did she put up with him?

"I. .I thought that. . .she had ruined any chance I had left with Paragon but," Skylar suddenly gave a hopeful smile, one that even stunned Breona for a couple seconds. He held the letter tight to his chest. "I'm glad that good things come to good people."

". . . .Are you seriously saying you're a good person? Really? In front of me?" Breona raised an eyebrow, staring directly into Skylar's soul. She knew that he knew that she knew a lot of things about him that would prove otherwise.

Skylar coughed, trying to hide his embarrassment. "Anyways,"


"Anyway," Skylar finalized, pinching his best friend's thighs while giving her an embarrassed glare which told her to stop talking. "What do you think?"

"What do I think about what?"

"About this whole thing!" Skylar yelled. It was then that Breona saw traces of all kinds of emotions swirling in his baby blue eyes. Especially fear. "You and I both know that whenever something good goes on for me, she always comes and ruins it. I can't let her know about this date, Bree. Not again."

Breona bit her lips. Honestly, there wasn't anything she could do for him, legally at least since the both of them knew that if they pressed charges against Eve, her army of top notch lawyers and bought off judges would definitely win. But, even knowing that, it was still hard for her to admit it out loud. She knew that there was only one way, only one thing she could do for him but to use it would mean that she had broken a promise. Was it worth it?

Staring into those baby blue eyes that had always been so full of hope and light, now darkening with the clouds of fear, she made her choice. For so long, he had saved her, helped her when she was down and had always scratched her back. It was her turn to sacrifice now.

"I. . .I have a plan," Breona started. She opened her palms, before closing them again.

Skylar's eyes widened. "No."

"It's the only way."

"No!" Skylar yelled. "I'm not letting you use that again."