Chapter-8<* His Majesty : the one who destroyed Dong Chen's World*>

Dong Chen had told me that I could only trust him and His Majesty, the guy who pretends to be from Australia but in in reality he's some sort of multiversal being.

His Majesty: "It's good you recognize me. Now, you know what Dong Chen told you right? You were going to be given some ability. While I personally don't like it when characters like you get free and overpowered abilities like this without earning them what can I say? Some guy told me you have to have this otherwise he won't finish the trilogy."

Trilogy? What the heck is he talking about.

Roy: "Excuse me your majesty, but what do you mean by trilogy?"

His Majesty: "Fan fiction, a dirty cultivation novel… now an adventure fantasy novel. You read the first two on my website but I had to cleanse the second one and bring all their pure hearts away."

Roy: "Wait… you destroyed Dong Chen's world?"

His Majesty: "They're not dead… per say… but I had to cleanse them."

Roy: "I thought you're just some guy running a website translating novels…"

His Majesty: "I translate them yes… but a dark force began forcing me to post novels about… main characters and their mothers… my pure soul is not something that can continue to tolerate that and so I need you to help me."

Roy: "How do I help you?"

His Majesty: "Survive, get stronger and explore."

That's basic and generic.

His Majesty: "You have to understand that when you die the dark forces can no longer write about you. The reason is because you'd be dead. You need to survive long enough for me to locate the dark force and cleanse his soul, that is your only task. Even if you give in to temptation that is fine… but the commentators will flood in especially one of them who will 'save it.'

He's talking about Superboy… wait… what is all this? You're telling me that all that is real?

Roy: "I'm sorry your majesty, but all this is hard to believe. Am I a fictional person now?"

His Majesty: "No you are real. It is simply that there is a 'cultured' dark being who continues to put those who have come to my website into these precarious situations where their mothers will lust after them. The only way to stop the Dark Being from attacking you is to embrace your destiny and do thing which my pure soul does not want to see or hear about."

Roy: "But I thought it was all fiction… well at least until I spoke with Dong Chen…"

His Majesty: "I am trying to make this his last degenerate novel, but in order to do that I must locate him. In the future perhaps you should go to his world and try to fight him too. He's very weak after all so you should be able to beat him easily."

Roy: "Wait… but when I read the mom-con series… Dong Chen's story was ahead of the chapter posting."

His Majesty: "Because it was… you see, the author is not really writing what is happening here. Instead everything that happens is logged in a written format and posted so we can keep track of the protagonist. When the Dark Force decides on a victim to send to another world by transmigration, switching places, or sending a spirit, recording what he writes acts as a tracking spell."

Roy: "So you're trying to track down the author–"

His Majesty: "Yes. Track him down and purify him from degeneracy."

Roy: "How can I help? Your Majesty?"

His Majesty: "Live your life and use your abilities. I have connected the energy from the other world I cleansed to you. It will be near limitless but in order to use it you must make an impact in the world you currently live in. Don't worry about Dong Chen, and the rest, they've been purified. Same with that lunatic who was in the fan fiction document."

Roy: "Will I too be purified?"

His Majesty: "You might be, but everyone dies some day. I believe you'll still live longer than the human life you would normally live so it isn't a bad deal."

Roy: "I see…"

His Majesty: "You'll receive your abilities now. Try to survive the attack against the wolf. I won't be able to speak with you again, but Anon might try to force you to commit the taboo… and you know what I mean… Don't feel bad if you end up doing it."

Incest… no it's not going to happen. I might be a virgin but I'm not going to let him force me into it.

His Majesty: "Remember, everything you do will be translated into a story format in english. Roy… if you do embarrassing things with your mom the people in your original world will know."

Roy: "Does that even matter now that I'm in this world? I mean… does it?"

His Majesty: "You're right… it probably doesn't. You might as well be like the other degenerates and look for your real mom and do it with her."

Roy: "Wait.. but my mom is human! Wouldn't she be old now?"

His Majesty: "She doesn't have elf spring water like Elizabeth does that's for sure… but good luck."

Roy: "Wait!"

His majesty disappeared. The world disappeared and I felt myself returning to the reality I was already in. Knowledge flowed into my head about the ability I was going to get.

This again? I needed more information!

