The Mission (3)

It was quite dimmed inside the passage.

Enmity didn't turn on the light. That was what an amateur did.

She just quietly waited for her eyes to adjust to the darkness, put a silencer on her gun, and then slowly approached the door leading to the inner hall in the stairwell. The moment she got through the door, she suddenly got stuck. It was equipped with access control and needed authorization to unlock.

He Yingning had already entered the building together with the man in the suit, so Enmity had to act quickly.

"Joan, do you know He Yingning's position right now?" She asked quietly.

After a while, Joan's answer came from the intercom headset.

"She entered the staff elevator and went to the top floor."

Do they also go to the top floor? The ominous premonition in Enmity's heart became stronger and stronger, and while hurriedly climbing up the stairs, she asked Joan again.

"Do you have a way to open the door?"