93. Sick Isla...

Realizing something was wrong with her, he drives to the hospital in full speed. He never really liked hospitals, it was always packed with female nurses. 

But tonight, he didn't even think about his dislike for hospitals, all he thought of was he needed to get her there in time. "Hello, Hello Jake, I'm almost at your hospital, come out please. There's an emergency" he said to a friend of his who was a top surgeon in the hospital, and without further explanation he hangs up. 

Pulling into the hospital, he almost runs out of the car, pacing to the other side, and carrying her out bridal style, running into he hospital. 

"I need a doctor" he yelled as he entered, as he wasn't seeing Jake anywhere around. Some nurses rushed over to him, with a movable bed, he places her on it.

Still not noticing that within less than two hours, he'd come in contact with women, and was completely okay. He instantly dialed his friends number, but...