Chapter-2<*Dong Chen's End & Reincarnation*>

Dong Chen: "What's your name then? You're the only person I will be able to talk too before I fade into nothingness. In a sense you'll be carrying the torch. The first guy who carried it wasn't the original guy from the Son-Con novel but actually the guy written in the fan fiction. I don't know what the author has planned for you but I'm going to tell you now that you're probably not going to end up comfortable unless you are cool with the big 'I' word. So you should definitely get into it."

I read it… it's true I had an interest in it but if I'm being honest I don't want to do it for real. I suppose not having a mother made me more open to the idea… but it's just…

Roy: "My name is Roy Wang and pardon me if I'm just a bit confused about all this."

I really don't get it.

Dong Chen: "Look… I'm going to fade away. This is what happens when these worlds bring people into them. They give an experience then disappear. It's kind of like a verse that echoes from the mind into it's own existence then back into nothingness. That's the way of the multiverse. I lived too long and had many eons to look it over."

I see… well I am curious about one thing though having been a reader of this unknown anonymous author.

Roy: "Tell me something. How did your world end? I mean… I kind of want to know."

There was a comment made by the Author and the person who ran the site about a sequel… and the author made a joke about Mom-con being a sequel of the previous novel so there might be information.

Dong Chen: "I don't remember too well as I had lost contact with your world so long ago… but some guy with a familiar name descended from the heavens and cleansed all our souls and then our world was no more. It was… spectacular and it relieved me from being in the hell where I had to have intercourse non-stop."

Something to complain about? Some people like me are virgins you know…

Dong Chen: "I know what you're thinking. I don't know how far the novel went since I lost contact with Jordan… or the original Dong Chen, but I have to tell you that sex isn't all fun and games. Eventually you get bored of it. Same thing over and over… I wanted to do something else with my life… maybe be an explorer… but all the women kept multiplying and I was practically related to everyone on the continent."

Getting tired of it huh? I know some commentator named Superboy… or whatever his name is was saying he got bored of all the oral scenes somewhere in the middle of the novel.

Some other guy called "someone" or something also commented… can't really remember much about him either except he thanked the author for every chapter. There were some other lurkers, but honestly with everyone getting doxxed online who wants to be involved with something like that?

Dong Chen: "In order for each person to continue living on they had to constantly have me dual cultivate with them, but there were eventually too many of them and even though I prevented them from fighting with my orders they started to die because there wasn't enough of me to go around to keep them all within age."

Roy: "I guess that's kind of logical… I mean…

Dong Chen: "Look, whoever that guy who descended from the heavens… just… I owe him a great deal."

Roy: "But he destroyed that world you live in…"

Dong Chen: "He set me free. There wasn't enough of me to go around and since everyone was family I always felt obligated to keep making them young again. Now I can fade away."

Roy: "I guess you and I have much different perspectives on life… I just died and honestly wished I could have enjoyed it a lot more… I wish I could have experienced what you experienced…"

Well, minus doing it with your own mom part anyway. I don't even know what made me read that novel… real life is different than fiction. This Dong Chen however got to experience so much more than everyone even if there were disgusting things.

Dong Chen: "Well you'll get to experience something that's for sure. You won't be going to a cultivator world but you get to reincarnate."

Roy: "Reincarnate?"

Dong Chen: "Yep, this isn't some cheap transmigration, switching places or something like that. You get to have a completely new life and you get to experience a world with magic and stuff. It's not a cultivator world like mine and since you'll be native to it means you'll might be able to learn that stuff."

Roy: "Why is it I get to reincarnate?"

Dong Chen: "I don't know why, but it seems people who have gone on that Australian website seem to have a chance to be moved into another world… you can reject it if you want and the chance will go to the next reader that dies. It doesn't matter since the time passes differently between worlds. I hope you'll take it though so I can finally be at rest."

Roy: "I'll take it!"

