Chapter-7<*Into the woods*>

Pen and Hemo got back to work and evening came. The two boys finished the work and were at a loss of what to do. They wanted to chase after Roy but after everything was said they decided not too. There was some resentment towards him for having such a beautiful mother.

Pen: "You think Roy is going to be okay?"

Hemo: "Who cares?"

Pen: "You're probably right. He's always a weird kid. Even when we were younger he acted almost the same as he does now."

Hemo seemed to understand but in reality he did not understand. They were childhood friends. They all secretly wanted to get close to Roy because they wanted to be the first men to touch his mother, but they would never come out and say it. Xeneva was after all far beyond any girl in the village and there was the belief that her looks wouldn't fade to old age like the others.

Hemo: "Wasn't Roy very intelligent and always knew what to do when we were growing up?"

Pen: "When were kids ya…"

Hemo: "What happened to him then? I mean, you changed… I changed… but he somehow stayed the same. Like… he never grew up. Maybe he peaked at a young age and couldn't get over it?

Pen: "I don't know, maybe it's cause he didn't have a father to show him how to be a man?"

Hemo: "He didn't?"

Pen: "I mean didn't your dad tell you to go after girls as soon as you had a night where you got white stuff coming out from some crazy dream?"

Hemo: "Yeah…"

Pen: "Roy never had a dad to tell him that's when it was time to try and f*** girls."

Hemo: "Oh yeah, I guess that makes sense."

Pen: "Maybe we just have to have our dad's talk to him instead…"

Hemo: "But isn't it kind of late for him? Don't the girls say they don't want to be with him because he's too small?"

Pen: "Haha, we told them all how small he was. The only reason Mary wants to be with him is because she also wants his mom, and he's almost always going to live with his mom."

Hemo: "Roy might as well just do it with his mom. She's the only woman who would love him."

Pen: "Maybe you're right."

As the boys spoke, the succubus flew in frantically. She saw the two boys Pen and Hemo sitting there outside the barn drinking and eating while talking and looking up at the stars.

Looking at them she spoke quickly and worriedly.

Mom: "Where is Roy? Have you seen him? He hadn't returned home for dinner like he always does? Did he go somewhere?"

Hemo: "He ran into the woods earlier after seeing you in bed with Mary."

Pen immediately hit Hemo in the side.

Hemo: "Oww! What'd you do that for?"

Pen: "You can't say that! You can't tell her!"

Mom: "I know you boys peep on me when I do it with your moms and the other girls in the village. I don't mind other's watching but why would Roy get upset at that? Doesn't everyone in the village do it with each other?"

Hemo: "Everyone but Roy."

Mom: "Everyone but my boy? Why is that?"

Though she knew he was a virgin she still wanted to pretend she did not.

Pen: "We don't know… he just doesn't want to I guess. He was upset at seeing you though. Seemed like he was hurt."

Mom: "Hurt? But he was always a virgin wasn't he?"

Pen: "Uh… yes… he was…"

The succubus began mumbling to herself.

Mom: "I knew it.. and he never made a move on me… was it because I was his mother… but we're not blood related so it should be okay… was he wanting me to make a move on him? If I knew I wouldn't have played with the girls… I mean… I haven't been with a man for hundreds of years…"

Hemo: "Um… Roy's mom… um… we are men."

Pen smacked Hemo.

Pen: "Read the mood! Also this is Roy's mom, he's our friends mom!"

Mom: "Sorry… sorry I was rambling a bit because a lot was on my mind. You said Roy was upset and ran into the woods? How upset was he?"

Pen: "He had tears in his eyes, there was a lookof betrayal on his face."

Mom: "Look of betrayal? Oh no Roy! Mommy didn't mean that! Mommy didn't know! Mommy is sorry!"

The succubus ran out of the room and into the forest. Mary came by shortly after. She looked exhausted but had a smile on her face.

Mary: "Thanks for trying to help me get with Roy, but I guess it just wasn't meant to be. His mother wants him to go to the city and find someone worthy of him since he's still a virgin. Well… I can't help it… If it weren't for how good his mom is I wouldn't even want to be with him."

Hemo and Pen hearing those words only shook their heads.

Hemo: "Poor Roy…"

Pen: "Yeah… when we become adventurers we should buy him a slave or something because that's probably the only way he can become a man."

Mary: "I agree."

The three of them laughed it off into the night.

I was in the forest where it was dark and I was alone. I was lost. I don't know how… I guess running with tears in your eyes could get you lost… who knew right? No, that was sarcasm.

Damn it!

Why does my mom have to go and do that? I mean seriously… even my mom got more women than I did. How is it I'm such a loser in both lives? UGH!

Why is it like this?

It doesn't matter, I've come more to my senses. I need to go back. I'm supposed to be an adult so acting like a child now makes no sense.

Only problem is I don't know where I ran and I don't know how to get home. I'm such an idiot! I was so overcome with emotion…

Well, I guess if I die it's not that bad is it? It's not like I'm going to amount to anything anyway. Mom said all my aptitude was going to be average and even if I followed her around the rest of my life I'm going to be nothing but a burden.

Walking around the forest I grow tired. I guess I'll sleep and try moving around in the morning when it gets brighter. I move forward through the trees and find a clearing before I sit down. I guess I'll rest here.

I guess I'll…

Roy: "AHHH!"

There is a large pair of glowing eyes in front of me in the dark staring at me. I hear it growling.

Roy: "Stay back! Go away!"

Does saying that ever work?

It continued to growl as the eyes came closer. It's a giant wolf with rabid teeth and foam coming from it's mouth. The wolf was the size of a house. I can't win against that thing, I can't even run.

Roy: "Here ends the life of Roy Wang, lived twice but accomplished nothing."

I sat down and closed my eyes. I'm going to be torn to shreds, what's the point of struggling. I died before… I might as well die again. All this is stupid.

???: "What are you doing?"

Huh? I heard a voice. Is the wolf talking?

???: "Giant wolves can't talk. Don't be an idiot. I'm here to give you your special abilities before you die like an idiot."


???: "Don't what me… open your eyes!"

I open my eyes to see a small table and a desk. Someone is sitting in front of me. He looks familiar… like I think I've seen this guy on video practicing martial arts before… no… it's…. his majesty…

I bow to one knee.

Roy: "Your majesty."