
I don't want to go down that route. Even if she isn't my blood relative it just seems wrong considering she raised me and fed me with her body. I also came out of her as well for a reason she won't tell me.

Mom: "Roy, you're back a bit late today. What did you do for work today?"

Roy: "Mom, I want to talk to you about Mary."

Mom: "Mary? Son, is there something about Mary? What do you want to talk about that concerns that girl?"

Roy: "I was thinking of getting married to her."

Mom's face changed. It went from the soft expression of caring to an angry face as though someone was robbing her. Mom immediately closed the distance between us and pinned me to the wall and began sniffing me all over.

Mom: "You still smell like a virgin."

Well thanks mom.

Roy: "What does this have to do with it?"

Mom: "Everything. Do you remember what I told you about having to have a woman I approve? How it has to be someone as strong as I am and as beautiful as I am?"

Roy: "Mom, that's impossible. What woman is going to be as strong and beautiful as you are?"

Mom paused for a moment before a large smile came upon her face.

Mom: "Yes son, you're right! You should just cut all this away and marry mommy. Mommy can give you children you know, they'll be beautiful children and I'll definitely make you happy as your wife. We can live anywhere we want, go anywhere and no one can ever hurt you. I'll be with you every night and you can do whatever you want with mommy's body!"

I can't marry my mom!

Roy: "Mom I… I… Just give me one reason why I shouldn't be with her then!"

Mom was a bit shocked as this was the first time I had raised my voice against her. I never felt the need to before but this was frustrating. I can't even have a serious conversation about my future partner without her going off on some rambling about making babies with me.

Mom: "You yelled at mommy?"

There was some anger on her face from what I had said. What was I supposed to do now? I felt some fear as she caused the tension and so I immediately apologized.

Roy: "I'm sorry mom, I'm sorry! It's just your requirements are unreasonable. You're too beautiful… also I can't marry you because you're a mom to me. Don't you know?"

She seemed a bit disappointed when she heard that but she smiled showing the dissipation of her anger.

Mom: "Roy, you've been telling me since you were a little kid that you can't marry me because I'm your mom. I guess you learned that from your previous world. Even though you're an adult from another world I still like treating you like a child so I won't keep pushing you right now."

Roy: "If you know all this then why are you trying to get me to marry you?"

Mom: "A mother can dream, can't she? I mean… you're so much like your father."

Roy: "My father?"

Mom: "Yes, the reason I raised you here is because I was close with both your mother and father."

I was curious about my mom and dad in this world but every time I tried to get more information it would always be a stone wall I can't get past.

Roy: "Why can't I know more about my mom and dad?"

Mom: "It wouldn't help you to know more about them. First of all, your dad is already dead and your mom… Well let's say your mom is gone as well."

Roy: "She's gone? Wait, is she dead?"

Mom: "I told you before it's for your safety. If the person who attacked you at your birth knew you were still alive, and if they knew who your mom they might try to kill you again. We thought you might be able to grow up and become a powerful person but all your talents are below average so you'll always just be a normal human."

Bummer… so no matter what I'm useless to my mom. I can't see her? Well if she is alive I can't see her?

Roy: "So I'll never get to meet my real mom?"

Mom: "I told you your mom is gone, please don't ask about her."

I thought about it but then I figured it doesn't matter. I don't really need to meet my real mom… well I mean this woman also gave birth to me but only after I had been attacked in order to save my life but she's technically not blood related. It's like having a surrogate mother where the fertilized egg is implanted into another woman who would get pregnant and give birth… except it happened after I was born.

The similarity to Troy is too much. I feel like I shouldn't have read that…

No wait. I'm getting side tracked.

Roy: "Mom, that still doesn't explain why I can't be with Mary. What do you have against her? If I'm out here thendo I really need protection?"

Mom: "You will always need protection because I'm your mom and I love you. We were only going to stay in this village until you turn eighteen which should happen within a week."

Roy: "Why do we have to leave then?"

Mom: "We just have to leave. There's a wider world out there and there are things you need to see and experience. You'll understand more later, that I promise you."

This doesn't explain much.

Roy: "Then can Mary come with us?"

Mom: "Roy! You really want that girl don't you? Fine come with mommy!"

Mom turned herself invisible. Her hand reached out to me and I saw myself go transparent as she pulled me out.

Mom: "This is an invisibility spell. It's night time now. I'm going to show you why you can't be with Mary."

Show me why I can't be with Mary. I kept quiet and followed Mom as she pulled me forward. She made sure I didn't fall or trip on anything and told me I can talk since she also used magic to make it so our voices can only be heard by each other.

Magic was convenient. Too bad I couldn't use it myself. It kind of sucked.

Mom: "This is Mary's house right? Come on let's go inside."

The door wasn't locked and seeing that no one was near the front we walked in. Mary's parents were down stairs sleeping. Upstairs was dark but I could hear some people moving as though bouncing up and down.

Mom: "I'm casting a dark vision spell on your eyes so you can see. Succubi are creatures that exist in the night like our vampire cousins."

Roy: "What exactly do you want me to peep on her for? Is there something ugly on her body?"

The night vision settled in and I could see Mary… and…

Roy: "What the F***!"

