10. Demon Boss and Benign assistant...

"Don't you understand what I said, I asked you to leave. He said in a tone that was definitely the harshest Isla had ever heard. He wasn't shouting, but yet his voice was piercing through her skin, making her tremble, not that she was not shuddering at the sight of him already.

"D_Da_Damon.. I _ I...

" You better stop that foolish stutter and get the hell out of here... I mean why do you keep on calling my first name like you know me... It was like he was a living statue. He had no emotions on that face of his. He said everything like he didn't care what the other person thought...

Isla was confused., did he forget her, why was he acting like this. She had long known that wherever he might have been for the past years, she was sure he would hate and despise her, but him saying he didn't know her made her feel a different kind of pain. She was sure he knew her because of the way he stared at her with all that hate during the interview.

"D_Damon... It's me. I know you wouldn't want to see me and that you'd hate me after what I did to you but I'm... Unconsciously, her trembling legs were still able to move, and were moving forward to him.

" if you take one more step towards me., then you'll be out of here in a much rougher way than you came... His words were simple, but they didn't sound like a joke to her. So she stopped her moving legs... And I told you, I don't know you, so why would I hate you... You don't look like someone worth any feelings from me, be it like or hate... He was looking straight into her eyes when he said this, not blinking for even a second as he spoke.

She suddenly remembered what she heard those girls saying the other day... He was the one with the golden hair... He was the Demon King. The one with the awful personality. Never in her life could she have pictured a Damon with a bad and rude personality, considering what he used to be like in high school. She couldn't help but think she might have created this demon...

"Damon... I'm really... I'm really... I'm... I'm... She suddenly couldn't bring herself to say these words anymore... She felt so guilty and ashamed of herself all over again. And seeing the man he had become tore her apart. Who would have known that the sweet young man she knew back then could turn into the demon he is today. This was a horrible transformation...

He wasn't going to listen to her words. She had to fix this. She had to find a way to fix this man. This was not Damon. This is the Damon she had created not the real one. She had a feeling that deep down, underneath this demon, was buried the humble kind-hearted young man he used to be.

"Damon... I mean Mr. King... I'm sorry I came late, but I don't think you should fire me so quickly because of that. I mean I just had the interview yesterday, there was no way I would have known that results would be out by today. There was a certain fire in her eyes. She had suddenly changed. A while ago he was sure she was going to beg him, but now he wasn't sure anymore.

"And besides sir, when I did the online interview, what was stated there was if I could start work a week after I got the job. No one said anything about me starting the job a day after the interview...

"So with all due respect sir, I think firing me would be just unfair.

Her sudden change of actions and body language had him flustered for a moment. He didn't expect her to talk back at him. He expected her to crumble down on her knees and beg him, with tears in her eyes.

Even right now he was dying inside, trying his possible best not to show that he was losing air, that he could not breathe well so he could watch her crumble right in front of him. But what was she doing now? Why did she suddenly change...

This was definitely not how he had planned the whole long time no see thing... She was supposed to beg and then he'd make her beg some more before telling her he was giving her the job, but on trial. But now he was not sure what to say anymore...

"You did not check your own emails and now you're blaming me for it.? So if I make you my assistant, is that how you'd also not check the email and make me lose a big deal. Or what is the need for a useless assistant who can't even check the emails on time...

She couldn't help but think he was right. It was partly her fault. But she was not ready to accept defeat. She now had a bigger reason to stay in this company than just making money. It was to redeem herself, to amend her wrongs, and even though it was impossible to make them right, it was not too late to stop more wrongs from happening...

"Now sir., I agree that it's partly my fault, so instead of firing me just yet, how about you put me on trial... Let me work for you for a month and if I show any signs of incompetence within this one month, you get to fire me. And you also don't have to pay me for my services for the month.

What in the world was she up to... How is it that she's the one suggesting this? He was supposed to be the one saying this. she doesn't even know what she's getting herself into. A month with him. She must really think he is still that naive young fool he was back then.

Isla was getting tensed., she knew he was going to refuse her offer, so she was seriously racking her brain for what to do and what to say next. She had to find a way to stay by his side and find a way to bring out the Damon that seemed to be locked up somewhere in there...

"One month you say... His cold voice resounded in the office, breaking through her thoughts...

" Yes sir just one month... You wouldn't have to go through the stress of holding another interview till the next month at least... If you think I'm not good enough after one month then you can let me go... And if I meet your expectations, then I get to keep my job... She was really hoping she was sounding confident and assuring enough, because she really couldn't think of anything else to make her stay here longer than this minute...

"One month... He repeated the words like it was poison...

"Then one month it is.., and Miss, I will let you go... Or probably the other way around. You will beg me, implore me desperately to let you go. She could see the smirking look on his face. It wasn't a pleasant one. It sent cold chills down her spine, and it made her wonder if she knew what she was doing...

But there was no backing out now, for she believes she had woken up this demon eight years ago, and this was her chance to put the demon to rest, and maybe, just maybe the demons that haunted her in her nightmares would end.

" Miss Moore, you are now the assistant of Damon king...