This sounds awesome. I get to live life over again in a different world. Wait… no…

Roy: "What about my life, is it going to be hard or easy?"

Dong Chen: "You'll get some sort of cheats. Not everyone who reincarnates will get them but you will. Lucky guy you are!"

Roy: "I see…"

Wait, I remember reading about how there is some fetish the author has about a blood related mother doing it with her son. I'll just have to keep an eye on it.

Roy: "Wait… is there going to be some sort of curse that forces me to do it with my mom?"

Dong Chen: "Here's all the information I have and I'll give you everything. Your mother is considered a human. Your father is also a human. There will be no curse that compels you to be lusted after in any way. In fact, you're going to be far more free than me."

Far more free than him?

Dong Chen: "Remember I was stuck in a damn room for months on end, then after that I was forced to put out for all the female cultivators on the continent. I had to impregnate all the wives of the male cultivator for their successors and they almost always chose to have daughters because it meant they could also dual cultivate with me."

Here he goes again, complaining about easy sex.

Dong Chen: "Look, you're not going to be tied down to all the same things that I was. In fact, you're going to be pretty ordinary at birth. It's likely you might stay ordinary your whole life as long as you don't do to many crazy things. Humans in that world can get stronger but there are still limits to what you'll be able to do. Just enjoy an ordinary life, maybe find someone to get married too and you know… those things."

But that's not exciting though…

Roy: "Well, it's not like I liked my previous life so why not? Why not?"

Dong Chen: "Good. There is one thing though. You'll take over and have all your memories return to you when you turn five years old. There is something about the frontal cortex of the brain that prevents you from getting all of it at an earlier age, so don't complain."

Roy: "Understood…. Well man I hope you Rest In Peace."

Dong Chen: "Thanks… I've lived too long as it is. Good luck on your new life. Also, be wary… unless you're okay with incest…"

Roy: "Got it!"

Dong Chen: "Actually, I have something else to tell you. It is about the army you'll have control over, you should probably use it to get girls."

Dong Chen highlights a spark that is somewhere on my body.

Roy: "Army?"

Dong Chen: "It's hard to explain but the energy is unlimited and there will be some sort of system involved. While your body will be that of an ordinary human, you should be able to pull out spirit soldiers to help you. Something like that."

Roy: "Is there some way to control it?"

Dong Chen: "I don't know, but let's hope it has nothing to do with unlocking it by doing it with your family members. Look, I don't know what will happen but it seems everything that author seems to write ends up with the main character doing it with the mom… the problem is I can't tell whether the author I couldn't make contact with is writing what he sees in these other worlds or if he is the one dictating what happens."

Roy: "Well… when I read your novel it seemed like he was actually getting information from your world since he didn't give the ending to Jordan Lin… the person who switched places with you."

Dong Chen was silent for a moment pondering.

Dong Chen: "That's a name I haven't heard in eons. Well, if the author isn't a pervert and he's just writing the story as he sees it and it coincides then it falls on you to be wary. I remember there was a saying that a man marries a woman like his mother… but don't be like me marrying your actual mom."

Roy: "I don't think you had a choice though if the story was accurate."

Dong Chen: "There is always a choice! I could have chosen to die instead… but I wanted to experience… everything… well… look… just make your own decisions."

Roy: "I'm not a mom-con so you don't have to worry. I'll make sure to know who my mother is and then stay away from it all."

Dong Chen: "Very well. Oh and one other thing. If you ever come across me in the future it's a fake me because this is the real me and the only me. Also, if you meet Wu Jizun or that website god… I mean uh… Australian Degenerate it is really him! You can trust that. Okay I'm gone now!"

With that Dong chen faded away. He really wasn't similar at all the Dong Chen I imagined when I read the novel.

I'm happy I get to reincarnate but I'm not happy with the idea of incest. I at least don't want the blood related situation to happen. I felt myself becoming smaller and my current mind seemed to black out.