
Roy: "No mom… I'm already an adult. I can do all the other stuff but this, please? Don't make me."

Dhalia: "Please darling? Please?"

Roy: "No, I said I'm an adult."

Dhalia: "But Darling, mommy never got to raise you or nurture you. Mommy never got to experience it and unlike Xeneva, mommy has no other children, only you. Please Roy? Mommy knows you're an adult but just give mommy this once at least. Please?"

This isn't going to be the only time. This is just going to set a precedence… Her large blue mounds came out of her shirt and it became harder and harder to resist when I saw what appeared to be dark blue pepperoni.

As though mesmerized I moved over to her and began to suckle and drink. I know I'm going to regret this later… But right now I was in heaven.

Dhalia: "Darling is such a good boy with a vigorous suck, don't worry though since mommy can give you lots of milk."

I want to bury myself. This is so embarrassing… but eventually it ends and I fall asleep and a new day comes. A new day where Dhalia would be at the Adventurer's guild and I can have some freedom. It's a large city and there are all sorts of things to see right?

Six more days before I can summon the soldiers again so I'll go and check everything out. I get out of bed, and get dressed. Dhalia was down stairs.

Dhalia: "Roy, I'll be sending some servants to look afterthe mansion now that you're going to be living here."

She had a smile on her face.

Roy: "You don't have to do that for me mom, I can clean up after myself."

Dhalia: "I insist. Besides, I don't want you to have any problems if you make a mess of anything. There will always be someone to cook for you if you get tired of the food in the city and there will always be someone to talk to. Also, a team of adventurers will be guarding you paid for by Xeneva, you can go and get the money from the bank in the city and they can show you there."

Roy: "Mom, why are you all spoiling me so much?"

Dhalia smiled then floated over to kiss my forehead.

Dhalia: "Because darling, you're our only son. The two of us won't be the only one spoiling you so make sure you listen to us alright? Don't do anything dangerous."

Roy: "Alright mom."

Sending out soldiers wouldn't be dangerous after all. I mean it's not my real body and they can go out and die. Shouldn't be a difficult issue since they can revive and be summoned again every seven days and there are no limits to it. The fact I can take over their body is also a good thing. I won't have to leave in order to see everything that happens outside.

The funny thing is that if I am not present with the summoned soldiers I'll be able to see all of them from a third person perspective. I can take over an individual soldier in the first person and use my own voice or I couldgive them a voice when I modify them.

I can also add other things to them such as their facial look, I could randomize their faces or just cover them up in armor so no one knows anything about them. They can follow my orders down to the meaning without me even having to say anything out loud and alert me of things that I want to hear.

I could also add reinforcements as long as there was one surviving soldier, which meant I would only have to get one soldier out and they can build their army. Which was extremely convenient, but there was one caveat though.

Lastly, soldiers that take partial damage can be un-summoned to heal. It's only when they're completely killed that it will take seven days before their next summoning. Healing soldiers can be summoned at any time, and as long as they survive they can heal within a day or two. Too bad that wolf killed all ten of them like it was nothing.

The army progression system was very simple at it's core. At the very basic level, which was level one. I had soldiers who had some armor, they were about as strong as the average man who wasn't trained well. They could switch to any melee weapon, sword, spear, dagger, short sword, shield or many others but could only have one item at a time.

Giving them a shield means they had very little offensive capabilities, however at this level I could buy as many as I want as long as I had the points. They were only ten points each and I think according to my knowledge a weak goblin was about one point. If I have them hunt goblins or smaller animals they can take down I can continuously expand the numbers.

The interesting part comes at level 2 and onward. Soldierscan't be 'promoted' or upgraded. Instead, for every ten of those soldiers I could purchase an 11th one at level 2. So if I had 100 soldiers at level one, I could purchase ten soldiers at level two and have a total of 110 soldiers.

To get a level 3 soldier I would have to have 10 level 2 soldiers. To purchase a level 4 soldier I would need 10 level 3 soldiers.

In other words, I would alway shave to purchase level 1 soldiers and expand the numbers to get more powerful. However, where it got interesting was when it started splitting off at level 2.

Level 2 required a specialization in a weapon or purpose, whether it was swordsmanship, shields or magic. Yes magic. Even if I couldn't use magic myself, my army would be able too. A level 3 swordsman would require 10 level 2 sword specialists to produce, likewise a level 3 spearman would require 10 level 2 spear specialists.

Level 2 however was where the only choice was actually made. Each path way at level 2 would lead to a specific type of soldier, however the prices for each type of unit at level 2 varied depending on what kind of equipment or abilities they had. As such, level 2 was more for tactical warfare while level 1 was cannon fodder.

I guess there was going to be a lot of cannon fodder.

It was a headache to think about now when I could do nothing but wait.

I know I could live out doing nothing my whole life, but Dong Chen gave me a warning and Mommy Xeneva mentioned Anon. An undying and powerful army that replenishes itself every seven days is something that might be needed in the future. I went to sleep in Dhalia's arms and slept well.

The morning came and mom was gone. I heard Hemo and Pen downstairs.

Hemo: "Roy, we're here to escort you as our first job! Isn't that great?"

No it isn't great. I didn't really want an escort but now I have to have the two guys who made problems for me with Xeneva become the escort? Whatever.

Pen: "Hurry up! There are lots of food I want to try, don't you have money you can get at the bank that your mom Xeneva put there for you?"

Yes I do… and why do they know about it? I was going to use it to save for something else.

Roy: "I'm coming, I'm coming."

I get up and dress in the clothing Dhalia had set aside for me. She really was a dutiful mother who wanted me to have everything. The clothing was luxurious like that of the city clothes, however before I… wait… how did Hemo and Pen get inside the house?

A young girl walked into the room dressed in a maid's attire. She had glasses and red hair on her as well as a cap. She was thin, not nearly as curvy as both of the mothers I had met so far but definitely beautiful in her own way. The kind of girl I know the boys at the village would drool over.

Maid: "Good morning Master Roy, I am Edna the head maid who will be taking care of you. Let us help you get dressed and then come down for breakfast."

Roy: "My mom already hired all of you?"

Several other young maids filed into the room and began to get me up. This is usually where I would make a fuss about how I don't want to get dressed but at this point I probably shouldn't have shame since I'm supposed to be rich young lord here.

Edna: "Yes, your mother hired us to come this morning. Is there something about us that displeases you?"

Roy:"Uh… no it doesn't."