[Bonus chapter]34. Mentally deranged...

Grhinngg Grhinngg

The sound of his phone woke him up from his nice afternoon time. But immediately he saw who was calling, what was left of the sleep in his eyes vanished instantly.

Ben sat straight, wondering why his boss was calling him on a weekend. He'd never called him on a weekend before, was this it, was it finally the day he'd been trying his best to escape. Was he calling to put an end to his job. Ben became scared that he didn't want to answer the call he let it ring until it stopped. But then it started ringing again.

Tears was starting to fill his eyes, was this really his end. Will he really be jobless after he picked up the call? Where will he start looking for a job now. What was he going to do now. Finding a job nowadays was not something easy, it might take him years. He was busy thinking of his problems that he still didn't pick up the call, and then it stopped again.

But as soon as it stopped it started again., this time he goes down on his knees, picks up the phone like it was a special weapon that needed to be handled very carefully. Then swallowing all the saliva in his throat over and over again, he finally pressed the receive button.

"YOU NUT JOB, WHY ARE YOU JUST ANSWERING NOW. Damon bellowed as soon as Ben received the call.

" I'm sor...

"just shut it and send me the phone number of Isla Moore this instant. I'll see you on Monday. He immediately hung up.

" He said he'll see me on Monday, that means am not yet fired. I'm not fired.. He said jumping up and down, but then he suddenly stopped. He said I'll see you on Monday, does that mean he can't fire me today because it's the weekend, so he's going to fire me on Monday. This new thought made him seat back down, sobbing and wailing.

"I'm finished. There's nothing more to do, I'm totally finished. I'm going to starve. They'll kick me out of my apartment. I'll be foodless, homeless, jobless, I'll be everything less. He starts wailing even more at the thought of being useless.

Grhnngg Grhnngg... His phone rang again, making him jerk up in fear. He was calling again. Why was he calling again. Did he change his mind, had he decided to fire him that instant instead. He reluctantly picks up the call.

"what's wrong with you today., send me Isla Moore's number. Damon roared angrily and hung up again.

" What does he need.. No, no its not my business. He searches for the number on his phone and forwards it to him.

God whatever happens on Monday, let me keep my Job. I beg you Lord.


Isla felt the vibrating sound of her phone from inside her bag.

" excuse me one second let me take this call" she politely tells Ivan and he makes an okay sign with his hands.

"unknown number. She thought to her self. Hello.

" Go over to Jackson's, I'm expecting a parcel. Go there and wait for it to come then take it to the office.

"Damon, I mean Mr King?... The lady asked confused. Why would he just call her up and give her a task. It wasn't even a work day. But then she remembered their contract agreements. Always answer whenever he calls.

" Who else would it be, you have so many men in your filthy promiscuous life that you can't differentiate your boss from your multiple lovers huh? Just do what I frigging asked you to. Go over to Jackson's and wait there till my parcel arrives and then take it to the office. He then hung.

It was like everyday he had a new name to call her. Today was Filthy and promiscuous. She really wanted to cry. Though the lights were dim, Ivan noticed the sudden change after the phone call was over.

"Hey, are you okay" he asks, but as soon as he asks the question, it was like he pulled some kind of tear trigger in her eyes, for her lovely blue eyes had soon been covered with water. Unconsciously she leaned in closer to him, and he not knowing what to do just held her in his arms, patting her back.

She looked like a really strong person, what kind of news could she have received that brought her to tears.

Jerry who was still following them, saw them hugging suddenly. He wasn't close enough to see she was crying, so he just felt like ripping the guy called Ivan apart for hugging his buttercup.

"his taking advantage of her because this place is a little dark., oh I wish I could just go over there and punch that nicely lined jaw off his face. God he is good-looking. Why does he have to be so good looking?. He was starting to talk to himself again, and people were shifting away from him. It was only a matter of time before someone reported a mad man inside the aquarium, and two hefty looking security men came to him.

"Excuse me sir. But you'll have to come with us."

"Why, I haven't done anything.

" Well we received multiple reports that a mentally deranged patient might be on the loose in the premises. So I'm really sorry but you'll have to come with us.

"wait are you saying I'm the mentally deranged person? Jerry asked with disbelief evident in his face. I'm perfectly fine, I've never been to the psychiatrist before in my life." Who in the world could have made such an outrageous report. As he asked the question, his eyes drifted to a woman and her kid.. Who were looking at him like a crazy person. He looked at another person, and it was like they were scared of him.

What was wrong with all this people, he was completely fine. Completely okay. He wanted to scream. 'I'm not mad'. But he just took on last look at his buttercup in the arms of another man and quietly followed the men out, because even if he was to struggle, he was no match for just one of them, more or less the two of them.

"What took you so long, were you giving birth in the toilet? Marcel asks as Damon walks over to him.

" Sorry, it was a huge one" Damon replies, turning his eyes from Marcel to look for his annoying assistant.

"I don't want to hear about your toilet business. Let's just move on to the next place already. Marcel whined, but Damon was not listening to him, his eyes were focused on her.

One thing was she was still here even after he just called her and gave her a task to carry out, even though he didn't actually have any parcel to collect, but the most annoying thing was that she was happily cuddling and hugging that helmet dude instead of doing her duties.

"Marcel you go along, I'll meet you there. I think another one is coming... He said and immediately walked away.

" What the hell did you eat man? I'll be at the crocodile section, meet me there. He yelled after him.

The vibration of her phone in her hands brought her back to her senses, and she immediately broke the hug, leaving the two of them looking awkward and weird.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me. She apologized immediately with an uncomfortable smile.

" it's okay. He returned her weird smile. Your phone. He pointed out.

"oh. Yeah thank you. She had forgotten it was ringing.

" are you there yet? He sounded loud and pissed.

"No sir, but already going there. She quickly replied.

" How much more useless can you be, can't you even do a simple task as to go get something. He yelled angrily.

"I'm sorry sir I'll get..

" stop saying sorry and get your sorry worthless self there right now. He yelled and hung up.

She just had to suck it all in this time. She took a deep breath and shamelessly turned to Ivan.

"Did you probably come with your bike today?