86. Back in time XIX: you're my muse...

"Finally, starting from tomorrow till Saturday, we'll be school free. Isla happily declared as the thought of going on a field trip got her super excited. No books, no teachers. Well Mr. Brett will be there, but he doesn't count as teacher so. No teacher. Have you packed your bag yet? She asks.

"No, not really" he says as they both walk home together.

"Well start packing immediately you get home, aren't you excited to go? She asks with wide eyes.

" I am, I truly am... He assures her. I'll be spending three whole days with you, how could I not be.. He mumbled to himself.

"what did you say? She asks as she didn't get his last sentence.

" Nothing. He lies. I was just wondering if you'd come with your sketch book, you'll be able to practice more. He immediately found a suitable lie.

"it's not like I will draw a dress or a jacket made out of tree trunk and birds, how would it help me practice more.