Mission: Escape


Father asked me,

"What do you want as your 18th birthday gift, Nelia?"

I instantly exclaimed with excitement, "I am awfully greedy; I want everything from life. I want to be a woman and to be a man, to have many friends and to have loneliness, to work much and write good books, to travel and enjoy myself, to be selfish and to be unselfish... You see, it is difficult to get all which I want. And then when I do not succeed, I get mad with anger as what Simone de Beauvoir quoted."

Father was a traveler too since he was teenager and to think of it, it's somehow aspiring how he told me lots of stories where he traveled.

I'm the only child in the family, mother passed away when she gave birth to me and father always gave me the best out of everything. I saved money since 16 because he told me I can wish anything as I turn 18.

Traveling all part of the world was self relaxing, I have even met kind people in different places. Now it is time to travel in the Western part.

There is this town I've heard in the West called Oldham where foods and houses cost cheaper unlike others. It's famous for its cinematic scenery like forest and road. "Take me to Oldham Mr." uttered clearly to the driver while he piped his cigar.

"Here we are," he stated then sent me to the place where houses were visible, people in here are

"All men" with guns.

"Mr. are you sure this is Oldham?" I complained to him, and he answered

"No kid, this is a cage or should I say prison for some gullible girls like you, Westtown of the West."

"But I'm not"

"Shoosh , quiet kid"

A man with guns chained my hands and took my stuffs, "Hey, are you kidding me?!"

We walk in different areas in here, there I see women lock up in the houses, they look at me like they understand how I feel. They're sorry for me.

They throw me inside one of those houses, "Get me out of this place! Or I will sue you for kidnapping me!" I insisted, then the gunman gave the diver some money.

"That's never going to happen," one pretty girl with blonde hair uttered.

Those were the beginning of how I got in this place where I called cage. We were locked in this place as long as we live and surely will soon die one by one in here. We suffer how they treat each one of us as their animals, playing games at us, hunting us, or abusing our femininity.

Sometimes we lost hope, but there's this one girl named Dasha urge us not to give up, she declared that she will do everything for us to escaped safely in this place. I hold on to her and our friendship.

One day, those men orders us to run all we can to get out of here in exchange for our freedom. That moment the hopes are increasing, and I run even I'm out of my breath. We run separately, I'm far away now from that place, I just don't know where to go next. Walking won't be bad, does it.

"Those are my stuff and bag." I ran towards there and pick up my things and I continue walking.

"Are you lost pretty girl?" Two men boasted.

"You are really conned that we will let you escape that easily."

"Stay away from me!" I begin to run again, but no matter where I go they were men everywhere, and now I'm trap.

"One of the rules was to kill what we have to hunt, but before that we must use the most of you"

"Please no!" I forcefully got rape that day and have nobody to blame but myself for being here in the first place. I even did not get the freedom I've wanted and felt with regret leaving father.



6th Day...

Four of the women remain in the prison house; Dasha, Amanda, Charlene, and Kim for the others died. Some girls from other prison house accepted slavery to serve those men by bringing new victims or entertaining them. They are in torment and pitiful for what had happened and only see blurry freedom. Their hands are still locked by chain as normal, but this time no man guard them.

"Some of us have to escape now I have a plan." Amanda dictated, showing her hands holding key and chains were unlocked .

"Who gave you that key?" Kim questioned.

"Quiet now, one must join me to escape today!" Amanda added.

"It's dangerous." Kim muttered.

"Yeah she's right Amanda" Dasha acknowledge.

"Me, I will join you, lets get out of here and report this to the government" Charlene echoed.

"Don't worry, someone promised to help us" Amanda elaborated.

"We will be hoping for you." Dasha uttered with gentle voice.

"Be careful you two, good luck." Kim concluded.

Silently unlocking the door and run, it's foggy night with absolute darkness. Two of them were surprised when a man comes covering his face, "I'm the one who gave you the key, let's hurry" he pointed out.

"Why are you helping us, who are you?" Charlene asked.

"I'm indebted to my friend, she's in that place too, the only thing to calm my conscience is to save you and her," man answered.

"Indebted? That must be passion of love." Amanda quoted.

"Don't let me open up my life and keep going."

In Westtown road...

(Sound of gun)

"Charlene!!!" Amanda whimpered and run toward her. Charlene has been killed by shotgun.

"Stop and go back in where you are supposed to be now! One woman is enough for us for breakfast," the shot gunman ordered.

"You evil man-" Amanda tries to punch him, but the man wearing the mask stops her.

"Let us go Shane!"

" I know it's you Leo, I saw you drop that key on the women's house for them to escape, how despicable of you"

"I will let you become the master's right hand if you let us go"

"Traitor, we have a traitor in here I need some backup." He used his phone and without a minute other men arrive bringing weapons.

"Come with us now, or we will shoot you"

"Tell Dasha that I fail, I'm sorry."

They bring them back to the wooden house and Leo is now chained too, they torture and punch him badly. But Leo, just sit still like nothing happen watching Dasha cries through his door.

"Charlene and Leo… What happened to them, Amanda?" Dasha cried.

"That man helped us, and we got caught by the other man, Charlene died, and that guy will be punished as well from now on."

Amanda added "listen to me Dasha and Kim, If ever I will die you promise me to do what I have told you that's the only way I know for you to get out of here."

"You won't leave us here, won't you? Amanda." Kim affirmed.

"We will escape together." Dasha consented.

"Just in case, do what I have said, I have considered you both as my own daughter." Amanda ordered.

"We will," both replied.