
Mom: "Roy, this is my true form as a succubus."

Mom was different from before. While she was humanoid, she was no longer human. She had glowing pink skin, dark purple eyes and lavender hair like she always had but her body had more accentuations and there was an allure that wasn't there when she was in disguise. Those in the small village would be even crazier for her if they saw this form.

Roy: "Mom, it's just that I didn't like being left out. You were going around with the women of the village, my friends were going around with the women of the village… I was the only one left out and no one told me about it."

Mom gathered me towards her ample chest. They were so large.

Mom: "Roy… I'm sorry you feel betrayed by me. You're the one I love the most after all. There is no one else I love more than you."

Roy: "Then let's do it now mom. I want to lose my virginity. I'm tired of keeping it."

I really wanted to get rid of it now. I had no other choice but her right? She isn't blood related so it should be fine. I don't think there should be any issue and even if other's think it might be taboo the fact remains that succubi do not have male children.

Mom: "This is really what you want Roy? You've been trying to avoid it while growing up so this just doesn't seem like you. Are you sure you're not distraught in shock?"

Roy: "Mom… you're doing it with other girls so just do it with me. We're not blood related. Didn't you say that yourself? It's obvious no other girl will love me and the only reason they'd come to me is because they want access to you."

I was upset. What was I supposed to think? Even my soldiers couldn't fight against the wolf. I should be a child at my mom's side the rest of my life. No there was more to the soldiers.

Mom's face changed from one of teasing to one that is afraid of disappointing me. Was she going to tell me… I mean…

Mom: "Roy… I'm sorry. I know I teased you growing up but…"

Roy: "But what?"

Mom: "I can't do it with you now. For now I have to play the role of your mom. I can't do that with you."

Roy: "What do you mean? You were always trying to entice me, always talking about how I could marry you because we weren't blood related and now when I'm down in the dumps like this you're going to just tell me it can't be done?"

Mom: "Sorry Roy, my son. Let's go home. I'll cook a nice breakfast for you and we can leave the village early tomorrow morning. You should say good bye to your friends, Hemo and Pen."

I stared at mom for a moment.

Roy: "You didn't sleep with them did you?"

Mom: "Of course not! Why would you ask that? I only slept with the women in the village."

Roy: "How do I know you're telling me the truth?"

Mom stared at me for a moment. I know she does have the right to sleep with whomever she wants, but I just don't like the idea of people doing it with mom. If she wants to remain in that capacity as my mom I'm not sure I would want to be associated with her if she's always bringing home new partners. I know she took care of me but I'd want to cut her off for my own mental health.

Mom: "Just believe me please!"

I mean what was I supposed to force her to do in order to prove it? She did save my life just a moment ago but I can't think of any reason as to why this is a good thing for me.

Still, she gave birth to me… a second time… right?

Roy: "Okay mom, I'll believe you. I'm just upset. You said you wanted me all those times but now you back off from it."

Mom hugged me.

Mom: "Roy, I'm sorry okay. I teased you because I knew you wouldn't. It was just because I wanted you to remember that Mom is also a woman who needs attention. I stayed in this village with you so you wouldn't have to deal with all the problems that would come your way if you were in the city."

Roy: "What kind of problems?"

Mom: "I'm the leader of the Merchant guild and own the largest trading company in the world. Your older sisters are running it now but everyone reports to me. If we were in the city there would be inquiries everyday and you wouldn't have any peace because they would be trying to get on your good side in order to try and earn my favor."

Those kind of problems. Fame problems. I stared at mom for a second more as I didn't know her background. Mom never told me what she was doing in the city. I knew only that her daughters help run orphanages but… this?

So I'm rich?

Roy: "Does that mean I'm rich?"

Mom smiled.

Mom: "I'll buy you anything you want son. You can have lots of pocket money to spend however you want. I'm going to spoil you… but you won't be able to stay with me once we get to the city, but don't worry I'll continue to transfer money to you so you can do whatever you want."

Roy: "Wait mom.. what do you mean I can't stay with you?"

