24. Back in time vi: let's be friends...

"Hey there, is it true what they say about Damons?

" what?

"that kiss a Damon and you'll find good fortune.

" I'm not sure, I can't really say.

"okay let me find out for myself.

Damon., Damon., DAMON WAKE Up!!! Joan snaps him out of his beautiful dream. Turning off the alarm that had been ringing for ages and drawing the curtains open.

" your alarm has been ringing for over fifteen minutes, what kind of cursed sleep is this. What are you? Sleeping beauty.?

"if I was sleeping beauty, you should have let the lovely princess kiss me awake and not yank me out of my fairytale land. He grumbled. Covering his head with his pillow.

" Well stay in fairytale land all you want, but I'm sure you'll be going to late comers punishment land next. At her words, he was completely out of fairy tale land and had returned to earth fully. He looked at the time...

" Mom, why didn't you wake me up earlier?? He queried, frantically jumping out of his bed. And running to the bathroom.

" since when was I in charge of waking you up. Isn't that the job of your alarm clock?? The woman was baffled at his words.

He got dressed as quickly as possible packed almost all the books he had into his bag because he didn't have time to select the needed once, and ran out of his room. He ran back inside, he'd forgotten his phone and shoes.

He was dashing out of the house. He was so late.

"aren't you going to have breakfast first??

" seriously mom., breakfast when i'm this late.?

"at least take something, you can't study anything with an empty stomach anyway? She tried being persuasive, but it didn't work, the kid was already on his bicycle, cycling like crazy.

As he cycled, he was looking at his wrist watch, it was already 7:20, he just had ten more minutes before he was declared late. He had never been late to school before, and he wasn't ready to join in any punishment.

7:25, he could see the school gate, he increased his speed, riding as fast and furious as he could. He had to make it, no matter what. He had to enter his class before 7:30.

7:27, he was in the school, he hurriedly packed his bicycle., and ran as fast as his legs could take him. If he was running a marathon, he would definitely take first place at this pace.

7:29, he could see his classroom, just a few more steps and he was in, he was almost there, he could definitely make it., he was at the door, and then...


He ran hard into something.

"ouch!! If I did something wrong, you could just tell me instead. You don't need to break my butt. Isla shrieked as she laid butt flat on the floor.

" oh, I_ I w_wasn't looking, I didn't mean to, I was just trying to, it's not that... The right words were just far from his mouth when ever he was close to her. He couldn't say one thing right without stuttering and saying some rubbish in between.

" Well are you going to leave me sitting here?? She asked him, stretching her hands forward for him to pull her up.

" oh, okay" he first cleans his hands on his shirt, making sure they were sparkling clean before he could touch the hands of the goddess. He lends her both hands and pulls her up back to her feet.

She was so close, his heart was on a marathon at the moment. He could remember the events of her birthday party clearly. He'd been dreaming about it since the day it happened.

"Watch where you're going Damon, you can't go around jamming people like a truck ok? She cautioned him, but out of everything she said, he couldn't help but notice that she just mentioned his name, and without saying golden-hair too. It was probably a mistake. But mistake or not, he loved the way his name sounded on her lips, it felt so unique. So different than what he was used to hearing. His name was now sounding more symphonic.

"Are you just going to stare at me, or are you going to give me and answer??

" I_ I_ I didn't m_ mean to run into you. I'm sorry. He finally managed to say.

"that's okay, accidents happen. I'll see you later Damon. She says, briskly walking past him, to go about her duties.

She did it again, she called my name. She said Damon without adding that annoying Nickname. At this point, he was fulfilled, he could wish for no more. Even if he got struck by lightning, he'd go straight to heaven without any regrets.


It was lunch time, and he was suddenly regretting not eating anything when his mother told him to. He'd forgotten that he'd misplaced his wallet, now he currently had nothing on him. Not even a dollar.

All the kids in the class had gone to the cafeteria, he was left alone here, with his stomach growling, his head on his desk, thinking of his life. At least the school provided water, so he'd been filling his stomach up with water since. But he just couldn't wait to go home. Go home and stuff his stomach with every single thing he could find.

He was seriously holding back the tears in his eyes. He was just so hungry. His mother was right, if only he had a friend in school, he won't be suffering this much. At least he'd share whatever the friend bought. But now, he was all alone. Looking and feeling hungry and abandoned.

Just as he was thinking of this, a box of milk and a bag of chips appeared in front of him like magic. He moved his hands that covered his face so he could see clearly. And then his eyes widened, it was food. His head bounced off the table. It was really food, the joy in his heart knew no bounds. He was so busy admiring the milk and chips that he did not notice the person who deposited the on his desk.

"Don't just stare at it, eat it. She says, and that's when he realizes that there was someone else in the class with him. For the first time since the chips and milk touched his desk, he took his eyes off them, and looked at his savior.

" I_I_ Isla, w_what are y_you doing here. He stammers, surprised to see her there. And why are you giving me this.

" Well it was obvious you were hungry, and you don't have your wallet, so I bought something for you.

"How did you know that I misplaced my wallet?? He reasons.

" Maybe because I have it with me. She says bringing it out of her pocket. I found it at my house after the party. She hands it over back to him.

"My Wallet... He says happily. You found it. Thank you so much. Thank you so very much. He restates. Heaven knows if he was left alone, he would continue singing thank you to her.

" No need to thank me so much, just eat your food. Lunchtime is almost over. She picks up the milk and opens it for him, and then hands it over back to him.

Oh he was in a completely different world right now. He was in fairytale land. Not exactly the one his mother had woken him up from, but close.

"why are you being nice to me?? He suddenly asks, he really wanted to know. Was she just doing charity to nature, or was there another reason. Oh how he hoped it would be for another reason.

" Well is it wrong?? She boldly asks too, taking the nearest seat and sitting next to him.

" N_no, that's_that's not it. It's just, you know at the party, you allowed me you know, do that. A_a_and now you bring me this. He points at the chips and milk. And now you're sitting down next to me and talking to me. I just w_w_wanted to_to_to know why. Why couldn't he say a word without stuttering?

"Well maybe it's because I want to know more about the guy I kissed. I want to be your friend. Was he seriously still dreaming? Because this couldn't be real. If it was real., then this was a total, complete one hundred percent dream come through.

" Let's do this. She suddenly stands up.

" HI., my name is Isla Moore. And it's a pleasure to meet you., and I'd like you to be my friend. Would you be my friend?? She said stretching her hand forward.