87. A friend...

She had just fallen asleep when Jerry returned back from work a little bit past 10. He was surprised to come back home and find her in the house. It felt like months since he'd witnessed this sight last. He always felt it was like coming home to a wife. Only slight difference is that he's not her husband, and she most definitely isn't his wife. 

He walks over to were she laid on the chair, soundly asleep like a cat. "I guess you guys really have a lot of work. So much so that it made you sleepy. He knelt down beside her., his hands reached for her face to move some strands of caramel brown hair that had fallen to her face, but then he withdrew his hand. She rarely got a lot of sleep, touching her could disrupt the little one she was able to catch.

"I don't know if I should be angry at them for making you over work and tire you out, or be grateful to them for making you fall asleep. *sigh*