Mom: "Well, you're going to be eighteen soon. You're three years past being an adult but there was an agreement that was in place for you."

Roy: "Agreement? What kind of agreement?"

Mom: "Um… you'll find out more about it later. I can't tell you it now."

Roy: "What do you mean you can't tell me? IF you don't tell me then why should I go with you?"

Mom: "Mommy loves you very much Roy."

Mom grabbed me and I couldn't get out of her embrace. She was too strong as she held on to me and begin to walk home in the dark. The monsters in the forestavoided us because.

Roy: "Mom put me down! I don't want to deal with this!"

Mom: "Sorry Roy, after you ran away I can't chance it again. You have to just trust me on this. It's nothing bad for you and there is a lot of things you will be able to discover. It's just mommy took an oath that she can't tell you about the next step but you will know the next step when you see it and it will be soon."

Roy: "Oath? Why would there be an oath?"

This is similar to what Dong Chen went through where was stuck in a room and couldn't find out anything. The hell is wrong with all this? I guess in a way Troy not knowing how he was born and not knowing about his father is somewhat similar… at least I won't have my memories erased… or wait can mom do that? That would suck!

Mom: "Roy, I promise one day everything will be known and when that day comes I hope you can forgive me. I don't want you to hate me but I can't do anything about it right now, but once you get to the city I promise there will be some clues that will help you out to figure what happened. After everything that's been laid out is done, then if you still want mommy to be with you as a woman and not just your mom, I promise it will happen at that time."

Roy: "Why can't you just tell me?"

Mom: "It's because I love you and I also loved your parents. I have to honor what they want for you, understand?"

Mom winked at me playfully.

Roy: "Wait a moment, you know I was reincarnated… so what do my parents have to do with me then?"

Mom: "There is something I can now since it's close. Your father was someone who transmigrated from your world. Your father in your last life is the same person as your father in this life. He wasn't reincarnated but a transmigrator, and so you're technically his second son and your own younger brother, but that's a story for a different time. Joseph said it was some being called Anon who sent him here, but you're not allowed to talk about Anon."

Roy: "Anon… wait! I'm my own younger brother?"

I remember something… that bastard author! What the heck!?

Mom: "Anon is not for you to worry about, but as for being your own younger brother? Well I found it funny as well, but don't worry too much about it. Just live your life."

Mom was still carrying me over her shoulder. I really don't understand how she feels so sturdy despite having thinner arms than me. I weight the same but… she's so much stronger… I felt emasculated.

Still Anon… he always conveniently puts people in positions where they have no father to compete with them. Even if there is a father he usually dies early on or is out of the picture.

Roy: "Does Anon have something to do with my dad dying again?"

I wanted to see dad… I lost my chance again.

Mom: "Your father died again… it's true… but this isn't something you can do anything about Roy. I'm working on it, and there are others who are friends of your parents who are also working on it. This being might be a huge threat in the future, but for now we don't know when he'll surface. He could surface during your lifetime or hundreds of years after your death since you're human but we'll still be around."

Roy: "What do you mean by 'we'?"

Mom: "I said too much… oh boy. Roy, please just trust your mom and don't ask questions for now. You'll learn more in the near future I promise, for now just try and enjoy your life because a lot of people just want you to be happy."

Want me to be happy? I'm already unhappy about this village thing.

Mom: "I know you're thinking about how you're unhappy about this village thing right? Don't worry, if you want the virginity of some girls mommy can buy them for you. We can buy slaves, it's just you have to promise not to treat them badly. Even if you're allowed to have as many partners as you want, you have to still retain your humanity and realize slaves also have feelings."

Roy: "What are you saying mom?"

Mom: "I'm saying that I can help you have as many sexual partners as you want, so don't be sad. It's just that there are a few things that have to happen before that, and it involves meeting four other people first. After that if you still want your mommy then mommy can also do it with you too. Just wait for now, because mommy really wants to do it with you too."

Roy: "Four other people mom? What do you mean?"

Mom: "Just be patient my sweet little boy. Mommy promises everything will work out for you, just rest and let me take care of you."