
Well in this second life I'd still be considered a virgin growing up like this. I've been given a second chance to relive my childhood and this time I have a mom.

Mom: "Then make me a promise Roy."

Roy: "A promise?"

Mom: "Yes. A promise. Would you like to hear it first?"

Roy: "Yes."

Mom: "You can't get married to someone I don't approve of. The woman has to be someone I like or you can't be with them. If you make this promise mommy will always be by your side when you need her, but if you get with any girl who isn't up to my standard I'll rip her apart."

What… Whoa… I felt there was some danger in her voice when she said that. What kind of personality is this?

I felt her grip around me tighten as she stared into my eyes.

Mom: "Roy… Son… I want you to promise me."

What if I don't promise? I mean…

Roy: "Mom… what kind of qualifications does a girl have to have?"

Mom: "She has to be as beautiful as I am and strong enough to protect you as well."

Roy: "Protect me?"

Mom: "You're not special, your aptitude is slightly below average and you won't have the ability to protect yourself so if you're going to be with someone they have to be able to protect you."

Roy: "Okay, but then why is there a beauty requirement?"

Mom: "I can't stand it if a woman that is less than my standard is going to be with you."

I understand the sentiment mom… but from what I remember in the village there are no girls who are anywhere near as good looking as you are. I don't know how strong you are but your beauty is already other worldly… You want me to stay a virgin my entire life?

Roy: "Mom… how can there be any woman as beautiful as you?"

Seriously! There isn;t a woman in my memory that is as beautiful as she is. The standard is too high. She's a succubus, doesn't this mean I have to look for another Succubus or perhaps a female from a species that can compare to her? This is ridiculous!

Mom has to concede on this.

Mom: "Oh Roy my son! How sweet of you! If there is no woman as beautiful as your mom then you have no choice but to marry me then."

Roy: "No… but we're mother and son… is such a relationship allowed?"

This is even more ridiculous! Marrying your own mom? Dong Chen… seriously? It makes me wonder if the Author is writing about me just like he wrote about Dong Chen and those weirdos I saw in the comments were going to comment on this.

I'm not Dong Chen. I'm not open to such relationships okay! In fiction sure… in real life this is just too weird. I want a young girl, I don't want a milf.

Mom: "We'll just move someone far away and no one will know. Mom has power remember? We can go anywhere we want? We can't tell your sisters though."

Roy: "You mean a clandestine relationship?"

Mom: "Yes, a secret."

Mom winked at me but still didn't let me go. She carried me with her to the bathroom.

Mom: "It's evening so we're going to bathe together now like we always do."

Roy: "Wait mom! I'm an adult now!"

Mom: "Only in the mind Roy. Only in the mind."

Roy: "Then Mom, since I answered your question can you answer one of mine?"

Mom: "If I'm allowed to I will."

Roy: "Who is my blood mother then? And why did you give birth to me? What happened?"

Mom: "Well Roy… it's a long story, but I think you should figure it out yourself when you go out and explore as a physical adult. There will be plenty of opportunity for traveling and seeing new things so why spoil it? Just know your real mom is a human and humans normally age faster than every other race. You'll probably age fast as well."

Roy: "Why can't you just tell me now? You said I will age fast so time is probably different for you than me!"

Mom: "Although I could tell you I won't. Even if your life is short, knowing too much at a young age can just ruin the things you will want to do in the future."

Mom had a playful smile on her face as she kissed my forehead.

Roy: "How would you know all this?"

Mom: "There are some things you won't understand until you've lived in this world for a while. Also, there are some things you shouldn't know until you've experienced it yourself because it creates certain expectations for you that hide in the corners of your mind."

Roy: "So you're hiding it from me?"

Mom laughed at my remark. She had a soft and cute laugh that made me tremble while she held me in her arms.

Mom: "I'm not hiding anything. It's just I've raised daughters before and I've interacted with many, many short lived humans. I will always be a support for you Roy, don't forget that. The issue is if you know too much as you're just starting out, you'll forget to enjoy life as it comes. If I told you too many things now, you might forget to live the carefree life your mom wanted you to have before she gave you up."

There must be a complicated story there.

Roy: "Then can you at least tell me about my real mom?"

Mom: "I can only tell you she's a human with black hair and she's pretty old now."

Mom giggled. She sighed with a smile and it made my heart skip a beat as she hugged me slightly tighter

Mom: "Look, don't worry about your real mom. She wanted you to grow up in a relaxed and carefree environment. That's why you're here with me in a remote village instead of a city center. When you're of age and know more about the world I will take you with me to the city and teach you how to be a merchant. That's a promise! With that money you'll be able to have the pick of any woman you want to marry, human or otherwise."

Roy: "I see."

Mom: "Just remember those two things though Roy."

Roy: "Two things?"

Mom: "You already forgot? The first was you can't pick a woman I don't approve of. She has to be someone as beautiful and strong as I am… or perhaps just strong enough to protect you. The Second is that you can't tell anyone about your former life. Not your best friends, not your older sisters even if you consider them family. You can't tell anyone, understand?"

Roy: "Mom, I can understand the first part because you've said you loved me and want me to be happy, but I don't understand the second part…"

Mom: "It's just better not to discuss it with them. If they don't believe you, you'd be considered a lunatic. If they do believe you… can you imagine nations coming after you to try and force you to divulge the technology and things from the other world? Mommy will go and kill them all if they lay a hand on you, but do you want to get people bloody just because you can't keep a secret?"

I guess that makes sense.

Roy: "Okay mom… I understand… but I want to know why you had to give birth to me."

Mom looked around the room as though pondering.

Mom: "Roy let's go take a bath together. I want to see your cute little boy parts, in return you can see mine!"

Roy: "Wait mom! I'm an adult in the mind you know! You also didn't answer my question!"

Mom: "Weren't you also an adult in the mind when I breastfed you minutes ago? I won't be giving you the answer to that question Roy, but I'm sure once you reach adulthood in this world you will find out."

Mom giggled as she carried me off against my will.

So this was how my memories came back to me in this world. I learned more about mom as time went by. There were things about here that were different than others but the fact remained that even though she looked human, she wasn't exactly human. The people in the village recognized she was a succubus and so the men avoided her under their wives' watchful gazes.

I learned from the women that they don't hate Succubi because the majority of them open up orphanages and take care of the orphans. There always had to be someone willing to care for the children, and their longer lifespan meant they were good at business and the belief was they helped balance society where humans and their short lives could not.

The Succubi was a species that couldn't exist or propagate without humans and it was nearly impossible to tell them apart from humans when in disguise. Finding a woman who was more beautiful than mom would be hard among humans.

I aged from five to eighteen and mom continued teasing me with a lot of sexual innuendo constantly. I almost couldn't understand how she considered herself my mom when she seemed to want me as more than just a son. To her credit though, she never crossed the line as I grew up.