chapter-18<*Smart Roy*>

I was undressed in front of them and the maids looked all over my body including what was between my legs. They had no expression on their face as they changed me then escorted me down to where Hemo and Pen were already eating and ogling over the other maids.

Roy: "Edna, are there no butlers or male staff?"

Edna: "Do you prefer male staff?"

Roy: "No, I was just curious is all…"

Edna: "Your mother came requesting that only female staff would be serving you at this mansion. Whenever you return we will wait on you."

Roy: "I see…"

Hemo: "Hey Roy! That maid beside you is pretty! You should ask her if she offers other services at night! Maybe something like that would be nice you know? I mean, she works for you right? She should be taking care of every one of your needs!"

Edna: "Master please permit me to discipline the young adventurer who does not know his place?"

Discipline Hemo? Heh, this might be fun.

Roy: "I permit you Edna, a man should not be rude and vulgar in the house of my mother."

Hemo looked at me as Edna powered up with magic. It was clear she was as powerful as an S-class adventurer which completely shocked both Hemo and Pen.

Several slaps loudly echoed throughout the mansion.

Hemo: "Stop please! Stop, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!"

The slapping didn't stop as Pen watched on for a moment before turning towards me.

Pen: "Roy tell her to stop! We're your friends! This isn't right! You can't let him get humiliated!"

I put my arm up to signal Edna who immediately stops hitting him. She returns back to my side in an instant with lightening fast speed. I wonder how many levels my soldiers would have to advance to reach her power. Compared to my previous world Edna would be considered super human.

Hemo: "Why did you allow that Roy? I thought we were friends."

Roy: "Hemo, we are friends, and as your friend if you disregard and disrespect those who are serving me you must be put back on the right path. I mean, these maids made breakfast, they keep the mansion safe and furthermore they're hired by the Adventurer guild master who has taken me in. If I didn't permit them to defend themselves from crass actions then how can this house be dignified or protected?"

Several of the maids sent smiles my way as though approving of my words while Hemo looked at Pen then they both looked back at me.

Hemo: "I apologize, I'll keep vulgar thoughts to myself while in your presence."

I could feel a slight coldness now around Hemo and Pen as though they were preparing to pay me back for this. Pathetic. I don't want them as my escort.

Roy: "Hemo and Pen, you're both dismissed from being my escort."

Pen: "Why? Why are you doing this? We're supposed to escort you so we need to go out! Aren't we friends who grew up from the same village? Didn't we work together covering for you because you were weak?"

This situation sucks. I mean it really sucks! You see, the main issue here isn't that they weren't good friends when we were in the village. The main issue here is that once they knew I had the favor of the Adventure Guild Master, they wanted to use my connection for their benefit.

In other words, they expected to make gains from me because I happened to know the guild master. They still don't realize that the Guild Master is also a mom to me like Xeneva was. This is one of those situations I wish didn't have to happen.

Roy: "I thought you wanted to be real adventurers? I'm doing this for the both of you. I mean, don't you want to go out so you have better stories to tell? If you stay here escorting me that's less time spent on honing your abilities and getting stronger and better. You wouldn't be able to impress the girls with me and the maids I have here are off limits to you because the Guild Master hired them not me."

Pen: "What do you mean? Escorting is a real adventurer's job as well."

Roy: "True, adventurer's can be hired as escorts but so can maids and so can mercenaries. The key to being an Adventurer is going out into the wild and exploring or killing monsters others can't kill easily. I mean, isn't that a man's romance? Wouldn't that also be great to tell the young women in the taverns after a great adventure the story of how you conquered the dungeons or killed the monsters?"

Pen and Hemo looked at each other as though a light had clicked with them.

Hemo: "Roy you're right! We should be out exploring instead of doing escort missions like this. I mean, if we did some of the shorter quests then our rank can rise faster which means we can participate in bigger things!"

Pen: "Yeah Roy, I never thought of it that way. We were just upset a bit and wanted to get you back after you let your maid slap us, but now I think I know what you meant. Because you're weak and probably won't leave the city it's better for us to try and reach our potential rather than follow you around."

Roy: "Yes… anyway…"

I wrote a note to give each of them 25 gold coins each for them to take to the bank and signed it. Xeneva has taught me how to write a check before so it wasn't difficult. I handed one note each to Pen and Hemo

Roy: "Both of you take this money and go and arm yourselves at the local blacksmith and armours. If you want to survive make sure you get good equipment and then report to the guild that your escort mission is completed."

I smile as I let them go.

Pen and Hemo: "Thanks Roy! You're the best. I can't believe we doubted you."

Hemo: "I promise not to do anything to your maids in the future. Can we finish breakfast before we go?"

Roy: "Sure, I'll eat with you!"

I'm so happy to be getting rid of these guys. Edna brings me to the table and pulls my chair out for me. She leans into my ear to whisper.

Edna: "Master, 25 gold coins is a lot of money. Are you sure giving it to them is wise?"

Roy: "I want to get rid of them. It's best that way since they can get equipment to survive and at the very least I won't have to feel guilty about sending them off. Besides, I don't think you and the other maids like them around here."

Edna had a soft smile on her face.

Edna: "Thank you Master… also… about the night service… I can give it to you if you really want it. It would be my pleasure to serve the son of the Guild Master."

I… uh… kept silent after she said that and finished the food. No way in hell I was going to call her up to my room. That woman is extremely powerful! I'm tired of having such powerful women in my life and if I ended up marrying her she'll be wearing the pants.

I need to focus on my soldiers. Hemo and Pen left and I got up and wanted to go into the city but Edna stopped me.

Edna: "Master Roy I apologize but I cannot permit you to go into the city without an escort."

Roy: "Then can you be my escort?"

Edna: "No, I cannot as I must stay at the mansion as with the other maids. When your mother returns this evening you can talk to her about the escort but we cannot let you leave until that matter is resolved."

Crap! I can't leave? I look over Edna and the other maids.Even if I could summon my soldiers now they would still be able to take me down in an instant.

Screw it… fine I'll stay home today.

Roy: "Alright then I guess I'll stay home today."

I stayed home and did nothing. It was still six days before I could summon those soldiers again so it wasn't a huge loss but I wanted to go around the city and start finding things out. If Hemo and Pen followed me around they'd be going after every girl around and it would be a problem.

I don't know why they never learned any manners… or perhaps it's just me being an old soul in a teenager's body that prevents me from doing the same. When I was young was I ever such a horn dog? I don't think so? I never had a girlfriend in my life…

Edna took care of me through the day.

Edna: "Master Dhalia will be home soon, perhaps you should wait for her so you can bathe together."

Roy: "No, I want to bathe on my own. Edna… I have a question and I want you to answer honestly."

Edna: "Yes master."

Roy: "Do you really believe that the guild master Dhalia is my mother."

Edna: "If she says she is your mother then she is your mother, there have been stranger families among the adventurers."

Roy: "I see."

There was no helping it then. I got ready for my bath and the maids were there ready to help me but I sent them off insisting that I could do it all myself. I would also stop them from getting me dressed in the morning.

Even if it's custom to do those things I still want to exercise my right as an independent person to act as I so please. I'll take care of myself because I don't know what the reason for them being so friendly with me is. Even if maids were just there to serve their master there was always an ulterior motive.

I'm the son of the Guild Master, therefore I'm considered valuable right?