94. Back in time XX: Going on the trip...

It was finally Thursday, the day they'd all been waiting for. Most especially Mr. Brett. He looked even more ecstatic that the students. 

The time of departure was set to 9am in the morning, so by 8:30, all students were expected to already be were the bus was. Isla was already there, turning heads and neck looking for her boyfriend, she had called and he said he was on his way, but he's still not here, and that was about three minutes ago. How much longer would he take to get here. 

"Looking for something? A mocking voice came from behind her. She turned around and saw Henry, Gabe, Viv and Julie. Once upon a time, she would have been standing on that side with these guys, but now seeing them just irked her. Their presence always just spoiled her mood. 

"Non of your business" she sharply says, turning her head back to where Damon should be coming from.