How the hell does any of this make sense? So there was a bunch of worlds being controlled by two forces that used a website from a guy in Australia… and that guy in Australia is actually a god who goes into other worlds and can cleanse them and he's fighting against some guy who I thought was the author?

The heck?

This shouldn't make any sense! What kind of meta is this? The war over several realities takes place over a novel translation website? Who makes this stuff up?

Reality set back in and the wolf was in front of me.

Roy: "Crap!"

I put my arms out and summon soldiers. Five armored men suddenly came out and stood in front of me. They couldn't speak and could only follow my orders.

Roy: "Kill the wolf!"

The soldiers were in basic armor. Their faces however were covered by a helmet and they didn't seem to have any skin showing. I couldn't tell if they were human or some other kind of avatar.

Still they don't fear death and they attacked the wolf altogether. All five of them. Seeing them charge in the moonlight with their swords drawn but silent as they had no voice. Under my orders they dashed forward.

The wolf then killed them quickly one by one and they disappeared.

Roy: "Oh crap…"

Wolf: "So you're a summoner, to think a foolish summoner like you would come this deep into my forest and then attack me. I'm going to rip your limbs off one by one."

Roy: "You… you can talk?"

Wolf: "Quiet."

The wolf lunged forward and I felt my life flash before my eyes… then the wolf exploded. Behind the wolf was a humanoid figure with glowing red eyes walking forward towards me.

It was… mom!

Mom: "Roy! Oh my sweet Roy!"

Mom rushed over and carried me. She was physically stronger than I was. Some humans could naturally become stronger, some other races as well… it didn't matter if I looked like I had more muscles (I didn't) she would still be stronger.

Roy: "Mom stop this already! I told you I'm a grown man. I'm older than I my body's age because I reincarnated."

Mom: "You're still a baby compared to me though, a baby! Look Roy, Mommy is sorry she made you jealous. She heard from your two friends that you saw her doing it with Mary the girl you liked. Mommy didn't think you would be upset with her."

I had to sigh.

Roy: "I'm just upset everyone is able to get some except me in this village."

Mom: "Oh we can easily fix that. We can do it together now under the moonlight. It'll be romantic, my son's first time."

Do you know how wrong that sounds? Someone who is the mother taking her son's first time? I mean… even the people of this world think that this is taboo and a line that shouldn't be crossed.

I admit I found reading all that degenerate literature fun, but that was because I didn't have a mom who raised me and also because I it was forbidden. Now that I have someone who has taken the place of mom and raised me it just feels so wrong. I don't know why… still I can't believe mom was doing it with all the girls in the village.

Roy: "Why didn't you tell me you were doing it with all the women in the village, if I'd known I might have come out of my shell earlier."

Or actually, I would have become a manwhore earlier is more like it. I thought this was more of a medieval type world where chastity was honored. I didn't think it'd be a world where people can do whatever they wanted.

Mom: "Roy, I would have told you but the truth is that well… I felt you wanted to remain innocent for a while longer. Like I said, chastity is something the nobles care about and you seemed to value it. I had my suspicions before when you always refused me but once I saw what happened with Mary I realized you wouldn't be happy living in a village like this. That's why we have to go."

What? I refused your advances? You're supposed to be my MOM! Forget it, I guess that kind of logic doesn't work on her.

Roy: "I didn't care as much when I saw Mary as I did when I saw you… mom."

I casually admitted this to her.

A smile came on her face.

Mom: "That just means you don't want to share mom with anyone else doesn't it? Don't worry, I haven't been with another man since you were born and I won't be with another man until the day you die. Roy, I promise that… but women are not your competition."

What the heck is she saying? She misunderstood. NO that's not what I meant.

Roy: "Mom, that's-"

Mom: "Hush my sweet boy!"

Mom placed a finger on my lips to quiet me and drew me close.

Mom: "I'll show you my true form instead. While I've been disguised as a human I look like a young woman in her mid twenties, but Roy I'm going to tell you a secret about the darker races. Humans in their prime look like they're in their youth, they're just like elves. Dark and more reliant races like succubi and vampires however… our prime is a much more mature form."

Mom's form changed in the moon light. Her face seemed to lose the youthful exuberance and gave off a mature tone. Mom seemed to become more beautiful than before. Her skin turned a more reddish hue, and her hair became lavender. The went from red to silver and her curves became more pronounced while some wings came out of her back.


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