Two Alphas, One Omega (9)


"I. . .I have a plan," Breona started. She opened her palms, before closing them again.

Skylar's eyes widened. "No."

"It's the only way."

"No!" Skylar yelled. "I'm not letting you use that again."


"Come on, Skye. We both know that the moment you leave this house, she will sense you, drag you back, and most likely, attempt a fight against Paragon," Breona gave him a look. "Your date's in broad daylight. Two capes duking it out would make the headlines, until the camera turns to you when they find out why two Alpha Capes are fighting."

"I-I," Skylar stuttered, trying to find a retort but managed to grab nothing. He only let out a sigh. She was right. There were few things in this world that he hated, and being the center of attention was in the top three. Of course, It was only a matter of time until his face was colorized in newspapers after his date with Paragon was revealed but until then, he just wanted his safe, quiet bubble. Honestly, he didn't even go out of his house once when the whole Goliath thing was caught on camera.

And, just as Breona said, he knew that Eve had definitely casted some sort of tracking spell or magic or whatever on him. He wasn't 100% sure in the theory, but he 100% believed in the delusional, possessive-obsessive mind of his crazy ex that could easily prove his theory.

With that, Skylar held onto his best friend's hands and looked into her smoking, brown eyes that never failed to calm him down. "Are you sure?"

"Nope," Breona said, shaking her head. Skylar was prepared to pinch her sides. "But! But, I am sure that if I ever want to break the promise, I'll break it for you."

For a moment, both of them were silent. Skylar nudged his head into her bountiful bosom and felt safe there, always so warm her body. Silently, he wondered how on earth he managed to capture such a wonderful friend like Breona. Oh to think, they'd already been friends for more than half of their lives. He giggled inside. Noone would have believed him if he told them that the cold, aloof Beta on campus was now his long-time, most cherished best friend.

He gently pushed himself away from her embrace and looked at her with determined, thankful eyes. "Alright then. But, don't push yourself, Bree."

"Only for you."

"No. No," Skylar whispered. "Not even for me."

Breona nodded. Then she brought her hands to cup both of Skylar's cheeks and said, "I'm a little rusty so if you turn into an octopus or something, that's on you."

"Wait wha-"

"Here we go," Breona quickly said. "Bless you Skye." She brought her face closer to him and kissed him on his forehead as a bright flash of light enveloped the room.

Skylar hung his head low, closed his eyes and enjoyed the warm feeling of Breona's blessing filling him. He felt like he was in his mother's womb again, baptized through her holy blood and blessing. The world was warm rainbows and a garden of roses everywhere for around five seconds until the high died down and he was brought back to the original world.

"Wow," Skylar said, still a little dazed. "I missed this. How could I ever forget what your blessings felt like." He looked at himself in the mirror, seeing a small tattoo of a cross - the insignia of Breona's Cape ability - quickly flash in white before disappearing the next second.

Breona held onto his shoulders and gave the back of his head another kiss, this one just for extra good luck. "With this, everything should be alright for tomorrow." With the blessing of concealment inside him, he knew that she was telling the truth.

"Ugh," Breona groaned.

"Bree!" Skylar quickly held onto the sides of her face just as she had done to him while giving him her blessing. He looked at her with a worried expression on his face. Biting his lips, he was about to apologize and regret everything until she gave him a gentle bonk on the head.

"What did you do that for?" Skylar asked, indignant.

"Just. . .that dumb, worried face of yours," Breona said, alreading seeing two of Skylar in front of her. Haha, how could she forget about this annoying side effect of her cursed ability? Feeling her eyelids growing heavy, she fell onto his bed and said, "Hey Skye, I think. . .I'm crashing. . .in for the night." And she was out like a lamp.

Skylar blows a soft sigh from his lips, careful to not wake Breona up. "Dummy." She always pushed herself to the extreme to push off whatever rock he faced in his road. And everytime she did so, she'd always suffer somehow, one way or another while laughing it off and saying that she just felt like doing it.

Suddenly, Breona snorted like a pig in her sleep, startling him. He glared at the peaceful expression on her sleeping face. "Dummy." Then as if to spite him, she turns around, taking most of his bed for herself like a big, dumb log as he sighs.

With one long glance at the dazzling full moon tonight, Skylar caught a couple shooting stars and immediately wished for luck and good health, for him and everyone he loved. Then, he went to grab some blankets for himself before pushing Breona's big figure to the side and went to bed.


So, today was the day.

He took a quick look at his watch, the thin little thing presented to him by his grandparents before they died. "8:05." Never had he ever woken up this early in the morning but if he had to pick a day to ignore his desire to sleep in, it'd have to be today.

After all, today was the day. He looked himself over in the mirror. It took him and Breona quite a while to settle on the fashion theme before she left this morning, and he was worried that he didn't look good enough but Breona had told him he looked absolutely beautiful.

The aesthetic she had decided for him was business casual, and sensual cute. He wore a black, cut front 1 piece dress that hugged all of his curves, from the small of his waist to the Omega-ly swell of his hips. The color palette of the dress contrasted wonderfully with the snowy whiteness of his skin. His legs had been showcased particularly well with his adorable, matching black low boots that highlighted his calves. To top it all off, he wore a small, black choker around his neck along with a couple earrings to cream the cake.

He did a little swirl in his new dress. If Breona hadn't been an athlete, she would definitely make a great fashion designer. He now knew why most celebrities wore high end fashionable outfits before their big days. If you looked good, you'd feel good.

He sat on his bed carefully, not wanting to tarnish his outfit as he waited for his super date. He took another glance at his phone and it read, '8:30'. She said she would come by 9. Meanwhile, he looked around his new room, still unable to get over how his entire room had been refurbished by Paragon in a matter of seconds, or was it minutes?


His phone buzzed in purse. Taking it out, he read a number of messages wishing him good luck from Breona. It was wholesome until she reminded him to pack some contraceptives to which he blushingly and furiously texted that they weren't going to go that far on the first date.

(Breona) Whatever you say, cupcake ;)

Skylar reminded himself to smack her up the chin when he came back from the date. He went on to text her for a couple minutes to distract himself before closing his phone and took a deep breath.

He opened his eyes and smiled. He looked at his reflection in the mirror. "You've got this. Nothing is going to go wrong. You deserve this." He continued on giving him a pep talk, inwardly screaming and fanboying over how he was now going to go on a date with his all time crush!