Trip to Misery


"I'll be waiting for you then, here in our sunset."

Those were the last words from Alex, my boyfriend which I love the most in this world. He's the reason why I'm standing still in this world with ranging storm since my parents died last year. Every afternoon, we spend our time together in the cliff where we usually meet. We are cheerful and placated fair, observing each other fine. Developed together, fulfilling our dreams and completing what's purge inside us. I will be having a trip to West place, an event which I will be hosting. Now keeping in mind his back, wearing his black suit forming a silhouette in the sunset.

I have arranged everything within the occasion, but I do not know one thing I am not prepared for was entering the wrong way and place in the jungle.

Miles away from the main road and my car run out of gas, so I stop in the middle of silent night grass noise, black birds flew away, cold fog are heavily felt. I instantly fill my car with gas, opening the car. My head aches when someone from the back hit me collapse.

In the morning...

Someone throws water on me, I almost drown. Opening my eyes, I saw women surrounding me with chains in their hands, my hands are cover with this chain too. They look frighten, some are mad, and most of them have severe wounds.

"Who are they? Why they look so different from normal? "

"You're so lucky to have such beautiful facial features but too bad, you're being unlucky ending up like us."

Woman in front of me replied with sincere voice looking at me with pity eyes.

"Who are you?" I asked her.

"Name's Amanda Mendoza, the mad woman over there is Charlene, (pointing on the right corner) she wants to go out here she misses her child. We're like chickens in this sorrowful place, cannibal men will eat the weakest, waiting for them to die and the strongest woman? Will become their bride means she will be giving birth to their child to continue the cannibal bloodline."

My skin for somehow, starts to stand and the door unexpectedly opens. A tall guy with blonde hair enters.

"You Amanda, cook something for us and bring the mad one with you."

Women around me start to shake in fear, there was also a young girl beside me.

"Don't be scared kid." I smiled to cheer her up.

"I want my mommy." Cried the poor girl, she's Kim Aure.

I watch the first sunset since I saw Alex.

However news on that place:

𝐑𝐨𝐚𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐖𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐰𝐧

Rising unsolved cases of individuals passing at this road which causes people to fear entering or passing at that place, particularly at night. No people dare to check or enter the Westtown, knowing how dangerous in the main road, none knows what or who lived at that town surrounding by dark trees.


The cases of missing women remained confidential to Oldham- town next to Westtown road.

Fact: They did not intend to lose agriculture and business. They still find these cases brutal for the internal body parts of women's were all gone, the skin we're craved like women are animals for them to attack or treat living individuals in inhuman way.


Next afternoon...

Two guys enter the room...a wooden room filled with dry grasses. Other girls were starving to meet freedom and their family. Kim, that child cried last night, Amanda told me that she does that every night. There's also a new captive woman named Nelia Hawke, teenagers who vlog and take some adventure, went all the way here to be just like us. It's cold in this place, fog were seen every early morn.

They unchain me and bring me to another wooden house approximately 30 meters away from the where they lock us . It's quite in this place but guarded by men who look like normal but here they are doing unimaginable things like this. Who in the world make cannibalism? Are they allergic to plants or animals? And eating humans... they are the animals for me.

"Here she is master!"

Guy that holding me pushed me to their so-called master. My saliva are trap in my throat, I will never be scared. What makes me shock is not how terrifying the beard man with fierce eyes look but because of the man beside him... Leo Russo... My ex-boyfriend who hurt me a year ago. He looks so different and act as if he does not know me at all. He even grew taller than before, what have they done to you, Leo. Are you one of them too? Is this the reason why you left me in the first place?

*Flashback ( Insert Fade Away by yaeow).

At the front of our house...

Leo just being simple wearing white t-shirt and black pants.

"Dasha it's complicated if we will continue our relationship. I'll be going far away, not returning anymore. This is the first and last time I say goodbye. By the way, the one who loved you all this time is my best friend Alex. It's his request to make you my girlfriend. Goodbye!"

He just left me all of a sudden. Now I know what's been bothering me all this time, It's Alex who always been in love with me, but I thought he just saw me as a friend. I can't believe that they lied to me just to make me smile.

I thought it was real...

He walks away in the dark.

Back to the present...

"Master, as what you have said, I will be the one in charge of this new woman," Leo said and harshly grabbed my wrist then... pushed me in the grass.

"In here, if you're weak you will die--we will eat you, and if you're the strongest, you'll serve us as our wife ." He uttered with glaring aggressive eyes and taut voice. What in the harem world is happening to their mind.

"Don't tell them that we knew one another or both of us will die as early as today." He said as he pulled me to his chest.

"Lier, don't talk to me again, and I still not forget what you did to me Leo, being untrue to yourself. You should have not played me. " Punching his chest then I run away returning to the wooden houseroom, it's the second sunset.