11. Nice to meet you...

"Jennie., who's that? Shelley asked as the dark-haired sat down, drawing Angie's attention...

" Who's who?? Angie asked sticking her head from above her desk so she could join the conversation... This position was inconvenient, but gossip was more important than convenience.

" Didn't you see the lady that just walked into the Boss's office?? Shelley points towards the office, but Angie still didn't see nobody.

" She's the new assistant... Jennie replied with a smug look.

"What??... Shelley shouted, forgetting the no-noise rule in their department. Lucky for her, the Demon King was busy with someone at the moment. Is she crazy coming to work by this time... I mean it's her first day and she's this late"

"She already lost the job. She shouldn't have come up here... At least that way, she would save herself a lot of insults... Angie added.

" That's exactly what I told her., but it seems the girl loves insults. She still insisted on going. She insisted on seeing how things went... But it's her funeral, why should I care?

" I give her ren minutes., just ten minutes max and she'll come out crying...

" don't you think ten minutes is too much, five minutes tops... Shelley said...

Isla stepped out of his office, and closed the door behind her, immediately resting her back and head on it. Taking a deep breath, she reminisces on the whole event that just played in front of her...

"My God what did I turn him into... Uhh, this is all my fault... She said burying her head into her palm... Then she slapped herself in the face continuously as if to wake herself up... There's no use in crying over spilled milk... Instead, I'll make another... She said out loud, not noticing the young secretary that sat there watching her like she had gone crazy.

She straightened up her clothes, cleared her throat, and walked up to him.

"HI, I think I should greet you properly this time... I'm Isla Moore the new assistant to Mr. King, we'll be working closely from now on... At least for a month... She whispered... I hope we get along... She stretches her hand forward to him...

But he was looking really shocked like she just announced that she was getting married to the Devil...

"You got the job, I can't believe you got the job... Are you sure you got the job?? He was really looking confused.

" Yes., I got the Job...

"But he was supposed to fire you., you came super late but you still got the Job. You weren't supposed to last even a minute in there. I mean we resume by seven and you literally got here two hours later and you still got the Job., are you sure of what you're talking about...? The young man was seriously looking dumbfounded.

"Well you can put in a call to confirm, but yes I got the Job...

" OH MY GOODNESS!! He said out loud, immediately covering up his mouth with his palm... I'm so happy for you. I guess he's in a very good mood today... I'm Ben by the way Ben Thomas, nice to meet you Isla... He said finally shaking her hand that had been left hanging since.

"Look, look, look... She's out, she's out, she's out... Angie said tapping the other two.

"She's stronger than I thought, she can still smile with Ben even after losing the job... Jennie said.

" I bet she's crying inside and doesn't want to show it out. She's a strong one... Let's go console her. At least even if it was for a minute she could say she was part of department 25... Shelley said shaking her head in pity.

"Yeah, you're right... Let's go... The three gossips of the department stood up and walked over to her... Carefully. They wouldn't want to make any noise in front of the Boss's office.

" Hey, I know how hard it must be. We understand... I mean this was why I told you not to go in there. But what has happened has happened... I really wish you good luck, and hope you find a good job in another company... Jennie said, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't think about your experience in the Demon's court... As you go out of here, just leave everything behind you... Angie said.

Isla just stood there watching them with a blank face. She did not understand what they were doing, or trying to do.

" I haven't talked to you before, but I want you to know that we'll miss you... Shelley added...

" You girls are at it again... She got the job... She's staying. Ben said shaking his head.

"What are you talking about?? Jennie said with narrowed eyes.

" I got the job. I'm now Mr kings assistant...

"WHAT!!! They all echoed together, and covered their mouths immediately...

" What did you say... Jennie asked in a pitch that was almost a whisper.

"You got the job?? Angie asked with unbelief in her big brown eyes.

" Yes, I got the Job...

"But how is that possible., are you sure you're alright, you came so late, and yet you got the job?

" I guess luck was on my side...Isla said with a smile... Oh, how rude of me... I'm Isla Moore., and it's nice to meet you. I hope we get along well. She extended her hand to them, but Jennie and Shelley just had their hands crossed in front of them, and when Angie tried to accept the handshake, she got a slap on the palm from both ladies... Isla was shocked, why did they do that.

"Now listen up newbie... Jennie suddenly turned back into the annoying woman from the elevator, and Shelley had this scary look on her face. While Angie... Well, she was trying her best to keep up with the scary or bad girl act.

" you're new here, and we're your seniors... If you want to have a long and peaceful life here in department 25, then you'll make sure to not get on our bad side...

"You might be Mr. King's assistant, but you're our junior. So make sure you're ready whenever we call., or else you'll see hell. Shelley added.

At this point, Angie felt like it was her turn to say something nasty...

" So you better... Huh. You better... huh... Tie your shoelaces when you're coming to work... Shelley and Jenny couldn't help but look at her like she was stupid... Because you'll be doing a lot of work... She added...

" Ben, give her the rule book... Ladies let's go... Jennie scoffed and turned away... Shelley did the same, followed by Angie.

" Just don't mind them., they can be crazy sometimes... Ben said...

"That's no problem, but what's this about a rule book... Isla asked.

" Oh it's a list of rules for every worker in department 25... I'll get it for you...

"Good morning Mr. King., the three queen gossipers said together, drawing everyone's attention towards the stylish young man in a coffee-brown suit that just waltzed in.

" Good morning ladies., how's your day going so far without me... He said with a sly smile.

" Boring as usual... Jennie said.

"The office without you is just not the same... Shelley added.

" Well, that's why I don't take days off. I wouldn't want the ladies feeling bored without me... He says then walks past them., and then he comes back like he forgot something...

"Is the Demon king here already?? He asked in a whisper...

" Yes, he is... He came in about an hour ago... Shelley replied in a whisper.

"Okay... Let me go check up on my favorite cousin...

He then walks towards Damon's office, and his eyes caught the lady that stood outside his door. A smile curled up his lips

"Hey, you... You got the Job??... He said out loud.

" Good morning sir... Isla Moore, and yes I got the job thanks to you... She replied modestly.

"I can't believe it, he really gave you the job...

Isla could not understand why everyone could not believe she got the job. Okay, she could understand the three witches and Ben, they saw her come in late, but this man didn't and yet he still seemed surprised that she got the Job...

"well, congratulations MISS., and welcome to department 25... He stretched his hand to her...

Finally, someone welcomed her into the department. She collected his hand and like the ladies man he was, he placed a soft kiss on her knuckles. Before walking into Damon's office.

"Why didn't you tell me that you finally picked an assistant... Marcel said pouting.

" Are you crazy? I called you last night and told you about it... Damon said...

"When did you call me... Stop lying...

Damon's mouth was wide open... Marcel had the worst sleeping habits.

" And you'd say I love sleep. You can't even remember that I called you last night. Check your call history.

"you're just a big fat liar... He said pulling out his phone and searching through it... The expression on his face had changed to a realization...

" you found it?? Damon asked, and Marcel just folded his lips together...

"okay fine., at least you picked someone. We don't have to arrange for another interview again...

" It's just for a month...

"What do you mean it is just for a month...

" She came super late on her first day., and begged me not to fire her that instead, I should put her on trial, and then if after a month she fails, I get to fire her...

"And you agreed... You... Damon... Agreed with such a deal... With a woman... Marcel said with suspicion written all over his face...

" Yes., I think it will be fun... Trying new things is always fun... He had a scary look on his face. One that Marcel was not sure he had seen before...

"I won't give up the chance to watch her crumble and fail...