I saw Mary bouncing on top of Jason. Jason was the biggest youth in our village. I didn't interact much with him but Mary's face showed ecstasy as she bounced up and down on him.

Mom: "Roy… this is why you can't marry her. She's a wench who sleeps around. I won't have my son be tied down to a woman like her. If she were to get married she would still be looking for opportunities like this. Roy… I'm going to be honest with you… you're not as big as most of the boys in this village."

Roy: "Mom! What the hell!"

Mom: "I can't lie to you about that son… if you get married to her she is just going to be unsatisfied then she'll go around the village and look for more. Do you know why nobles want their wife to be a virgin? It's for two reasons. The first is that if they are the first, the woman won't be able to compare them to others… and the second is to make sure that the child that is born to them is indeed their own. That's why cheating for women is so ostracized among higher society, even if the man goes around doing what he wants."

This was after all.. a world where genetic testing wasn't accessible. I get that… but mom's words didn't mean much to me when I was watching a girl I thought would be mine bouncing up and down on another man.

It felt awful.

I mean… why? Why? WHY?

I had daydreamed about being with her and what kind of family we would have together. I'd work the fields and she would be at home taking care of the children, preparing food.

Then at night… at night of course we would be making babies. I mean what else would we be doing? More kids to work the farms! Then I can expand the farms into an empire.

An empire. A bolt of lightening seemed to strike me.

Mom: "Roy! Roy!"

Mom seemed to have shaken me awake.

Roy: "Sorry mom. I was lost in thought."

Mom: "Is this because of Mary. Has this opened your eyes to the kind of girl that she is?"

Roy: "Yes."

I felt disappointed and my mood was easily seen. Mom hugged me.

Mom: "I'm sorry son, but you see other women can break your heart. Unlike mom who will never break your heart because you are her precious boy. You are mom's only boy."

That was literal. A succubus can't have male children.

Roy: "Let's go home mom, I want to go to sleep."

Mom: "Yes my sweet boy."

I went home and slept with my face in between mom's breasts. I made sure not to open my mouth so she wouldn't be encouraged. She slept naked that night, I didn't… I didn't care. I just didn't care… I felt disappointed that the first girl that expressed interest in me was someone who was so willing to be with another person just like that.

The next morning came and I went out to work with Pen and Hemo. They seemed to have a rather pleased expression on their face.

Pen: "So Roy? How did it go with that girl?"

Roy: "I found out she slept with other men. I'm not going to be pursuing her."

Hemo: "Really? But every girl in this village has been with someone already. There are no virgins like you."

For some reason I didn't like hearing that. If I had known that the village was like this then maybe I would have participated. Still, I was so small compared to the others, and it took away my confidence.

It's hard to approach a girl taller than you and ask them to go to bed with you. Also… I see the way they look at me.

Roy: "I just can't take it. I mean, did you both sleep with her too?"

There were guilty looks from the both of them which came with an awkward silence where they started focusing on work once more. I guess that should be obvious. Everyone was taking part in the party but me.

Roy: "My mom was the one who took me out last night and showed me."

Hemo: "Your mom?"

Roy: "Yes… my mom…"

There were grins on both of their faces and I can tell what they were thinking.

Hemo: "You know, if your mom weren't related to you we'd say to go for her instead. She's the best woman in the village but since she's your mom… well…"

Pen: "Yeah, if she weren't blood related then that would be one thing but…"

This conversation turned awkward. I don't think I want to continue this.

Roy: "Don't talk about my mom. Okay, don't talk about her."

Hemo: "What's wrong with talking about your mom? I mean didn't she tell you she was doing it with every woman in the village?"

What the heck? What? Did I just hear this correctly? No, I didn't hear it correctly. I couldn't make out the words entirely.

Roy: "Don't disrespect my mom!"

There was anger coming in my heart about this. Why would he slander my mom?

Pen: "Hemo he doesn't know, keep quiet about it. Maybe he isn't supposed to know."

This is suspicious. I wasn't sure what I was hearing when this came up.

Roy: "Say it, what am I not supposed to know?"

Hemo: "You're mom plays with all the other women in the village. The reason why Mary wanted to marry you is because she thinks your mom is the best."

Wait… WHAT!?!? I heard the part about her doing it with other women in the village but the reason Mary wanted to be with me was because she wanted access to mom?

Roy: "You both have to be lying."

Pen: "No it's true. Your mom even asked to see Mary today, we'll show you."

I followed them out. We could do our work later and we went back to my house where I looked through a window. Quietly Hemo led me and I saw in there Mary and my mom nude in bed kissing and doing things…

She was sucking mom's… but those…

I had a lot of complicated feelings now.

Hemo: "See? It's the truth. We wouldn't lie to you about something like this."

But you didn't tell me about Mary either.

Pen: "We didn't know you cared about Mary doing things because we thought since your mom is a succubus that you were used to it. We didn't know. We're sorry. I mean, we didn't know how a male succubus does things either."

What the hell!

Roy: "I can't deal with this."

I ran off. I ran into the woods. I didn't care about doing my job. I just didn't care anymore. Hemo did try to run after me but since he was fat he couldn't keep up, but I heard Pen say to let me go. Pen was astute and probably recognized my shock.