Chapter-3 <*meeting mom*> ( edited )

It was on my fifth birthday that my memories finally returned to me. Strangely enough, my name in this world was Roy Wang as well. When I looked in the mirror I looked similar to my past self at age five. The photo I had of myself back then was the exact same.

Like Dong Chen told me, I regained all my memories and it coincided with the memories of my short life in this world. Mom was a lavender haired woman with purple eyes. She was very voluptuous. Sometimes at night when she bathed with me I felt like her skin turned pink but I wasn't completely sure if it was my senses paying tricks on me.

I never heard her name. I knew her only as mom. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Even in an age of CGI, make up and modeling there were very few women who had the same curves and perfect body ratios. Her skin though sometimes pink was mostly fair and pale. I wished she wasn't my mother sometimes.

When Dong Chen told me to watch out for possible incestuous relationships… well this woman was obviously why. She had dangerous curves all around her body and in the small village we lived in the women wanted her to stay at home and would bring us the food and resources. They had done this to prevent their husbands from seeing her.

Currently it was morning and I was coming out of the room for breakfast. Mom and I slept in the same bed but she always awakened much earlier than I did. Mom came up to me, pulled out one of her breasts and pushed it into my face.

Wasn't I five years old?

Roy: "Mom, can I eat solid food now?"

Mom: "Solid food? No Roy! This is the best food for you. Come on drink up!"

She shoved her breast into my face.

Roy: "Mom please! I'm not a baby anymore! Please!"

I saw a pout come on mom's face.

Mom: "Roy, just yesterday what did you tell mommy? Didn't you say you loved mommy's milk?"

I seem to recall I did say that… but I didn't have all the memories and knowledge of it like I do now. I can't go back and say anything about it now can I?

I kept quiet.

Mom: "Roy… son… didn't you tell mommy? Tell mommy again that you love milk."

Roy: "I love milk."

Argh! Really? This woman… she's so gorgeous… I can't… this isn't right is it?

Mom's gaze went over me for a bit and she seemed to notice that there was a change in my mentality. I couldn't tell what she was thinking. Still that gaze itself was seductive and dripping with sexual overtones.

Just want kind of mom was I given in this life?!?

Mom: "Roy… is there something you notice about mommy today that you didn't notice yesterday? Is that why you don't want milk from mommy's breast anymore?"

How the heck am I supposed to answer this? I can't tell her I just got all my memories back now can I? This world seems to have magic and it's not as modern so if I said something like that there is a high likelihood that I'm going to be investigated and probed with magic.

Why am I afraid of this?

Mom: "Roy… did you just notice that mommy is beautiful and you wish to marry mommy when you grow up? And now you don't me as your mommy anymore?"


Roy: "Yes.. mommy."

Mom: "Hahaha Roy! Then let mommy tell you a secret."

Oh boy.. here it comes… I guess the fate of incest isn't something anyone one can really escape… I will however make sure it doesn't happen.

Mom: "Even though I gave birth to you I'm not your blood related mom."

Wait… what? How the? Is this like the elf in that one novel putting the child back into the womb? To be honest I had less issue with that than him going with his human mother in that novel… well I guess this could work… maybe?

Mom: "See Roy… you're 100% human. I know you're young but I can sense you're ready to hear the truth. As a Succubus we can sense the moods of all male around us, so it's okay Roy. Mommy still loves you as her own… but in the future if you want to marry mommy you don't have to worry about being blood related. Also, I won't let you see mommy's true form yet. You will one day though."

What the hell?

Roy: "Wait… mom… why are you talking to me like this? I'm supposed to be a five year old child."

Mom laughed as she heard me talking as though she knew something I wasn't supposed to know.

Mom: "My darling Roy, my son… there are things your mom knows about you that you'll never admit to. You're still a child to me and still my son even if those things are true. Come here and let mommy pamper you!"

My five year old self walked over to mom as she hugged me into her breasts. She kissed my forehead then rubbed the back of my neck as my face went in between the very soft and almost shapeless lumps.

Mom: "It's still too early for you to do anything else but do you want to drink milk? You're a little old for it now but I promise I won't tell the other boys in the neighborhood!"

I don't recall mom ever talking to me like this before.

Roy: "Mom… is there something you noticed that changed about me?"

Mom: "Of course, I'm your mom! I would know this right away."

Roy: "So do you know exactly what changed with me?"

Mom: "Roy… do you want to tell mom?"

I mean… I kind of do…

Roy: "Mom, what if I said I was reincarnated from someone from a different world and all my memories suddenly came back now?"

Would she think that I was crazy? Perhaps this is something that I had to say in order to have it understood. I mean, if mom is telling me all these things that a five year old shouldn't understand, then isn't it true she already knows?

Mom: "That's expected. So how old are you really then?"

Roy: "Um… late twenties?"

Mom: "You're still a child compared to me then… just a baby. Do you know how old Mom is both physically and mentally?"

Roy: "Uh… no… you look young mom…"

Mom: "Around five hundred years old. I'm so old I lost count… well I'm close to five hundred but after two hundred I lost count."

Five hundred? Succubi must live longer than humans do then. Unless this world is different.

Roy: "Mom, how long do humans live in this world?"

Mom: "About eighty to one hundred years. I'll probably be alive long after you die. Humans are the shortest lived, then beast men. Succubi are right in the middle. You have some older sisters who are over a hundred years old but still look like young beautiful women."

I have older sisters? Wait… but mom is a succubus doesn't that mean…

Roy: "Mom, if you're a succubus then do you go after men as well?"

Mom: "Certainly that's how it would be. That's funny that you would ask such questions when you probably never even heard the word succubus before. Maybe in your own world that's the case."

She nuzzled her face into my neck.

Mom: "I don't need men anymore like that. Mommy is awesome after all. I got strong enough that I don't need the essence of a man anymore. Your sisters still need it though, but they are able to stop it by adopting children."

Roy: "Adopting children?"

Mom: "Yes. We get tired of going after men, falling in love when them and then having them die. If we don't want the essence of a man then human or Succubi children are the ones that we have to raise to prevent the cravings. Elves, Beastmen, vampires and dryads don't work. There are also no male Succubi. So a lot of the orphanages that are run are usually by Succubi."

Roy: "I see."

Mom looks me over for a moment still never letting me go. Her slender hand went through my black hair as she ran her fingers through.

Mom: "You know Roy, I love you even if you're an adult man in a child's body. You're my son now no matter how you might feel about it. Since I'm still much older you can still see me as your mother."

Roy: "I suppose I can… mom."

Mom: "I'm happy you felt comfortable enough to tell me all this."

Mom squeezed me into her large and ample chest. My small childhood body couldn't do anything. I felt it was wrong since this was a woman who gave birth to me. As far as I'm concerned, she's my real mom since she is raising me.

Mom: "Roy, there is one question I want to ask and if you're uncomfortable you don't have to answer it."

Roy: "I won't be uncomfortable answering… I mean… you're my mom now right? It means no matter what I do you'll love me?"

Mom: "Of course son, but I don't want you to feel like you have to answer if it's a bad question."

What was she going to ask? Did I kill someone before? Was I a womanizer? I mean what kind of question would she ask?

Mom: "Roy, were you a virgin in your previous life?"

Roy: "Yes."

What kind of question is that? Seriously!


Mommy's Picture : [ ]

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