33. Back in time vii: Biology Partner...

"So for your project next week, you're all gonna join in pairs of twos, pick a topic and work on it together. Then present your works in the next class. There was mumbling and murmuring at the announcement No one wanted any kind of work.

"What if two groups pick the same topic. Someone asks.

" I knew that could happen, so I already made this. She brings forward a small container. Now, in here are fifteen different topics, in which after you're all in groups, you are not up to that amount. So now one person from each group will come here and pick a paper from the box. Whatever topic is there is what you'll be working on with your partner.

"What are you waiting for, pick your partners.

Now Damon was in a serious peril, who was he going to partner up with, whenever it came to partnering up with people, it was always a big predicament for him.

Left for him, he'd do his project solo, but he knew better.

Okay, he'd partner up with Stacy Anderson, she was at his level. They were both nerds in the class, but then he turns around and sees that she'd already been taken by the other class weirdo Amber Brooke.

Who was he going to pick now, what was he supposed to do now.?

"Hey, you got a partner yet? Oh her voice drove that awesome shrill down his spine. Always pausing his heartbeat for a second or two.

"n_n_no not yet. When will he ever be able to talk to her and not stammer.

"Good, I don't have one either and friends are supposed to partner up together for better understanding, so Let's partner up.

Damon was not the only one shocked, the whole class was. Well the whole class except for Gabe, Henry, Julia and Viv who knew about her despicable plan. Apart from these four, everyone else was lost. Isla Moore wants to partner up with a nobody. She'd been shocking them since her birthday, she was always now seen seating with him during lunch, even in class she had switched seats from the middle seat on the third row, and was now seating next to the golden-haired. There was talk that she probably liked him, and that's why she was doing all this.

"What are you all staring at, if you've picked your partners stand together let me see you." the teacher said, bringing everyone back to he business at hand.

Now everyone had partners.

"Dude, you know we both can't stick together for this one right?Gabe whispered to his partner.

" I know, I don't know sh*t in biology. Henry agreed

They looked around for who to exchange with. Then they saw Viv and Julia together, and a crooked smile crawled up both their lips. They walk over to the girls.

" sorry girls, but you both can't stick together for this one. You'll have to team up with one of us each. Henry said taking Viv and Gabe Julia. Both girls didn't even have the strength to argue with them, they just shook their heads and accepted their fate.

"I think everyone has chosen their partners now. Okay come up and pick your luck".

The first set to go up was Stacy Anderson and Amber Brooke. Stacy was the one who picked and they checked their topic...

"Osmosis" she said out loud, and you could clearly see she and her partner loved their topic. They went back to their seats.

The next duo came up and picked theirs...

"Natural disasters that affects plants" they obviously didn't like what they got. They walked back to their seats like they had chains to their legs.

Next up was Henry and Viv. They walked forward and Henry was a gentleman letting Viv pick their fates. She picked up theirs and...

" Human Circulatory system" she read out loud. And Henry started clapping.

"Do you even know what it's about? She asks him sarcastically and he stops his claps.

Some more duo's kept on picking theirs, Damon just prayed and hoped he got something not too stressful. Maybe something with lots of drawings and less writing. Not that he wouldn't be able to do both, but that would be way more easier for him, he might fumble when writing sometimes, but he knew his drawings were flawless, and he didn't want to fumble in front of this Lolita of his. He only wanted to to show her his perfect side.

"Next you two" the teacher pointed at them next, making his heart skip beats. He was never this tensed when he was given a group assignment, but again he'd never partnered with her before.

They walked forward, and then came the problem.

"You pick. Isla urged., but he didn't want to, he was maybe scared of what he might pick.

" No its okay, you pick. He shakes his hands and head simultaneously to indicate he really did not want to.

"No you pick. I'm not really lucky when it comes to picking things like this. She explained

" I have a worse luck at these things., so you pick...

"Will one of you just pick something. Gabe who was next after them yelled.

" or both of you pick it together" Julia added. Winking at Isla. And Isla totally understood what she was trying to do.

"okay. We could do that." she says, immediately taking his hand, causing a sudden shudder through his whole body. How was her touch just so soft. He could melt into the ground that instant.

Like the whole class was in slo-mo, she dipped his hand into the container and and ruffled around for a while and then picks something and pulls his hand out, finally letting him go and setting him free from her enchantment.

"open it, what did we get" she asks with that smile he could kill for.

"hmm_ hmm_ he fumbled with the paper, then finally unfolded it, his eyes flew wide open, he got what he wished for. Something that came with drawings, but it was definitely not what he was expecting. Why did the world work this way. How was he supposed to take this topic, with her for that matter. This was just not right?

"what, what's wrong, did we get something difficult ? She asked as she saw the expression on his face.

" R_Re_ it's the _ it's the Human Reproductive system and Reproduction"