The Mission (2)

The cars turned to the street where the Four Seasons Hotel was located. The hotel was so large that it occupied almost half of the street by itself. The car entered the main gate, and the group got off.

It had already been more than half a month since Keiko last saw Mo Qingshui. She seemed to have lost a lot of weight. She was dressed in an exquisite white nightdress and seemingly didn't bring anyone with her. She stepped out of the car, and stayed beside the car, smiling at Jeanne and Keiko, who was walking over unhurriedly.

"Dear cousin, it's been a long time since I've seen you. I miss you." Despite smiling so sweetly, Jeanne's voice was so cold, Keiko shuddered the moment she heard it.

"Dear cousin, I miss you too." Mo Qingshui replied with a smile that was not less sweet, but it didn't seem to reach her eyes.

They are really like cats and dogs... Keiko shook her head helplessly when she smelled gunpowder in the air.