Enduring Still


Few months ago...

None of us expected such terrible encounter, it was afternoon and the night started to climb up the sky.

It started when my mother and I moved home to Oldham, it's boring staring at our house no TV, and I'm the only kid in the neighborhood. My father was a police in this town, sometimes I visited him, but he was always busy, so thus my mom.

Finally, the day came and one grown up woman named Hwasa became my only friend. One day, I do not saw her. She was living in the place called Westtown, a place where you can have anything you want.

She brought me to some foggy road and on the sign was Westtown road, my parents don't know where we are at that time. A few moments, as I try to stay close to her, I could not find where she was or hear her voice. All I saw up sky were started to dim, there's a hand holding both of my wrist and someone was screaming, that voice, it's Hwasa.

I tried to scream too, but it's too late for my head was slap by some hard thing that hurts me badly.

Waking up made me feel regret, I'm clearly being kidnapped with both hands were chained. "Where's Hwasa, what did they do to her?!"

None could reply because these women were just like me, victims.

"You're alone kid," one said to me. I don't have money nor any possession to be kidnapped, I'm just a kid.

Even though mom and dad, we're busy all along, I should have never left without telling them. I should have thought before doing selfish things to please me, all I get is what I deserve. I'm a bad girl now they will remember me as a missing unimportant kid.


Living in here is such misery, we only drink water, some women died going crazy while others successfully attempt suicide for not handling those men's abuse. Some tried to escape, but they failed, some make a hard decision to serve those cannibal men by bringing new eligible women in here in exchange for their safety.

"Hundreds of men here drew their hand on every part of me, I should have died sooner to not let it gone this far." One lady with black hair who looks like mid-20 mumble before she died.

It must have happened before I get in here, she suffered too much visible in her skin wrinkles and eyes turns swollen red.

And with those words, she dies.

Worst part is, we watch how those men slices her skin like pig and eat them, they tear her eyes and heart out for their master. My chest growing tight, intense emotion inside me bursting, for I have never felt or saw this before. Shivering of other girls beside me, I can clearly feel it, some are crying, particularly that kid Kim.

There's no escape for us, while my mind was filled with regrets on leaving Alex, he's probably guarding his sick mother in the hospital. Luckily, four of my friends remain alive, Amanda, Charlene, Nelia, and Kim. I was sitting silently watching the 3rd sunset of reds and golds above.

"Master was having a good mood today, so you can eat this meat." Leo enters our room and announced.

We're like animals, treated like animals. He picked up the large bowl and mentioned

"That's the taste of the woman named Linda, she tried to kill herself giving us her meat for free, delicious, isn't it? Eat that immediately!" Those ruthless men were too bad to be true.

I will declare today to escape this place no matter what it takes. Alex is probably waiting for me. We surely have chances even as slight as needle to escape. These girls, they have family waiting for them, I know how painful it was being in this situation, you cannot do what you want. I hope nothing bad will happen to us all.


I mumbled "I'm not even an artist, why I love drawing so much though while it does not love me back getting worst at this."

"You know my secret in being anything that I want, Dasha? I always think I can do this and that, I can do what other people can because we both are human, then I did." Alex smiled as he told me.

Yeah, right... But that's not a secret anymore.

Back to the present...

Run Dasha run! You must escape this place. Those men gave us heads up to run as far as we can to escape this place, the first woman they catch will be killed. We went on different directions, so I do not know where the other girls are. I can feel my heart palpitates faster and faster every second, just want to escape this evil place full of ruthless beings.

Now I can see it, the main road and my car just a little... closer (hyperventilating and feels like she's being choke). Someone suddenly hugs me.

"It's alright Dasha, we will escape together, I'm tired of pretending not to care anymore."... Leo, it's his deep calm voice...

"You have a fever let's go back, none of you can escape here, they just want to play games with their prey. Just stick with me, okay, you will be alright."

"I think you are tricking me or something."

He lied to me once, why would I believe him now?

" I'm personally am sorry with faking our relationship as a couple, however, I won't let you go and die out there Dash."

"My fate in here is worse than death, and so as the other girls. I will not be selfish and run away like this all alone, Leo, help me save those girls."

He stares at me and his eyes are narrow as we stand up.

"Stop being an idiot Dash, it's pointless for you all can escape this place together, my only priority is how to keep you away of this place." He becomes doubtful now.

"Thanks, but no, thanks, who told you that we will escape together? We will escape one by one with or without your help."

"If they will get caught they will immediately be killed you know"

"We will not be dumb to get caught by cannibal men like you?"

"You know me Dasha, I'm not just like them. You're too energetic to argue even though you're sick"

"Well, that's not--" my vision disfigures, everything is black.


That very moment, cannibal men catch all the women, and they rape some of them before killing them while others, they bring them back to the wooden house prison unharmed.

One of them was Nelia, they unmercifully rape her and stab both of her eyes with knife. They slump her on the ground lifeless and stare at her with violent smile.

Bloody red the sunset witnessed the doom of misery inflicted their skin.