2. There he is!

Enjoying the ticklish feeling of human tipsy emotions, Eros stretched his arms.

"Ah~ This is way better than just watching movies all day!"

The moment he looked at a young woman in a red dress, she put a glass in his hand without saying a word. Eros nodded in response and she felt her knees shiver.

'The human world is the best~'

He wasn't even sure of what it was, but humans always felt the need to satisfy him so he knew it couldn't taste bad.

'... It isn't something bad, is it?!'

'Pft! No way~'

Besides, who would harm him at a party?

Smiling, he gulped down another drink. The liquid burned his throat and made him gag, but in the middle of a room filled with all kinds of passionate feelings, he didn't feel bothered by it.

'Yes, yes, this is even better than yesterday's afterparty! Or was that this morning?'

Eros chuckled to himself.

As of late, he kept wanting to go out at night and have fun in the human world, where his mom couldn't reach him at the moment.

Eros had experienced millions of celebrations before, and they were always full of festive spirit. However, it was nothing compared to what he felt these days. He could go to a supermarket and his skin would get goosebumps just by standing next to a happy couple.

His spirit was intoxicated.

'Yes~ It was a good decision.'

Already taking another glass, a memory flashed through his mind. He remembered the lecture his mom's secretary, Iris, gave him earlier.

{"You are almost a thousand years old." She said with a frown on her face, "as you are a deity of passion, your existence will become clearer and you will experience a permanent change in the way you personify love.

We can't have a deity going around with divine arrows in the middle of a breakdown. You need to be extremely careful during this time! Are you listening?!}

Iris lectured him a bit more after that, but he was busy trying to remember where he left his arrows last night and fighting against a killer hangover at the same time.

'Well, the arrows are one thing, but just how do I tell her I broke my bow?'

Two people rushed over to fill his empty glass as Eros took a bite of a brownie a waiter brought for him, pouting.

He didn't like the way Iris spoke to him like he was an irresponsible teenager. Did she seriously think he wouldn't be able to control his emotions?

'Yeah, right, I already went through puberty like a millennium ago. I can handle a little bit of change~'

The lights of the ballroom shifted from white to blue, and a man standing alone in the middle of the room caught his attention. It was only for a short moment, but his eyes, lips, skin, and posture captivated him.

He was suddenly reminded of the flowers in the garden of his mother's palace. Among them, those gardened by Aphrodite herself were the most beautiful. Their petals carried all the colors in the world and could add two or so years to a human's lifespan.

'Who is that? I've never seen a human so beautiful.' He thought. Eros wondered if his mother had blessed him during the time she felt the happiest.


At that moment, Eros felt a sudden rush of adrenaline running through his veins. The feverish feeling was so sudden and electrifying that he had to lean against the bar and unbutton his shirt.

One of his hands shot to his throat. It was difficult for him to breathe and he heard how his heart kept beating rampant.

'What- What is happening?!'

["Ladies, gentlemen, and other distinguished guests! Welcome to the annual Demetriou's gala!"]

He could feel happiness, rage, astonishment, and, among all of them, deep desperation and ambition. It wasn't a dark emotion, rather it made him feel refreshed. He could tell the host of such feelings was full of youth.

'Why do I feel this way? It's so hot all of a sudden.'

"DJ!" He heard someone shout. The man's voice activated another wave of tremors along his body. He looked up, searching for the owner of the voice.

As Psyche turned his back on the crowd, under the blue light of the reflectors, Eros' eyes wandered through his neck, back, and butt. He couldn't help but record the images in his memory.

"Hit it!"

If he hadn't been overcome by the crazy number of different sensations, he would have cringed at the phrase. But when the man's jacket fell to the ground, Eros knew that if he had had his arrows on him, they would have been flying wild.

["Enjoy the show, everyone!"]

As the music got louder, Psyche unbuttoned his shirt. His eyes were locked on Eros'.

Psyche's brother had told him that the Third Heaven's heir had had a crush on him for a long time. Phyros didn't tell him how he knew that. However, by the expression on Eros' face, he could tell it was true.

The man gulped down every time Psyche let go of one button.

'What do I do? He actually looks kind of cute.'

He only needed to catch his attention, but perhaps he succeeded in doing far more than he imagined. Eros' reaction made Psyche feel bad about wanting to get money out of him.

'Still, it can't be helped. I need to do this.'

In the meantime, Psyche uncovered one of his shoulders. At the sight of the black leather, the reactions of the people in the room went wild, especially those of the daughters and sons of big companies.

"Is this part of the event?"

"This is a charity, right? Butler, go get my wallet! Hurry!"

"Oh, my dear god!"

"Who is that?! How does he like his eggs in the morning?! Please tell me!"

"I already have two hundred people watching! Everyone, remember to subscribe!"

Unfortunately, not all the guests shared the emotion of the youngsters.

"How scandalous!"

"Is he insane? Who allowed him to enter?"

"Isn't that the illegitimate son of the Demetriou's group?"

"Good heavens!"

"What is the CEO doing? He should control his kid!"

"He couldn't even control himself, you think he'd be able to control his child?"

"Like father, like son~"

"At least he will make good pocket money out of this shit show."


From the balcony on the second floor, Psyche's father threw his glass of wine against a wall. The action startled some people and made others go silent, but it wasn't enough to get everyone's attention away from Psyche.

"Father," Adolphe called, "calm down. I already called security."

"Calm down?!" His father shouted, throwing another glass at the floor. "That- That- That son of a-! How dare he do this to me!"


As the voice came from Psyche's stepmother, the people in the room went silent. Evangeline was the first and only daughter of a well-known family. Even if she hadn't married, she would hold the same amount of power between the high society as she did know.

"Cut the lights for a moment and let the guards take him to his room. Change the music and give the announcement of Anna's engagement."

In a far corner of the room, Psyche's little sister gasped. Her engagement wasn't supposed to be so soon, she hadn't even met the man!

"Understood, mother," Adolphe said, turning around to make sure Anna kept quiet.

"Lock him up for a week. Feed him water and bread only." Evangeline turned around to look at Anna, "What are you doing? Go get another dress."

"Yes!" She answered and left in a hurry.

Anna swiftly ran around the mansion, avoiding the crowded places. As she was about to head towards the kitchen, she heard a voice call out.

"Sorry miss, have you seen the Third Heaven's heir anywhere?"

It was a tall young woman, with long dark hair. Her eyes were of two different colors, and Anna blushed inwardly when she saw them.

"Ah, yes, let me see,"

"Nevermind," Iris said as she pointed at the tall man in the bar, "There he is!"

"Ah, yes. Wait! I-"

Iris no longer paid attention to her, and Anna quickly ran to her room, embarrassed. Looking at her go, Iris frowned.

She glanced at the place where Eros' eyes were fixated.

'Oh, no.' She thought. 'The queen won't like any of this.'